thanks dude, that was great, heres my visual to back u up, visuals help me a lot, and I thank the unknown artist...notice the different body layers we can visualize entering different dimensions, loosening themselves from the physical body as in flight...

the mental body will attend classes on the mental level, the emotional body will surf a different dimension where emotions can be operating apart from mental constructs (so it can seem, but not really) the light body will seek higher knowledge and contains the will power I would suspect as well as intentions for fulfilling the life's intentions, the etheric body is another subtle body, I hear closest to the physical vibration of the cellular mass.
the etheric body was used to draw a substance from in order for a materialization of a spirit to take place, I have read of this. I would conjecture the etheric and emotional body can act as one during an obe, so entertwined can they be, but some of these bodies of which there may be seven, you cannot take into the higher dimensions and must shed them off, pick them up on the way back down (my opinion)
the desire body (ambition perhaps, yeanings, curiosity) will be in the astral body which would explain this body to appear in front of my sister once (she's not into this study) due to my desire to visit with her and let her know I was still her sister, lol. so this body can spin off and account for those involuntary experiences of sponteneity of which surprise us no end. I had the desire to project and intention to her, however bringing the memory of my success back home to the brain was unsuccessful. we need to work on remembering more when we exit but it takes time and acceptance of actually being able to project a form of ourself. I like the RTZ letters, works for me Dude, have discovered a no time or all time zone which is a combination zone of all time periods, seems to be grid lines that allow transport on these time lines and the distractions are myriad all the more reason for having a singular intention out there I suppose!