What a word means, is really up to what it means in you. Thus, a similiar case to the word "Christianity", which could mean something sacred, holy and Godly for one person, or it could mean something dogmatic, limiting, and even fear based which means unloving (ironically, fear or anti-love means anti-Christ) for another person.
In exactly the same way, the term "New Age" could mean either something positive for some people, or something not-so-positive, for other people.
Or myself personally, I use the word "New Age" to simply mean the collaborative and combined efforts of all (across both the physical and extraphysical, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial) who are working towards bringing a better tomorrow, a new age of understanding, progress and evolution for all of humanity, for the entire planetary civilization.
The work of the many individuals and organizations listed on my website (including Bruce Moen, incidentally), describes my personal take on the term 'New Age'.
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