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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 21
im 30, I picked up Roberts first book at around 20, investigated and looked into it, trained, slowly completed the gateway course, first few waves, Started to perceive energys and of course if you continue up to the remote viewing module (strongest module in my opinon) then you really have come forward some what.
I work and my boss is my master I guess, I like buddism, I know the truth of it but to be honest I do some times get a bit affraid of were I am going, I have been out of body I have shared various dreams with my father, that impressed him some what in life.
So what i mean to say is I have a few questions.
- Ok first does any one know does buddha remain awake always 24 hours so to speak, I can understand complete frankness and I guess there is always energy, even over there, to feed from, is this a universal law that there is mental food energy every were.
- I enjoy the lotus posistion and flower fresh breathing, I also know in my heart the importance of peace for every body, Im some what vexed with the people I see fighting in the middle east, ill drop this they will understand in good time any way. My question is I am able to physically put myself in the lotus posiston and become safe or centered but out of body is some what different, with out a body going through various energy areas. What I mean to say is what training improves longevity of exsitance. This is hard to explain what I mean but basicly I am cool in the lotus position but maybe I wont have this kind of option, this method of being soild (soild like mountain).
- Getting older and moving on is quite harsh and this might sound stupid but how thick is it there, Mature good kind actions for a life time and working to be minndfull are fine, When I consider things I understand the importance of correct action back to newer people, learner, younger people. As I get older obvious things spring into my mind which seem to give me a new way to carry on or behave, does any one have any personal storys or tips.
- When you are young you smoke drink and think you will last forever but when you start to get a bit older and there is no getting off the ride untill it is well and done, this is very serious and with out complete faith that we are not seperate and such things as distance being some thing not real, its very harsh, its strong, upsetting....
- I have considered the entirety of all humans living and the ones to come, it is a lot, a lot of suffering but still very good in ways.