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Consciousness, a burden to the body? (Read 7650 times)
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Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Jan 20th, 2006 at 4:39pm
Ive been looking at things on how the consciousness mind can affect the physical body, purely on patterns ive observed from my own experience. It seems to me, consciousness can actually be a strain upon the body.


How many times have you gone to bed feeling ill, and woken up feeling fine...but the symptoms return over the course of a few hours of waking up?. This could be either via physical activity making you feel ill again, but from my own experience and some study's done across the world physical activity actually makes you feel better, and increase's the body's metabolic rate, thus producing key items to fight off illness. Thus is leads me to think, it's your mind - the focus on which you will concentrate upon something giving you pain, which can often increase the pain being experienced? If it's true that segments of our mind float off during sleep, then this could explain why the body heals faster during sleep then it does while being awake, theres less burden upon the body...less signals have to be produced to rationalise the illness..while at the same time, your body may have to fight for resources between your conscious and subconscious while awake - but while your asleep your subsconscious has free reign.

Meditation often, helps many people overcome illness. This would also add stock, because meditation is about clear thought - maybe detaching a little,thus letting the subscious deal with the illness and the consciousness to take a back seat.

If you through terminally ill patients into the works though, you can also see how it could be possible the conscious mind can be an asset in healing.

Says, theres 2 terminally ill cancer paitents. they both have exactly the same condition - the doctors say to both of them they have 1 week to live. often the case is the one who sits there crying, and in dispear will be dead the next day - while the one who totally disagree's with the doctor and keeps fighting - can live 6 months +, even sometimes force the cancer into remission.


My old man, works at a nut house. He has 26 service users, aka clients. All who have severe brain damage through accidents etc. You will be suprised to know though, he has some which are aged 65+ and not 1 has any grey hair. Thus leading me to think, there actions are often based alot on instinct - meaning the subconscious has more free reign upon the body, then it would over a regular person thus leading to no greys?

Stress can take it's form's physically for alot of us- aka rash's, headaches. Our consciousness is actually producing physical reactions - negative ones. While the subsonscious is trying to heal the physical and wounds being produced.

Stress can stop people wanting to eat etc, our conscious mind is actually overiding the subconscious's signals. Ultimately making us feel worse.


How many actions, which lead to negative affects upon the body, are caused purely by the conscious mind? the answer is probley most of them. Taking drugs/smoking etc Are the conscious minds way of getting our body to produce happy chemicals, but the cost of this is damage to our body. The sub conscious often alerts us to danger by producing feelings of fear/anxiety. Yet most of the time  the conscious overides these feelings and it's considered heroic, self sacrifice etc.

It seems to me, the conscious mind is constantly battling with the sub conscious, and the aim is to find balance?....if you dont show your sub conscious respect and dont abuse it's attributes over eccessively, maybe there would be less illness/stress and wrong actions in the world?
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #1 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 5:34pm
i totally agree with you spitfire if i,m stressed i cant eat cant think properly cant sleep but if i,m calm and my mind is thinking positively i feel stronger more able to fight things like illness which i,m actually doing at the moment i have got a lung disease which makes me feel really bad sometimes and i can fight it better if my mind is calm and free from stress  deanna
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #2 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 6:32pm
The only reason we have a conscious (physical) mind, is because we are on the physical plane right now. We are living in a world of conscious energy. The physical body needs the conscious mind, or it couldn't function. Whether the conscious mind burdens the body doesn't make much difference, without the physical body the conscious mind would die.

From out of the subconscious mind (or what many psychics call the "spirit") comes dreams, lucid dreams, astral projecting, instincts, blinking, and a host of other things. We basically need both...
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #3 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 6:42pm
The only reason we have a conscious (physical) mind, is because we are on the physical plane right now. We are living in a world of conscious energy. The physical body needs the conscious mind, or it couldn't function. Whether the conscious mind burdens the body doesn't make much difference, without the physical body the conscious mind would die.

From out of the subconscious mind (or what many psychics call the "spirit") comes dreams, lucid dreams, astral projecting, instincts, blinking, and a host of other things. We basically need both...

The consciousness is usually the part people associate with the "spirit" it's the part of us that gives us freedom of action.

The subconscious is the part which controls our breathing, and other bodily functions.

So, you think that when the body dies, we die with it to?
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #4 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 7:55pm
The consciousness is usually the part people associate with the "spirit" it's the part of us that gives us freedom of action.

The subconscious is the part which controls our breathing, and other bodily functions.

So, you think that when the body dies, we die with it to?

Spit have you thought that maybe the spirit is working in tandem with the subconscious?

There is a good body of evidence that supports this idea
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #5 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 11:11pm
So, you think that when the body dies, we die with it to?

I believe when our bodies die, our conscious (physical) mind is done, over, and we are living an endless lucid dream with our subconscious mind (and with other sprits!) where the sky isn't the limit and anything is possible. Whenever people see spirits... they look lucid. Lucid is another word for transeparent, like ghosts.

If I'm right, we would still be alive after physical death, but wide-awake while dreaming in the spirit world/Astral world. It would be like being awake while dreaming.
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #6 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 1:55am
  Spit, i think you are definitely onto something, big time!

U wrote, Quote:
"It seems to me, the conscious mind is constantly battling with the sub conscious, and the aim is to find balance?....if you dont show your sub conscious respect and dont abuse it's attributes over eccessively, maybe there would be less illness/stress and wrong actions in the world?" 

Hmmm, interesting thought, would like to expand on this and relate it to other stuff...

  Perhaps the unconscious/subconscious self is the same, or similar thing to the 'right brain' function, and in turn can be related to the feminine--yin--passive--receptive--contractive principle of energy...??? (beyond physical gender, though Archetypally relating to it...)....

  And the consicous self is the same or similar to the left, 'logical' brain, and in turn can be related to the masculine--yang--active--outpouring--expanding princple of energy....??

  And the super-conscious is that nice balance you mention that might help in many things..., the two working in perfect tandom and harmony?

Eureeka!  And i think you're onto something with the whole, belief systems and thought habits definitely influence or mold our bodies to some degree (usually over periods of time, but not necessarily a long term process either....)???

  Thanks for this thought provoking thread old man, you cheeky monkey you... J/K about the cheeky monkey thang!  Do really like this thread though.
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #7 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 8:06am
I bet you're right on, Spitfire!
Another angle on evidence for this would be the stories about the ancient Tibetan wisemen who spent most of their time meditating (setting aside their conscious minds for higher revelations.) They lived beyond 100 years, rarely eating more than yak butter tea ( a sweet, slightly oily herbal mixture. ) They reportedly did alot of astral-projection too while they weren't burdened by alot of conscious concerns.
They were important to their culture because they provided leadership in spiritual, and maybe moral, matters. When europeans started exploring that area and going to them out of curiosity, they died out. Recent books that talk about them are published by Eckankar, a semi-religion involving astral projection.
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #8 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 8:25am
Spit have you thought that maybe the spirit is working in tandem with the subconscious?

There is a good body of evidence that supports this idea

Good point jambo. But it seems to me that the sub conscious and conscious have different aims/goals alot of the time.

I think the sub-conscious can be moulded some extent.

Say you make the conscious idea of smoking..purely because it looks cool or somthing, your sub-conscious is'nt asking for it. But once you have had a few - the sub-conscious sends out signals requesting it, for it crys out for the nicotene inside it the sigs. When it comes time to stop it's your conscious mind which must overcome the sub-conscious...because the body wants it- but you know it's having adverse affects on your health.

It does all seem to come down to balance in the end.

The amount of control you exert upon yourself, being the key to the right course of action.

Your sub conscious could be like a parent.

Your conscious is the child.

A parent will be right 90% of the time, but the child would be correct in saying they know more about pokemon characters?

The more the conscious learns - the older it becomes, thus the parent should give more and more reponsability/ judgement making decisions.
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #9 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 10:05am
This is silly in some ways.   We are all the product of our conscious thoughts and true intentions.  We also have to operate in the real/physical world.  If we project positive thoughts, thoughts in line with the good, they translate into actions and states of being.

Take a man who has his mind set upon acquiring wealth.  He may have it as a true intention.  "Meditate" on it repeatedly in his own way.  However the desire for wealth may be selfish.  Thus, he finds his thoughts translates associated problems such as gluttony, obesity (perhaps for an untamed appetite) into reality.  He has wealth, but is 80 lbs overweight with high cholesterol and diabetes. 

There is an imbalance caused when our innermost thoughts are out of balance.  These thoughts will grow like seeds in the physical world too.  So, there is a complex interaction of conscious intention, and physical manifestations, including disease.  All disease is not caused by thought.  If someone with a viral form of diarrhea prepares your food, you may experience this as a random event in our physical universe. 

However, getting back to the point about balance; there is such a thing as conducive or "right" thought and action.  It tends to follow the golden rule, and be strongly associated with loving thoughts and actions.  Anger, fear, confusion, negative emotions are experienced by all to one extent or another, however if dwelled upon, the seeds they sow may manifest as real/true physical illness and sorrow (like attracting like).

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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #10 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 8:57pm
I think it is important to note that we influence each other so much, that our conscious/subconscious minds are constantly being fed by the interactions we have with others.  When we each focus on love and peace and sharing with each other then we are participating in healing each other.  For instance, if we are listening to our friend and our friend is telling us about their pain, the depth of our caring and concern is carried all the way into that person's heart and soul.  If we turn away, if we are impatient, we wound the person further.

Although we are responsible for our own healing, there is a saying that no man is an island.  Our minds do not operate alone in this universe even when we focus intently on healing ourselves and giving ourselves a happier life. And, ultimately, there is no greater happiness when we have achieved a momentary time of personal balance than sharing it with a wounded other. That energy is healing for all, and each of us has moments of clarity and wholeness to offer each other.

love, blink
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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #11 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 4:13am
I believe when our bodies die, our conscious (physical) mind is done, over, and we are living an endless lucid dream with our subconscious mind (and with other sprits!) where the sky isn't the limit and anything is possible. Whenever people see spirits... they look lucid. Lucid is another word for transeparent, like ghosts.
Hi Ryan,
There's a critical flaw in your argument.
Without the CONSCIOUS (i.e. rational, discriminative
intellect) the afterlife might well be a dream-state... but it will NOT be a lucid one. It is only when your CONSCIOUS mind "awakens" in a dream, that you become lucid and see the dream for what it is.
Think about how you are in your dreams... the dangedest things can happen, but you DON'T normally stop and say, "Hey, that girl whose scintillating all the colors of the rainbow AIN'T REAL! I must be dreaming."
Why? Because your rational, conscious INTELLECT has disengaged, leaving you with only your subconscious in a typical dream.
Hence, heaven and (for most folk, good or bad) - HELL.
(That is, assuming you're right and we lose our conscious mind when we die.)
If we DO lose our conscious mind, Ryan...
What will there be to clue you in (or me or Joe Blow for that matter) that in the "next world", that pack of man-eating wolves/killer robot/army of rotting undead chasing you (seemingly always just out of sight behind you in the fog or around that last corner, but no matter, you RUN, RUN, RUN anyway) isn't REAL? (And what happens when they *catch* you? In a normal nightmare, that's when you wake up. But what about after you die, when you *can't* wake up?)
BTW, the "killer robot" was a recurring nightmare character of mine when I was a kid - YEARS before I first heard of "The Terminator." (That movie struck on an old night terror of mine..!) Are he and I to have a REUNION - someday???
So, you'd better hope you're wrong, because I "sure as hell" do...

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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #12 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 6:56am

As usual you have complemented what I said and expanded it immeasurably.  Beautiful.  It is true.  I've been trying to find what the most disconcerting thing is about Ernest Holmes' writings on thought creating reality, and all of us using this.  There are two things that don't sit well with me.  The first is that he sees God in all of us, and as such to tap the power of thought, he asks us to recognize that we have an inner perfection.  I'm not sure most of us can do that.  He believes that healing comes about when we make the body conform to the inner perfection we have access to.

The second problem I have with Holmes is that no man/woman is an island.  This is sort of what you just said.  We reach our highest levels spiritually when helping another, or simply loving, interacting in a positive way.  We are not an island, isolated.  This is a key realization for our consciousness.  Holmes seeks us to be "masters of our own ships of consciousness," directing our lives positively.

Yet our interactions, both good and bad are the key, perhaps the real reason we are here, and the real way to spiritual growth.

Thank you, Blink, for pointing that out.

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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #13 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 7:10am
Hi Ryan,
There's a critical flaw in your argument.
Without the CONSCIOUS (i.e. rational, discriminative
intellect) the afterlife might well be a dream-state... but it will NOT be a lucid one. It is only when your CONSCIOUS mind "awakens" in a dream, that you become lucid and see the dream for what it is.
Think about how you are in your dreams... the dangedest things can happen, but you DON'T normally stop and say, "Hey, that girl whose scintillating all the colors of the rainbow AIN'T REAL! I must be dreaming."
Why? Because your rational, conscious INTELLECT has disengaged, leaving you with only your subconscious in a typical dream.
Hence, heaven and (for most folk, good or bad) - HELL.
(That is, assuming you're right and we lose our conscious mind when we die.)
If we DO lose our conscious mind, Ryan...
What will there be to clue you in (or me or Joe Blow for that matter) that in the "next world", that pack of man-eating wolves/killer robot/army of rotting undead chasing you (seemingly always just out of sight behind you in the fog or around that last corner, but no matter, you RUN, RUN, RUN anyway) isn't REAL? (And what happens when they *catch* you? In a normal nightmare, that's when you wake up. But what about after you die, when you *can't* wake up?)

Thank you for pointing that out Chumley. I've astral traveled before, and I was wide-awake while dreaming, walking around my house with my astral body. It was completely by accident, too. That's why I believe we lucid dream in the spirit astral world with millions of other spirits after we die.

Let me explain: Two divisions of the mind we acknowledge today: the conscious and subconscious. The first entails the physical dimension where the human body requires a three-dimensional consciousness to function. It has become the part of our consciousness we are most familiar with, what we have come to call the conscious mind. Many of us would consider it to actually be the "I" or "me" of ourselves. It is within this part of consciousness that we experience physical life.

The second part of consciousness is shadow-like while one is incarnate in the physical dimension. It lives life as a shadow, always there, listening, watching, remembering. We have come to call this part of our consciousness the subconscious mind. From out of this area come dreams, lucid dreams, instincts, intuitions, unseen motivations, and deepest memories.

Now, I understand that to lucid dream after death, we would need our conscious mind. If we do lucid dream after death, than our conscious mind must survive physical death as well. Since people see lucid/transeparent ghosts, that tells me the ghosts are consciously walking around on the earth whenever they want.

Perhapes the mind is a seperate entity from the physical body?

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Re: Consciousness, a burden to the body?
Reply #14 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 8:14am
[quote author=RyanParis link=board=afterlife_knowledge;num=1137800348;start=0#13 date=01/22/06 at 06:10:51]

Thank you for pointing that out Chumley. I've astral traveled before, and I was wide-awake while dreaming, walking around my house with my astral body. It was completely by accident, too. That's why I believe we lucid dream in the spirit astral world with millions of other spirits after we die.

Let me explain: Two divisions of the mind we acknowledge today: the conscious and subconscious. The first entails the physical dimension where the human body requires a three-dimensional consciousness to function. It has become the part of our consciousness we are most familiar with, what we have come to call the conscious mind. Many of us would consider it to actually be the "I" or "me" of ourselves. It is within this part of consciousness that we experience physical life.

The second part of consciousness is shadow-like while one is incarnate in the physical dimension. It lives life as a shadow, always there, listening, watching, remembering. We have come to call this part of our consciousness the subconscious mind. From out of this area come dreams, lucid dreams, instincts, intuitions, unseen motivations, and deepest memories.

Now, I understand that to lucid dream after death, we would need our conscious mind. If we do lucid dream after death, than our conscious mind must survive physical death as well. Since people see lucid/transeparent ghosts, that tells me the ghosts are consciously walking around on the earth whenever they want.

Perhapes the mind is a seperate entity from the physical body?
I hope so, Ryan.
Otherwise, I think I know what "Hell" will
be like... But who knows, maybe that's a
good thing. I'll know what to expect.
Forewarned, Forearmed..? If I end up in
a "dreamscape" full of say, cannibalistic mutant cyborg zombies...
I'll be able to "think up" grenades, rifles, ammunition
ect. from memory (which is a SUBCONSCIOUS mind-property) and so, I won't be totally defenseless...

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