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"dreams" as evidence of parrallel realit (Read 30933 times)
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #15 - Jan 12th, 2005 at 5:44pm

Smiley I'm aware that parallel and probable realites is not easy to understand, long as we tied up our singular entities beliefs... especially if we don't really understand the nature of our own physical realities...

I don't know if I am in a BST or a parallel place

In my understandings and experiences the so called BST's have absolutely nothing to do with either parallel or probable realities....

BST  is not a* place*, it is not a* town*, it is when the individual hold themselves *static* in their objective awareness based their beliefs before their disengagement.
In that transition period  they shed the beliefs that are associated with this physical reality. Their consciousness  moving into new areas of exploration that  will NOT  involve belief systems
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #16 - Jan 12th, 2005 at 6:39pm
  Hey Freebird,   I go in waves with this stuff. I'll have a series of obes over months and then it will recede, only to resurface again as more time goes by. But if I'm in a phase of intentionally making it a practice, it can be on-going. This stuff has been going on for me for 4 decades now, it seems I've learned just a little in that time, but I know a little stuff for sure...The practice of going from waking to sleeping with no loss of consciousness, no 'blackout', is straight-forward; you intend to rest your intention on the sensations of your body as it goes into sleep. The sensations of your physical body will change to sensations of the subtle body (i.e; the feeling of being an 'electrical field'). You're alert and watchful thru this. There comes a moment in the deepening relaxation where you initiate movement. You're out, with no loss of consciousness....Going from sleeping to waking consciously, I use an idea of Robert Monroe's.  You're lucid in a dream; try imagining wiggling a physical toe. ( This can seem very strange to do, especially when the idea of a physical body seems imaginary...) What happens is you get this dim sense of a faraway toe moving and then there's a swift swing into sensations of a deeply, deeply relaxed sleeping physical body. You wake up, having gone thru no blackout during the transition.... These things require finess and a willingness not to grasp for immediate results. Even though someone may tell you to try certain things, you have to discover how it works for yourself... For a while,  waking and sleeping were seamless, all of one piece. "I" never went away. Life was a continuous dream. I stopped the practice. It was hard to integrate at the time. (I interact with a lot of people at my day job.) But now I'm inspired to take the practice up again; I can handle it now and I'm willing to spend the years it might take to make it on-going. I realise now there are tremendous possibilities to such a practice. I'm in a late phase of my life, the idea of taking this up again seems like real fun.  And yeah Freebird, I know absolutely for sure that there is no death. That knowledge does take a certain edge off things; knowing you WILL survive anything that happens in your life. But that knowledge brings more questions than answers, and I'll still have to deal with regrets and longings (if I don't deal with them now) that may arise at the time of my death. Plus I love being human! There are unique possibilities in this place. I also agree with you that not all dreams are obes. Like eskimos have many words for "snow", we need many ways of describing the different types of phenomena we call "dreams". The Tibetans say that early morning dreams are different from the evening ones. The first dream-cycles are imagination. Early morning dreams are actual. I think that can be the case, but is not necessarily so...    Best to you all, Tim
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #17 - Jan 12th, 2005 at 10:16pm
. You're out, with no loss of consciousness....

thanks Tim for the detail. I think we need this kind of talk because I agree that we each have our unique way of developing, of exploring, no way is better than anothers, and if we were all the same, how boring would that get?  Cheesy

but you brought remembrance for me of something. right after my sister died she came to me. it was not a dream which is my usual way of contact with the deceased. what was interesting about it was all that day I got the strange sensation that tonite would be the nite she would come. I wasn't sure at the time I wanted to speak with her as we had had a serious falling out. lol! Grin she had disowned me. anyway as I closed my eyes that nite my body fell  into sleep state while the conscious mind was highly alert for what seemed like hours. my head was vibrating strongly. actually it was tiring but on it continued until at last I heard actual voices seeming to move closer in. It was the voice of my sister discussing something with either her guide or her best friend who had transitioned before her. my sister had been fairly young, 38 and had cancer. she had a tough transition, yelling at everyone. I was really upset with her then for blaming everyone for her troubles. anyway the hostility in her voice I couldn't take and I yelled at her, something I thought I would never say to anyone: I yelled "JOAN! YOU WANTED ALL THE LOVE IN THIS LIFE!" Undecided ??? for years I tried to figure out why I said this. especially "in this life." probably because we've been together in other lives. anyway, it was the being awake but being asleep state that was peculiar to me. seemed so subjective in a way as I of my personality did not wish to speak to her. I sensed she wanted some closure with me, as most a lot of folks do exactly the same upon death. they go out to make things right that they feel is left undone. I felt bad because I hadn't been ready to forgive her at that moment and essentially pushed her away and closed the door in her face. we've since worked things out to a kind of truce. perhaps the point I want to make is that connection is there with especially family members coming down the pike so to speak. she had been sending her energy throughout the day into my awareness. cheers, alysia
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #18 - Jan 12th, 2005 at 11:42pm
Hi everyone,

I've really been enjoying this discussion, and been wanting to add my two cents for a while now.  I'd like to expand a little on something Tim just talked about, which I think I got from Seth somewhere.  (Maybe Dora knows where he talked about this.)

That is that we have different kinds of dreams.  Some may seem precognitive, though I think they're more like visualizing possible futures ~ nothing set in stone, but the psyche preparing for probable future situations.  Other dreams could likewise be reviews of the past ~ a way to see the day's events, for example, in a different way.  Other dreams might be communications from various levels of our subconscious, having value and meaning for us even if we're never able to interpret them.

There may be more ~ I can't remember ~ but the point I want to make is that all dreams are not just of one kind, with just one purpose, meaning or value.  They're internal communications within ourselves, from one part of ourselves to another so to speak, and serve us in ways we may never comprehend, whether or not we're able to interpret or understand them.

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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #19 - Jan 13th, 2005 at 10:43am
Hi Glen, and all...

Yes Seth as Elias also extensively cover our dreamstates...

here is several from Seth...

"So that to understand a dream properly we should first discover at which conscious area it originates. Individuals can be enabled to find the point of origin for themselves, after an attempt is made to recall any given dream or dreams... A state of dissociation is necessary, a letting down of egotistical barriers in order that inner symbolisms can be appreciated and distinguished. The change of focus alone will aid in intuitional enlightenment, and association can then rise more easily through the subconscious areas."
The Early Sessions, Book 3

"Within the dream state all mankind knows the outcome of any given dilemma. No predestination is involved. The problems have already been worked out in a mental or psychic level, but not yet physically materialized. Precognitive dreams therefore are precognitive only in line with your own accepted root assumptions. Decisions have already been made, but have not yet caught up to you within the physical system."
The Early Sessions, Book 7

"Request the answer to any problem and it will be given, but you must trust yourself and learn to interpret your own dreams. There is no other way to do this except by beginning yourself and working with your own dreams, for this will awaken your intuitive abilities and give you the knowledge that you need."
The Nature of Personal Reality

Within your dream state, you incorporate many layers of dreams. One dream possesses many dimensions and holds many messages. I offer, in interpretation of your dreams, only one; that one which is closest to your waking consciousness. Each one of these dreams that you incorporate holds many levels, many aspects of consciousness, many different connections and messages. You incorporate one dream that may be connected with what you experience at any one time. This same dream also may be connected with precognitive elements. This same dream may also be connected with other focuses or with cultures, even global events. It may connect with other individuals within another area of consciousness"

shall address also that within your dream state, yes, you do engage probable selves and realities continuously. When you are engaging precognitive activity, you are intersecting with other probable selves which are experiencing parallel to your known, official, accepted reality, and offering you information; and as all time is simultaneous, there is no future or past to be experienced. It is all occurring within the present now. You do not look to your future to be accessing information that linearly would be occurring, in your perception, in the future. You look sideways to a probable self which is presently experiencing these actions and events, and you allow yourself the opportunity to be engaging and intersecting with these probable selves. This offers you alternate information"
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #20 - Jan 13th, 2005 at 10:50am
     Hey Alysia,   Doing this work is like throwing a light on in a dark room, or lingering in a place we normally pass thru quickly; stuff comes from the background up into the foreground.. I have had raw emotion surface that startled me,  that I wasn't aware I had.  I too have wondered why I felt certain ways and wished I had chosen differently....The wonderful thing about being human is we get the chance to learn from our experiences,   experiencing the rawness of  emotion, seeing that in the light of day, how we feel about it now. Raw things coming out of the dark have startled me; later I have found the experience invaluble. While it's happening it has shaken me and brought up questions. Much later, I recognise the gift in seeing what is there. I can't deal with or acknowledge it if I don't know it exists....Family stuff is so powerful... I've fallen out with my twin brother (fraternal twin, not identical)  At some point, thru some kind of skillful means, there might be a reapproachment. It also might never happen.  I recognise each member of my family has their own journey to make, they are all indivuals with their own work.  Some things might not be able to be reconciled  the way my image of it would like...Alysia, you have a willingness to see what's there, just to have that emotion come up implies you have the courage to see it.  I don't know, but what you told your sister may have been  something she needed to hear...  Just the fact that you told your story is an inspiration to me.  Thanks friend,  the shop is getting busy now and bookstore kitty is yowling (hungry bub?) but I will talk to ya soon,  Much love, Tim
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #21 - Jan 13th, 2005 at 2:12pm
You do not look to your future to be accessing information that linearly would be occurring, in your perception, in the future. You look sideways to a probable self which is presently experiencing these actions and events, and you allow yourself the opportunity to be engaging and intersecting with these probable selves. This offers you alternate information"

thank you Dora! Grin precisely what I have been looking for you have posted. scuse me while I go smash my head on the wall and try to calm down. Shocked
this is making so much sense. btw, now I know who the smiling lady was in my dream. it was you. you were so helpful to me! love, alysia Grin
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #22 - Jan 13th, 2005 at 2:28pm
.Alysia, you have a willingness to see what's there, just to have that emotion come up implies you have the courage to see it.  I don't know, but what you told your sister may have been  something she needed to hear...  Just the fact that you told your story is an inspiration to me.  Thanks friend,  the shop is getting busy now and bookstore kitty is yowling (hungry bub?) but I will talk to ya soon,  Much love, Tim
you also inpire me as well Tim. as well many here do help me learn how to communicate. wanted to thank you! have a book store? I hope my book makes it's way unto your shelf...hee. any day now I'm thinking. Cheesy   I would read your book avidly too if you write one. love, alysia  ps. family is really interesting, sometimes they are like strangers until we can begin to see a bigger picture operating. predict you and your brother will reconcile at some point. Grin
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Re: "dreams" as evidence of parrallel re
Reply #23 - Jan 13th, 2005 at 10:20pm
Hi Glen, and all...

Yes Seth as Elias also extensively cover our dreamstates...

here is several from Seth...

Thank you Dora for the wonderful quotes!  I knew I could count on you.

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