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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 596
Missoula, Montana
And the rest of you flunk (except Recoverer, who wasn't directly responding to my post anyway...) The "divine personage" of whom I speak hails from El Paso, and his family comes from Ciudad de Juarez. The guy I chatted with is his parole officer... so as you might guess, the parole officer gets to speak with Jesus on a regular basis. (As I understand it, joining the Border Patrol is a good way to meet Jesus as well... AND after you meet him, you can be sure he'll be returning soon, just like the Bible says...) Just goes to show you, a LOT of people have actually met, spoken to, and even "broken bread" (dined) with Jesus, especially south of the Rio Grande. And lots of people have surely met, and even have relationships with, his mother - sometimes named Mary (or more likely Maria?) And some Marys are even virgins... So... as you can plainly see, EVERYTHING is possible (if you word it *correctly*!) Sometimes I wonder if you folks aren't all just a BIT too serious about this metaphysical stuff. Perhaps it shouldn't be taken seriously at all, but with a grain of salt or two (in my case, I'll take the whole shaker.)