Hi all, my PE exercise, but not very much "partnered" it seems to me, but anyway:
Nov. 12, 2005 with HemiSync
I didn't follow RAMs advices and went right "up". I think one of my guides was there. A landscape. If I would make it more "real" (more like C1) I would become anxious to fall down because we were floating high over the ground, so I decided to have a light or air body or sth similar. On the ground; bushes and trees. Not very clear. Shift to a "higher" plane. White and wide, regularity and connectedness. Can I get even higher? Yes, blackness like outer space, more energy, things like spheres, what can it be? I must think of Plato's ideas, yes, something of that kind. Can I get closer to see it more clearly? No, it's not like I perceive it, not single things to look at, it's bound to each other, to everything, to me too, everything consists of it but also there is an aspect to be single beings what I perceived as those spheres. I couldn't understand it. Can I go higher again? No, the next plane is called "unity", there is a border I cannot cross. Probably I had to drop my physical body to get beyond the border. Went "down" again to the landscape. Allright this is the "emotional" plane. What is it really? Reduction, a flat desert, or just a geometric plane, again a reduction, now just black space. This shows me the dependence to my imagination, to my expectations, it's not something "in itself", it's a space of a certain potentiality range. The HemiSync recording indicates focus 25, the BSTs, not interesting, need to shield myself more. Focus 27 is still the emotional level? Don't know it certainly. Anyway it seems I am on different levels all the time, why else can I shift so easily between those levels? The crystal. The landscape looks unreal somehow; there is a source of light, it looks like a landscape at night when a lightning occurs, but shining constantly, blue-white. Alysia? Hmm, the hat...she takes it behind her head, wearing it at her back cause the hat is a sombrero with a cord, black; she wears a costume, black, with white seams and embroideries, like for a rodeo, sort of Mexican style. She has a cup of coffee and went to another person. Yes, there may be other persons, but I cannot see them, it's like there are figures made of a foggy substance. I play a little music. My (physical) hands are getting very warm. I experiment with those consciousness levels. When I stay here and at the same time think of those levels, what will happen? I notice a picture of an energy body with aura, when I think of a "higher" level then from the inner area of this body comes a new bright color, at first beaming in the vertical, then it becomes broader. Thought about the "ideas-spheres", that those levels are probably focus states to attune to.