But there are things that connect individuals or else there wouldnt be a world of individuals. And there are terms mentioned like 'consciousness' connects us all and concepts like that...so we have connections, only socially we seperate the world into groups....
WHat i think i mean also is as a world group, individuals dont see the world as like a group effort, i suppose...
Theres so many groups in conflict what is being achieved as a whole?
More seperation into more conflicting groups, or are the groups all converging into one goal?...I mean, it seems silly to think about, but this world is lacking a focus as a whole? lol
When you get up and go to work, or do what you do in a day, do you do so for the 'achievement of the greater good for the world'?
are we working towards one common goal as a world of individuals? or is it really that we are all selfish with only personal goals?