would like to mention here that those who have attended Bruce's workshops or read all his books probably know of the value of partnered exploration to get your knowings. I have not been to his seminars but have read the books twice as just once through is not enough to gleam all that's there, which goes for all books. I was able to have a few successful partnered explorations just from reading about the possibility which started me on the road to get my knowings. finding a partner with whom you have some sort of emotional bond with seemed important to me, but may not be necessary for others. what happened when we explored together blew me away, that's why I suggest others try it, if you like being blown away!!
I learned to make my own explorations from the imagination method, a short leap from there is verification, but it will always be your own personal verification, it cannot be anothers and this is sadly so, yet must be so, for another's words will never be sufficient or equal to your own gain in understanding who and what we are. that is what we are here for, to get our own. if this sounds like to some, just a commercial for Bruce, I'm sorry, but on the other hand I can't begin to tell you how glad and grateful I am to Bruce for bothering to write down his experiences so that I would come along and gain something from those writings as well as his imput here. now, from writing my own book, I realize just how difficult it is to put it forth in a comprehensible manner which also might include the wonder of the journey. I may be showing up out there Bruce one day, just to shake your hand if I haven't already done so...
I always knew this, yet the journey is about complete realization; that in the afterlife the creative imagination is used extensively to build upon whatever is desired to build upon. it should not seem so very strange then to start in this life using the creative imagination and get yourself a head start. I for one have reached a point where I can now die with total acceptance of death with no fear surrounding the act yet it is not as it was before, a means of escape from the struggle. there is no need to escape anything as we ourselves create the monsters that chase us or the angels that embrace us. There are no absolutes if we are creating as we go. we need each other, that is what I'm learning for the joy is in that relationship to each other, if joy is desirable. back to the point, partnered exploring, please try it, and if you do, be brave in willing to fail, then try again because the reward of success is great and changes your entire life and outlook, you will be surprised to learn we are not alone here, sitting in a mound of flesh, not at all! what a surprise to learn I had friends and supporters along the way I was totally unaware of for a reason. much love to all, alysia