hi Spooky!
I'd say you were right on topic! you make my face stretch too much with a smile! hee. actually I am laughing out loud.
I have copied here your points of reference:
Spooky said:
1. I was shown that I am not as weak as I thought and therefore not to worry about to be worthless,
2. It is important what I think about myself,
3. To feel it's okay not to be holy and the relief which follows this feeling is an important thing for being able to do little good things to people next to you.
this too, was/is/has been the summation of my own journey during explorations of the nature we do here.
heres my own words that say what u say:
1) I am more than I thought I was and I am worthy of all good things.
2)I must watch my ego that I would not appear as holier than another, so I can just be myself and thats a relief.
3) I do not have to do good works if I don't want to and yet I can do random acts of kindness if I want to because I have become free to choose.
now a little story like yours 8)
I decided to try NEW. new energy waves or ways. a type of meditation. you lay down. if you get that far, you are doing good. you imagine energy drawn through soles of feet up to head. try to feel it move. you make a circle and pump it up and out. so I was expanding the circle...pretty soon I thought..hmmm. how far can I take this? so here's a little conversation between LR and DP.
LR (laughing rain) can I like, float up to space?
DP (dead preacher) why don't u try?
LR ok. I'm on top of the world. what now?
DP what do you see?
LR it's like green and blue. what do you think?
DP what do u think about the world?
LR there's like a lot of people on it.
DP right. spread your arms around it.
LR you're kidding me again, aren't you?
DP just do it.
LR I feel awfully silly DP. but wait, I think I feel something else!
DP yes?
LR even though I feel sort of clownish, I think I can almost reach around the whole world with my arms from up here...and I actually think I'm enjoying this exercise...
anyway I felt motherly towards the great mother Earth. thats about it. but that night a guide took me out to do a retrieval before I had fallen asleep and it was a doozy! yeeeehaaaaa!
so what we do in our imagination, it can really make a difference within the experiences we have; although it was really hard to imagine hugging the world like that. hee.
toot! toot!