Not sure if i will answer everything, since i don't know much about it, but SURE will read the comments/informations..

With love, Romain
Hi again Romain. was thinking about this subject again today. hope I was plugging into some energy info. I feel a ramble coming on!

basically Ram picked up what he had to interpret in his book, like each of us will do the same thing and interpret slightly differently according to our experiences and thank god we are all diverse people as it makes the world interesting. if loosh is love energy then I see no conflict as at first I did. I now think we are all here to express love as best we can as a goal to hold, or perhaps an affirmation at first, then a goal. I suppose we will spend a lot of time defining love or loosh because its our nature to define, box up, divide it, segmentalize it, ship it to the warehouse and store it. we are humans and love is the greatest mystery just until all the fight gets knocked out of us, then grace, which is love too enters into the desolate soul. this is my experience and have enjoyed the heck out of my journey even with a few punches beneath the belt here and there!
loosh, love propogates the species here and later shores up the soul on its way back home. I think Ram may have needed a new word, as love is a four letter word you know! it has many meanings to it. loosh has no false meanings on it, yet, that is!
ha ha! just wait. its to an authors credit they even get noticed, so thanks Ram! just wait till I die, I'm going to shake his hand and ask, say Ram, how exactly did you come up with loosh word?

moving slightly to another guides remind me of a life review I did once; if I can recall the conversation a bit:
guides: did u love well?
me: I could have done better.
guides: well, you have eternity if you want to love better. just go back.
me: my intentions were good but...
guides: thats all that really matters in the end. to discover what the intentions were and keep them untainted by the promise of gain for the self.
me: so I've heard from the grapevine. question please; how many lives do I have to plow thru to produce a crop of loosh?
guides: well, you have to look at each life closely to see if the furrows on your brow are deep enough for the seeds of loosh to nestle into. Loosh is your nature before u took on belief systems of myriad value.
me: baggage?
guides: you could see it that way. do u have a judgment there?
me: I guess not really in lieu of the gain in the end.
guides: and the gain is?
me: to be able to feel deeply both sorrow and joy I suppose. is it like Gibran said, you will laugh but not all your laughter, you will cry, but not all your tears?
guides: that's true. love/loosch has a way of making a pearl, from scuse us, waste material of the clam. it do put u thru your paces.
Me: thanks guys. this is my final run. I'll see what I can do to express more love or loosh, whatever...
Guides: well, never say never, ok? you have a way of changing your mind consistently.
me: true, but things are getting redundant down there. I don't think I'll change my mind this time about that.
guides: keep an open mind and an open heart or nothing new happens.
me: oh, thats right. you're going to have to help me with the laughter part.
guides: certainly, we are you, you are us, we are one; do u think we could desert what we love?
me: thats heartening to think.
guides: yes, no heavy heart stuff. lighten up. sleeping in the earth will yield wakefulness on the morrow and the harvest is nearly here.

hey, Romain, someday I'll meet you too on the other side too! will u be easy for me to find?

wear a funny hat or something, ok?