LaffingRain wrote on Jan 11th, 2007 at 4:00pm:as I was reading your last post AhSo, I picked something up and passing it along for what its worth. I saw your guides working on the head chakra to balance the left to the right into a merge situation. this enables you to increase your thought circumference to an expanded state of awareness. these guides spring directly from TMI's school of thought which is on the expansion itself. I saw your soul attending a classroom during your absence.
love to you, and I celebrate all of us here. alysia
Thank you for sharing that Alysia. There is something interesting which might be connected to this.
I hadn't seriously meditated in quite awhile and then a couple (or a week and a half) ago, i decided to meditate, and i used the "Opening the Heart" series which Laurie Monroe voiced.
I had no clue till i recently re-joined that Laurie had recently died, and i found this out well after that meditation.
Anyways, the meditation was really intense, i felt so much Love energy that tears were just rolling down my cheeks even though my body was pretty asleep.
Perhaps Laurie and others she know, were helping out during this meditation? I did get a brief but quite well formed visualization of her face, but i thought at the time it was only because at one brief point i was trying to express gratitude to her, TMI, etc. for all they have done for humanity.
Love is the great synthesizer and merging/bonding energy, the great expander.
Anyways, all i know is that for the last couple of years or so, i've been going through some pretty intense testings and its been rather constant. Transiting Saturn has been in my 1st house for quite awhile, and transiting Pluto has been squaring the traditional ruler of my Sun sign, which is Saturn. Uranus has been going through my 8th and opposing my Virgo stellium (N.Node/Mars Jupiter CON, and Saturn in Virgo cusping into Libra). My progressed Moon just left (or still leaving) a conjunction with natal Saturn. Some Mars stuff added in as well for good measure

Basically what this means or translates too, is that my Total Self decided this was a good time to put me through some constant ego pounding, challenges, difficult relationships, karma balancing, etc. With the hope that it would help expand and balance my energies more and more.
I feel like lately, i've just started to swing back towards the Jupiter, Solar, Neptune and Venus forces. Maybe T.S. will ease up a bit, hopefully i learned some things which i was meant to..
Well thanks again for passing this along, i very much appreciate it

. It seems like many of us have been going through some heavy and intense times, God speed and consciousness expanding to us all during these extreme times we live in.