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There must have been a time when we (Read 5963 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 27
Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #15 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 4:55pm
Jambo wrote:
The bilbe was NOT written by ordinary people it was written by priests and disciples whose ONLY interests were to CONTROL people and keep POWER.

The bible contains many horror tales such as rape, incest amongst many other things so how can you use it as a moral guide.
Jambo, priests and disciples possessed no special powers, and were definitely not divine beings.  They were ordinary people just like you and me.

Think, for a moment, about some of the dreams/visions you have had in your lifetime.  If you were to write them down immediately, would they make perfect sense to you...or to anyone else.  Probably not.  The same goes for the visions given to those responsible for writing the Bible.  These books are recorded accounts from the perspectives of ordinary people. 

God has chosen not to physically show Himself to us for reasons we cannot understand at this point in our physical existence.  He has a purpose behind this decision.  One day we will all know and we will all understand.  Whether it is now or later: "...every knee shall bow to me, and every tounge shall confess to God." Rom 14:11 Smiley
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