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There must have been a time when we (Read 6110 times)
george stone
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There must have been a time when we
Feb 10th, 2006 at 3:57pm
There must have been a time when we were perfect in the eyes of God,I have heard that there were wars in heaven.Could we have fallen from grase.Maybe thats why we were sent here on earth to find our way through repentence back to otherwords,we had fallen from grase and its a long way back to the way we were.George
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #1 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 5:06pm
There must have been a time when we were perfect in the eyes of God,I have heard that there were wars in heaven.Could we have fallen from grase.Maybe thats why we were sent here on earth to find our way through repentence back to otherwords,we had fallen from grase and its a long way back to the way we were.George

Heaven wars? sounds cool, and would make a pucca movie.

I'll use my light saber to slice gods head off.

Judo Chop!
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #2 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 7:51pm
There was a time till adam and eve spoiled it  if they hadnt disobeyed god and bit the apple on the tree of life in the garden of eden we would still be living in paradise right now with no wars no pain  only love . deanna
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #3 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 11:11pm
Yeah those assholes... They would have been better off if they just butchered and BBQed up a fat cow. Fruit is overrated.

wtf this forums has an automatic profanity filter? Weak.
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #4 - Feb 12th, 2006 at 3:06pm
There was a time till adam and eve spoiled it  if they hadnt disobeyed god and bit the apple on the tree of life in the garden of eden we would still be living in paradise right now with no wars no pain  only love . deanna

if adam and eve did exist then that means we are all technically related to one and other, I don't thinky so  Wink
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #5 - Feb 12th, 2006 at 9:02pm
Jambo we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of god, god is our father in heaven we are all his children. DEANNA
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Planet"Deliverance" Anybody???
Reply #6 - Feb 12th, 2006 at 11:50pm
Do I hear the "dueling banjos" someplace???
There was a time till adam and eve spoiled it  if they hadnt disobeyed god and bit the apple on the tree of life in the garden of eden we would still be living in paradise right now with no wars no pain  only love . deanna
If there were only TWO people in the beginning (Adam and Eve)...
Guess who their boys were "doing the nasty" with, especially as no DAUGHTERS of Adam and Eve are mentioned Shocked Shocked Shocked
Incest. Rape. Pedophilia. Murder. Dead bodies coming to life... Horror-movie monsters...
And people want their kids reading THIS book
(The Bible!) in SCHOOL?
Move over, Hollywood...


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Re: Planet"Deliverance" Anybody???
Reply #7 - Feb 13th, 2006 at 8:21pm
Do I hear the "dueling banjos" someplace???
There was a time till adam and eve spoiled it  if they hadnt disobeyed god and bit the apple on the tree of life in the garden of eden we would still be living in paradise right now with no wars no pain  only love . deanna
If there were only TWO people in the beginning (Adam and Eve)...
Guess who their boys were "doing the nasty" with, especially as no DAUGHTERS of Adam and Eve are mentioned Shocked Shocked Shocked
Incest. Rape. Pedophilia. Murder. Dead bodies coming to life... Horror-movie monsters...
And people want their kids reading THIS book
(The Bible!) in SCHOOL?
Move over, Hollywood...


It's a fairy tale, there's magic talking serpents, forbidden fruits, genes that allow for massive amounts of incestuous inbreeding..

Why try to find contradiction among such things?

..What I have a problem with, is two people do something wrong, acting only as they were created to, and then everyone has to pay for it, even though they weren't even born yet?

Seriously, people..  I know we're all suppose to be all.. "respectful" of each other's beliefs, but..

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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #8 - Feb 13th, 2006 at 9:50pm
For me it's crystal clear to NOT read the bible literally. There's so much more in it if you read it in a symbolic and psychologic way.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #9 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 2:54am
Right on, Spooky.  

Chumley, Nje:
We have to remember that the Bible was written a long time ago by ordinary people.  Before the days of biology and quantum physics, men had to put these stories in words that were simple and easy to understand because their minds were unable to comprehend what they saw and heard.  That's why the stories seem so much like a "fairytale" at times.  While God was the author, men were his writing instrument.  And while the details may seem fuzzy, the main idea (or truth) shines through.

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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #10 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 3:21am
Right on, Spooky. 

Chumley, Nje:
We have to remember that the Bible was written a long time ago by ordinary people.  Before the days of biology and quantum physics, men had to put these stories in words that were simple and easy to understand because their minds were unable to comprehend what they saw and heard.  That's why the stories seem so much like a "fairytale" at times.  While God was the author, men were his writing instrument.  And while the details may seem fuzzy, the main idea (or truth) shines through.
People have NEVER been so dumb, that they need
magical "fairy tales" to get a point across. (Look at the Greeks and Romans, or even the Vedas - much of their literature is pretty much to-the-point.)
I think that a REAL "God" would have done better than to "express his wishes" or "impart his lessons" through a bunch of impossible, silly, magical hooga-booga. Or if "he" wanted to be SYMBOLIC, I think there's better ways "he" could have got "his" word out to the "unwashed masses" - no matter HOW ignorant they might be.
The whole thing bears the unmistakable stamp of PRIESTCRAFT, not the authorship of any "God" - and the intellectual contempt those priests had for the "common folk" is evident in the Genesis stories (and the rest of the supernatural mumbo-jumbo in the Bible as well, like Balaam and his magical talking mule, or trumpets blowing down the walls of Jericho in John Ashcroft's favorite Bible book, Joshua.)

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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #11 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 6:34am
Jambo we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of god, god is our father in heaven we are all his children. DEANNA

Deanna, I heard two children talking in the lunch line yesterday:
Girl: I am your sister.
Boy: No you're not.
Girl: In the eyes of God, I am!
Boy: *confused look*
Girl: In the eyes of God, we are all brothers and sisters.

They must have been about 8 or 9..
I remember saying similar things as a child too..makes you wonder where that comes from, at least in my case because my parents were not religious and did not take us to church or even talk about "God"..
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1987, a great year for
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #12 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 6:57am
Right on, Spooky.  

Chumley, Nje:
We have to remember that the Bible was written a long time ago by ordinary people.  Before the days of biology and quantum physics, men had to put these stories in words that were simple and easy to understand because their minds were unable to comprehend what they saw and heard.  That's why the stories seem so much like a "fairytale" at times.  While God was the author, men were his writing instrument.  And while the details may seem fuzzy, the main idea (or truth) shines through.

The bilbe was NOT written by ordinary people it was written by priests and disciples whose ONLY interests were to CONTROL people and keep POWER.

The bible contains many horror tales such as rape, incest amongst many other things so how can you use it as a moral guide.
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #13 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 11:08am
Right on, Spooky.  

Chumley, Nje:
We have to remember that the Bible was written a long time ago by ordinary people.  Before the days of biology and quantum physics, men had to put these stories in words that were simple and easy to understand because their minds were unable to comprehend what they saw and heard.  That's why the stories seem so much like a "fairytale" at times.  While God was the author, men were his writing instrument.  And while the details may seem fuzzy, the main idea (or truth) shines through.

It's stupid to use symbolism.  It's pointless to do it.
I've never heard a decent excuse for it as of yet..
If there's any such thing as a "divine" being, maybe they'd have half a clue as how to effectively express their messages without resorting to the hopeless abstractness of symbolism..
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Re: There must have been a time when we
Reply #14 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 11:52am
There was a time till adam and eve spoiled it  if they hadnt disobeyed god and bit the apple on the tree of life in the garden of eden we would still be living in paradise right now with no wars no pain  only love . deanna

Lol, my dad says the same thing. Smiley Wink
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