Cathy_B wrote on Aug 4th, 2006 at 3:15am:A friend has a series of photos of herself and the dogs by the river, but the interesting thing is that the orbs are getting closer in every photo.
If these were dust/mould/reflections, would they not be static?
Cathy B
anything on the lens of the camera is not always going to be static since some camera lenses rotate during zoom/focusing. You should also look at the negatives to see if they get closer in the series of photos ie 1,2,3,4 or whether they just get move about but if the pics are put in a certain order appear to be closer.
I saw an excellent orb at work today, it was a picture in a nightclub and the person had not used flash which gave a longer exposure and caused the lights to streak, except for this orb. Not the be best i've seen but its up there. The best was a picture with a large orb which appeared to have a 'donut' energy effect to it, ie one inner energy ring and one outer.