Too right mate!
For myself, its a fine line i walk of having self respect, and being authentically "myself", knowing where i am on the path, or feeling somehow special, and set apart from others.
Since we all have ego, we all teeter totter between the two at some point (for some, its more unconscious), but thats where self honesty comes into play in our spiritual development...and i don't believe there is anything wrong with stating certain things about yourself.
For example: Bruce Moen, and how in his 3rd book he talks about being part of Bob Monroes Disk, etc. And him relating that C.W.'s told him he played a part in turning the tables a bit from some extreme Earth changes, etc.
People that don't really know too much about Bruce, might think thats just sheer arrogance or delusion, and why should he even mention this stuff? But, my feeling is is that there was a larger lesson involved for others, and thats why he shared it.
Or take Bob Monroe, in one of his explorations, he realized and stated that he had a pattern of being a pioneer and explorer of sorts for others (both his Disk and others).
This is what i meant when i was talking about false humility verse real humility earlier. There is no reason for a soul to hide its light, there is no lack of growth in that, but when a soul emphasizes its light at the expense of others light, then it seems to become a spiritual hindrance. And its a fine line, so fine that some on a spiritual path just choose not to go there at all, or they are balancing other life patterns of over-emphasizing that, or their self-importance subconscious "issues".
My "last life", i actually
under emphasized, and was steeped in "false humility", and now this personality is trying to balance this, and realize that its ok to "shine". In short, this other personality cared too much about what others thought of it, and he wanted to fit in sooo much.
Some people mistake silence, passiveness, and being reserved for true humility, much as my other life self did. Yet, it can just be another illusion...
I went through this briefly in childhood, and now i realize that it doesn't matter what others perceive, think, or dislike (or even like) about me.... I still need to be authentically myself, yet with the balance of knowing we are all One and in the absolute reality--equal (in the relativistic reality, we are all in different stages, and some are closer to Source because of their self choices and developement).
This gets me into some trouble occasionally, and these are testings from my Total Self... Can he stay strong and sure in his purpose, and yet not be arrogant and domineering? I know only the Creative Forces, and my Total Self can truly answer this fully, and accurately without filters.