Quote:Do I hear the "dueling banjos" someplace???
There was a time till adam and eve spoiled it if they hadnt disobeyed god and bit the apple on the tree of life in the garden of eden we would still be living in paradise right now with no wars no pain only love . deanna
If there were only TWO people in the beginning (Adam and Eve)...
Guess who their boys were "doing the nasty" with, especially as no DAUGHTERS of Adam and Eve are mentioned

Incest. Rape. Pedophilia. Murder. Dead bodies coming to life... Horror-movie monsters...
And people want their kids reading THIS book
(The Bible!) in SCHOOL?
Move over, Hollywood...
It's a fairy tale, there's magic talking serpents, forbidden fruits, genes that allow for massive amounts of incestuous inbreeding..
Why try to find contradiction among such things?
..What I have a problem with, is two people do something wrong, acting only as they were created to, and then everyone has to pay for it, even though they weren't even born yet?
Seriously, people.. I know we're all suppose to be all.. "respectful" of each other's beliefs, but..