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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 958
South Africa
Hi .. seeing the Astral World is being mentioned .. I'd like to post the following and welcome comments ...
Understanding the Astral World
The realm above, next to and around our visible world is the Astral realm. The Astral realm should be viewed as an initiation station, a gateway.
The Astral is a realm where desires, passions, feelings, wishes, sensations, blind instincts, fantasies and lust take on myriads of forms and shapes.
Here supersensible beings higher and lower than man can assume shape and form; some entice and deceive him, others to communicate with him. Here also are mankinds individual and collective hates, passions, wishes etc that take shape and form.
In addition, all the soul qualities concentrated in the various animal species have their group souls in the Astral world. For instance, the quality of cattiness that embraces all cats, the tigerishness in all tigers, the rattiness of rats, the foxiness of all foxes etc.
One can also encounter astral forms representing qualities of supersensible beings which never incarnate on earth. .
What a diversity of shapes of forms all these beings can assume. How hideous some of these can be sensed from descriptions of nightmares, childhood dreams and feverish experiences.
In the Astral world forces of sympathy and antipathy are dominant. Each mans own inner nature attracts to himself those beings of a similar nature to this own. Antipathy repels to unlike him.
Self-knowledge therefore, is essential before entering the Astral world, because ones own desires and passions confront him in animal or more seldom, in human form. Even the conditions of ones physical organs are spread our before him and take a dramatic animal form. Delusion results for the unprepared and unsuspecting.
Into this world is the medium, the drugged and the hypnotised cast. The dangers of deception are present every moment and he who enters the astral world unprepared and uninformed of its nature will therefore bring back unreliable information and fantasy.
The human being has a supersensible 'double' which takes of his own inner nature and ones own inner nature may take on shapes so horrible and frightening.
One may call our 'double' in the Astral world as 'The Dweller of the Threshold'. It is he himself in his unpurified inner nature that thus confronts him.
This is the key, the gateway, to raise our sentinent soul to the level of Spirit-Self.
Man needs a high degree of moral development, self knowledge and courage in order to enter the higher worlds safely. With this man gains freedom as an individual ego distinct from his former state of being just a member of a family, a tribe or nation.
If man continued to see higher super human beings whom he considered to be heroes, gods and goddesses he could not become free.
extract taken from 'outline of esoteric science' rudolf steiner