The relationship of the Disk/Higher Self/Oversoul and the Earth-Life-System
Chapter 22, "Disk Consciousness"
In this chapter Bruce wrote that the Disk and the Earth-Life-System (ELS) are different things. Even Focus 27 is part of the ELS "as a whole". But the CWs are not, they're Disk members. Disk members are exploring the entire ELS and they seem each to be specialized on the exploring of certain areas of the ELS (1). The ELS is labeled as "the unknown called Earth Life System, and Off-Disk-members are sent out to turn this unknown into known by sending informations back to their Disk through it's filaments of awareness.
This, together with the read about BST hells and heavens left me with an odd, uncomfortable feeling. What bothered me was, the ELS in this description seemed to have an independent existence on its own, independent of the Disk and its probes. The ELS is part of the unknown and to be explored, so this seems to say there is an object with its own laws and the probes only are observers, like our human artificial probes, only observing processes running and sending the data to their home base. So, one can interprete, the probes have no influence on the processes that actually are taking place within the ELS, and that there is no development of the probes because of that, because they are merely information channels, and when they fulfilled their purpose of browsing their area of the ELS they're just going back into the disk as "permanent members". So, what's actually happening in the ELS depends only on the ELS' inner laws and not on any influence of the probes. That's a bit depressing, isn't it? It's similar like what materialists are saying, there are material causality processes and that's the only thing of influence.
Of course I had to do a mind-journey about this, so with this wondering I went to the TMI crystal:
It was difficult to keep questions in mind, so I made a graphic as a symbol for my wondering:
The white stands for the Disk and its filaments of awareness and probes reaching out to get information about the black, the unknown, in our case the ELS (btw the unknown can't be completely unknown when there are distinctions of areas like "ELS").
After entering the crystal I asked my question with the help of my graphic. It seemed to me Bob Monroe was there. We went up. There was a white being in a fuzzy humanoid form. A stream of pictures and or thoughts and words followed which felt like I was thinking it but much faster and in less limitations than my usual thinking:
>>>The ELS is a dark possibility-space. Through the probes it is enlightened, possibilities are chosen to come real. There are infinite possibilities, though still within a frame. Visual: My graphic, but now in the dark were many lines of different colors. Like there are many electric light-lines, but not all are switched on. When the probes interact with the ELS-unknown, these light-lines went on, to me symbolizing that a potentiality has turned into actual reality.
So, both is true. The ELS exists independently from the disk, but the probes choose certain distinct possibilities. If you so want, it is a giving-life process. Every probe/person has a different "line" (now ment another type of line than the colored ones in the ELS) which at a point will be closed. Then the stay within the ELS is fulfilled. The experiences of the probes are very different, but in every case when the line of a probe is closed it means always: It's perfect. Some become light beings/angels, some don't. But every probe gets/becomes what perfectly fits to it.
Now, the creator of the ELS. See, there are the Disks, and the other, the spaces of possibilities. It is like two branches of the whole, a polarity. You ask what happens when a Disk gathered all together? I felt an expansion, not anymore the physical universe...all disc members stay the same through this shift, but everyone of them has access to all the entire knowledge of the disc, a perfect collective. This Disk now can create new structures, explore itself, change it's borders (that means creating new forms of communication with other Disks, to shift into another level of Disk-hierarchy).
Bob Monroe remarked: "You know what that means? Your Disk is a creator. You are a creator. And the implications of this, those possibility-spaces, like the ELS for example, are/could be structures of a graduated Disk.<<<
(1) Interestingly, Bruce tells (or he is told) that some of the Disk's probes never had a lifetime on the physical earth. Once when I had a little helper's gathering at my place in F 27 there came a fifth one which I hadn't seen before. He (felt more male) looks like a humanoid shaped outline filled with a pattern that looks like some photographs of star clusters. I was told this one hasn't had a lifetime on earth, but has much knowledge of levels and places within the ELS and even of other systems. He would once incarnate, but only one time, together with someone who is very experienced in living on physical earth, and they would maybe even share one human body.