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Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection (Read 206400 times)
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #45 - Sep 11th, 2005 at 3:12pm
Hi Don, on the mentioned passage, about RAMs parallel incarnation:
First, I only got a translated copy of RAMs UJ (shame on me!).
I read this passage again and it is nowhere said that this sister-like person is the only incarneted person of RAMs I/There in that timeframe (in my translated copy).
Re-translated passage of my copy:
>>>RAM: Where will you go to then? And how?  I/There: We don't know. You'll have to tell us. RAM: I understand...But are you sure you've got the right one? I've got the impression, there is another one, who is at this point of time a human- another one of this our I/There.  I/There: You're right. That is your replacement team, so to say. A safety copy, if you want. But you're the first in the line.  RAM: This other it -is she- a woman?  I/There: So it is.  RAM: Should I arrange a meeting with her?  I/There: Maybe later. She would seem like a long-lost sister to you.<<<
In this above, according to my copy, it is not told about "the only one" but "another one". Plus, from my point of view, it means another one of the same or similar design like RAM for the task to find the new home or aim for this I/There-Cluster (the topic of this passage). There could be other ones of RAMs I/There incarnated but with a different design and task.
And, I think "group-souls", in the meaning of a gathering of single souls who acts as a collective and then go their own ways again are quite possible and I experienced such thing in minor degree in my own journeys, but it makes the concept of the Disc or I/There not impossible.
Bye, spooky
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #46 - Sep 11th, 2005 at 9:53pm

Here is the original English quote from UJ:

"But--are you certain you have the right one?
I have an idea that there's...another one out of this I-There of of ours."
"That is so.  That is your reserve or substitute, you might say.  A backup.  but you are first in line."
"This it--she--female?"
"She is."
"Should I arrange to meet her?"
:Later perhaps.  She would seem like a long-lost sister (174)."

The clear implication is that there is only one current "reserve" and that this reserve is part of RAM's "I-There" and hence his only current parallel incarnation.  This is also the clear implication of the context, the pertinent parts of which are:   

"I didn't find it easy to adjust to finding myself confronted by a part of me I didn't know existed...What follows is a compendium or abstract of many sessions with the I-There of me (163). . .Then you are the total of what I have been...(164)."
"You are sort of my guardian angels...
"Oh no,...We and you are the same (169)."

Spooky, this contradicts Bruce's claim that RAM is part of his soul Disk.  So apparently does RAM's own daughter, Laurie Monroe, the President of TMI.  Laurie attended one of Bruce's workshops attended by Roger.  At the time, Bruce and some of his disciples were claiming ongoing contact with the long deceased RAM.   But Laurie made it clear that her father was no longer available for astral contact.

Besides, Spooky, you don't address the case made on p. 2 (replies #18 and 21) for a Swedenborgian refutation of the Monroe-Moen reincarnational claims.  That case is reinforced by similar alternate view of the group soul revealed by classical channeling.  For me, this is decisive.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #47 - Sep 11th, 2005 at 10:46pm
well I made contact with Monroe along about 2001 or 2002; I assume it was as you say, astrally, but I was not out of body; I was in C1, wide awake. I could check my notes for the exact date. I have them somewhere. Monroe of course was passed on by then.
it was a total surprise, and a very nice short visit. very special to me. I was only in training for retrievals at that time. So maybe Laurie was not aware that Monroe  can also change his mind and get around if he wants to! At the time, I was made aware by Monroe, and also another source that Monroe could be in more than one location within the physical/astral dimensions. he had more than one body. this can be likened to dual consciousness which I have experienced, there being "two" of me. Gordon Phinn also has more than one of his selves out and about, and I have met one of his selves out there.

I do not think you can base your opinion on hearsay Don of what you say Laurie said.
of course, mine is hearsay, yours is hearsay, it is all you hear what I say? Grin
u don't need to respond, I am not challenging you. I am saying my piece is you...hearsay.

cheers, alysia
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #48 - Sep 11th, 2005 at 11:03pm

Yes, I knew about Gordon Phinn's claim.  I even bought his book and it didn't "resonate" at all with me.  I would credit what RAM says about his own parallel incarnation above what Bruce claims.  With all due respect, I'd also assume that if his own daughter and if TMI (RAM's institute!) and its adepts say he has moved on and has discontinued his appearances, then the later claims of those less connected are merely contacting figments of their imagination.  But the independent confirmation from both ES and classical channeling  that the Moen-Monroe group soul concept is inaccurate is even more important to me.  Why?  My oft-repeated answer has gone unchallenged.  So many of RAM's alleged OBE experiences seem absurd and self-refuting, whereas ES's verifications are absotutely stellar and strikingly consistent.  There is just no comparison and the quality of verification is decisive both in science and in astral projection.

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« Last Edit: Dec 25th, 2005 at 11:29pm by Berserk »  
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #49 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 6:36am
To Roger,

The questions you posed do have answers and they can be found in the books Divine Love and Wisdom and Divine Providence, both by E. Swedenborg.

I couldn't begin to give you a detailed synopsis of over 700 pages here in this forum. I will copy the back book cover for it states very elegantly and succintly:

Divine Love and Wisdom
"Divine Love and Wisdom has been called the most profound work of the Enlightenment scientist and seer Emanuel Swedenborg. It demonstrates how God's love, wisdom, and humanity are reflected in creation and in ourselves, and suggests tha the act of Creation is not a mystery of the past, but a miracle ongoing in every instant of the present. Like a blueprint of things unseen, Divine Love and Wisdom makes visible the hidden design of the universe, as well as the qualities of its Architect. It's vivid depiction of the spiritual mechanism of the world has impressed things such as William Blake, Smauel Taylor Coleridge, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Jenry James, Sr. "

Divine Providence
Divine Providence is one of the major works of the Enlightenment scientist and religious seer Emanuel Swedenborg. It provides a coherent and satisying solution to what has been called "the problem of evil': How are God's goodness and power reconcilable with evil's presence in the larger world and in the human mind and heart? By tackling an array of issues that commonly undermine belief in God, including war, suffering, and inequality--and by revealing the wise and loving laws that lie hidden behind these seemingly senseless phenomena, Divine Providence aims to restore our faith in the meaningfulness of the world. Despite its universal focus, Divine Providence is also a highly practical book on the personal level, demonstrating how we can put aside negative attitudes and behaviors and grow into positive thought and action. Its insights have had a powerful effect on a wide range of thinkings, including William Blake, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Helen Keller.

Roger, I would be happy to send you a free copy of each of these books. They were literally a life-line for me as I went through severe grief and depression.

Or if you decide to purchase the books. mention my name at the Swedenborg Foundation and I believe you will receive a substantial discount on your first order.

John 16:12-15: Oh, there is so much more I want to tell you, but you can't bear it now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting his own ideas; he will be telling you what he has heard. He willt ell you about the future. He will bring me glory by revealing to you whatever he receives from me. All that hte Father has is mine; this is what I mean when I say that the Spirit will reveal to you whatever he receives from me.

With Peace and Blessings to All,

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #50 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 6:50am
To George,

Judy,There are somethings that godKeeps from us.

Does He really? I didn't know that. hmmmm... Nothing personal, George, but instead of trusting your words, I'll just trust the Words of the Lord as found in John 14:1-4:

Don’t be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know where I am going and how to get there.

With Peace and Blessings to All,
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george stone
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #51 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 10:04am
Judy,You said Jesus says when it is ready,I will come and take you with me.Its been 2.000 years,and its not ready yet.Judy no one gets a free ride to heaven.It takes many lifetimes to clense the soul of all the sins we have done.The way you are talking,hitler could be in heaven.There is no life as we know it on any other planet.If that were so,than the bible is wrong.George
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #52 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 10:27am
Thanks much Judy for your generous offer and the recommended books.  I do have 3 books, one about him (Van Dusen) and two summaries of what ES wrote (Conversations with Angels and Debates with Devils) and have read most of them.  Next time I order from amazon I'll add your 2 to the list. 

ps- a word to Alysia.....Don is correct re Laurie, I did talk with her during the workshop break and that is precisely what she said about RAM.  So I don't think I would characterize it as hearsay altho I agree that it doesn't rule out the possibility of other folks having contacted RAM.

Laurie was adamant about her dad having long since moved on and no longer in communication with anyone.  Bruce might want to clarify this since he knows the exact dates he was in Northern Va and altho he wasn't present while Laurie and I were talking, perhaps he can shed some light on the issue.

Bruce did not mention any RAM contact during his presentation which both I and Laurie attended, but I was familiar with his books and was curious as to whether her dad was still communicating, which is why I asked her.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #53 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 12:16pm
Hi Don,
thanks for the original passage of RAM.
I read it, but...can't follow your conclusion! Strange. "Another one", one, but not the only one. It's his (personal, special) reserve, backup, perhaps his only backup, but no word about to be the one and only parallel incarnation of his (whole) I/There! The other passages don't make it clearer I think. But, allright. We will not come to certainty anyway.
Interesting your infos about Laurie. But I too had something like a "maybe very possibly could be he" meeting with RAM. No certainty here too, of course.
Did someone ever got informations about a relation of RAM and a barkeeper? Or he in TMI There?

Argument in the astral:
A: Hey, you are making it all up.
B: I? You entirely are pure fantasy!
A: Proof it to me that I'm just illusion!
B: Easy. One moment...right! Can't see you, can't hear you. You are nothing but fantasy, as I said.
A: Hey! Where are you? Can you hear me? This silly guy is just fantasy I knew that! Uuh, wait...then I was the one who was fantasizing or what?

bye, spooky
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #54 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 12:18pm
George, the text that Judy quoted, John 14:1-3, does not refer to Christ's Second Coming in your sense of the concept.  As Jesus makes clear in John 14:16-18, He is talking about the coming in the form of the Holy Sprit or "Comforter" who takes us to Himself mystically.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #55 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 2:38pm

To return to the quote in question, it's "another one" and "this other", not "others" and "these others."  The implication is that there is only one parallel incarnation--a female one, not Bruce Moen.  At least that's how I see it.  By the way, I want to commend you for your vigorous engagement of this issue.  My biggest gripe about this site is that most posters just freeze like Bambi in the headlights at contrary evidence.  They seem to be every bit as "stuck" in their point of view as the most close-minded fundamentalist.  You are one of the clear exceptions.  I find this refreshing.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #56 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 3:47pm
Hi Don,
from my understanding it is possible (this lead me to my interpretation of the concerned passage) that an I/There can create parts or probes which are identical. And it can, of course, create different probes consisting of a different mixture. "The other one" is such an identical probe ("safety copy"), incarnated in a different body, but probably able to master  Monroes task in the case he fails. Bruce Moen, in my interpretation, then is also from the same I/There, but a different probe-mixture. So he would be not called another (Monroe-)one, but is of Monroes I/There though.
(Well, Bruce, if you read this, hope you can stand this sort of speculations...)
Bye, spooky
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #57 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 5:24pm
As an aside, in my opinion one of the more bizarre things in Bruce's books is the notion that we are "probes" sent here by our disks in order to gather information and transmit it back to the disk.

I'm not sure if this was originally a RAM speculation or if it originated with Bruce, but nevertheless it resembles something you'd expect out of an old episode of the Twilight Zone. 

Kind of reminds me of alien abductions.  The claim that we are abducted so that the aliens can learn more about our bodies is equally absurd, since any alien race capable of reaching earth wouldn't need to keep borrowing bodies in order to figure out how we tick.  One abduction would get the job done.

If our disks keep needing all this info from repetitive probes, they don't have much of a learning curve.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #58 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 6:00pm
Roger, you haven't done much reading about aliens, have you?

Love, Mairlyn  Grin
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #59 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 6:19pm
No not much reading, I have enough problems trying to figure out my fellow humans.  I think I am more inclined to believe aliens represent a psychic penetration of our world rather than a physical presence but then what do I know.

I was really using the alien thing as an analogy to the "disk probe" notion.

As you probably know by now Marilyn, I have read and researched stuff about the afterlife for most of my adult life and I am probably way more left brain than right.  As a result, although I am intensely interested in what lies beyond the veil, I tend to reject most of what is not independently verified.

This trait, although it has made me very well off financially, hasn't helped that much in convincing me to accept any particular set of beliefs.

Which by the way might be good, since Bruce has said folks with a strong belief system are usually setting themselves for a crash once they find their BS (nice acronym huh?) is not accurate.

In fact I think Bruce went so far as to say that those of us who are not committed to a specific set of beliefs are those who have the easiest transition to the afterlife. 

So I guess I'll keep muddling on.

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