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Retrievel experience with golden light (Read 4040 times)
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Retrievel experience with golden light
Sep 27th, 2005 at 9:33am
Last night while meditating, a clear image of a man suddenly appeared. I figured that there was a reason for which his image was shown to me, asked if I should to a retrievel, and got the feeling that I should.

His image dissapeared and at first I did the retrievel without seeing anything clearly, using the imagination technique. The basic impression I got was that he was unhappy with his current state of affairs. I asked him: "since you're unhappy with your current state of affairs, wouldn't you like to find a better way?" He answered: "What for, I'm just dreaming." I asked him: "How long have you been dreaming for?" He seemed unwilling to answer. I asked him, would you like to meet somebody else to talk to us about this?" He sort of mumbled: "I don't know." I asked him: "If you're only dreaming, why not? What could it hurt?" He said "okay."

At this point I was planning to introduce him to a guide, but I saw a couple of things that interrupted my flow of though. They were vague and I can't recall what they were. And then I saw a vivid, moving image of the man I was with falling into water. The water was ocean water, was right next to cliffs, and had a lot of large rocks in it.

Next I conversed with this man while he was in the water. It was like my awareness was in the water with him. I asked him: "What happened? " He said: "I was killed. Somebody pushed me off the cliff." I asked him: "Why?" He answered: "Because they didn't like the drug deals he made with them."

Next we were out of the water and at the top of the cliff. I had it in mind that I would try to introduce him to a guide, even though I didn't know if he'd be able to make it into focus 27. But then I started to vividly see the ocean stretch out from where we were positioned. I could see the sun glistening off of the waves. And then I could see another shore in the distance, opposite of the cliff area we were located at. I then saw a figure that looked like Jesus, standing at the other shore. I'm not saying it was Jesus, but it did seem like a light being. My feeling is that this being appeared as Jesus not so much because I saw him this way, but because this how the man being retrieved saw him. Next golden light started to expand from the area the light being was standing at, and it spread out until it covered everything that could be seen. The light I saw wasn't like rays of light you see coming from the Sun.  They were more like waves of light with a dark shade of gold. They had intricate patterns that are hard to describe. The main thing is that they expanded out from the light being I saw until they encompassed the entire area.

Next without my having to say anything to him, the man that was being retrieved floated over to where the light being was. He moved there quickly, without having to float at a quick speed. As if the dimension of space didn't apply to him. Next the light being, the energy around the light being,  and the man who was retrieved, all moved together in the opposite direction from where I was standing. It seemed as if everything moved up into the clouds.   The scene then came to an end.

The interesting thing is that the experience started with a vivid image, took the form of my imagination for a while, and then shifted back into vivid, moving, detailed images, without my imagination seeming to be a factor.
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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: Retrievel experience with golden light
Reply #1 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 10:27am
Simply beautiful. Thanks for this. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: Retrievel experience with golden light
Reply #2 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 2:29pm
Yes recoverer, thank you.
I just can say, talking to one who claims to be dreaming "What have you got to loose?" and the shifts of perception from vague to more clear, this happens in my retrievals too.
Bye, Spooky
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Choose this Day

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Re: Retrievel experience with golden light
Reply #3 - Sep 27th, 2005 at 7:46pm
"what have you got to lose?" yes this works every time only I will say, if u don't want to come with me, why not? you are allowed to come back here to your starting point if you want..I will never twist your arm! it always works! love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Retrievel experience with golden light
Reply #4 - Sep 28th, 2005 at 9:43am
I tell them the same thing. If you don't like where you are brought to, you don't have to stay. It's up to you.

you are allowed to come back here to your starting point if you want..I will never twist your arm! it always works! love, alysia

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