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Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection (Read 198820 times)
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #240 - Jan 22nd, 2013 at 6:03am
I put my check-ups on Swedenborg as a "scientist" in this link -> here.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #241 - May 20th, 2017 at 11:51am
How could disciples of Bruce and TMI discover whether their astral contacts with deceased spirits are real?  Surely deceased contactees preserve earth memories that allow them to provide information about their lives unknown to the astral traveler.  The ease with which ES provides impressive verifications of the authenticity of his astral contacts raises the question of why similar verifications of modern astral contacts with the deceased are so rare. 

Given the impressive precedent established by ES, why can't Moen/ Monroe methods allow astral explorers to routinely solicit unknown verifiable information from their deceased contacts?  And even if such verifications became routinely possible, one would then need to establish criteria to discern genuine contact from spirit impersonators.    
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« Last Edit: May 20th, 2017 at 5:56pm by TheDonald »  
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #242 - May 20th, 2017 at 1:06pm
Don, verification is a tricky business. ES warned about the amount of deception in the afterlife just as there is in the physical.

Here's an important point often overlooked- discarnate entities with whom we contact are those closest to the physical. And are also the group who are most likely to be of low or lower vibrations. Advanced souls have already moved on.

As C.L. Lewis said in The Screwtape Letters, it's relatively easy for these entities to insinuate themselves into unwary folks. Their objective is to deceive and mislead. They are clever in their methods.

Best to be careful before venturing into unknown waters.

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Lights of Love
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #243 - May 20th, 2017 at 1:36pm
Hi Don,

According to Van Dusen, ES, since childhood, unknowingly practiced "one of the ancient Hindu Yoga and Buddhist ways to enlightenment where, he would relax, close his eyes and focus in with total concentration on a problem.  At the same time, his breathing would nearly stop.  Awareness of the outer world and even bodily sensation would diminish… His whole existence would focus on the one issue he wanted to understand."  Basically he entered into a Theta state where his brain waves ranged from 4 to 7.5Hz.  Certainly this can be accomplished using many different methods, including Bruce's since it's simply a deep meditative state.

It seems to me the difference between individuals is likely a matter of ability to remain consciously aware while maintaining the Theta state for long periods of time, which it seems ES was able to do quite naturally.  The Theta state can be difficult to maintain and meditators will bounce back to an alpha or beta state or fall into a Delta, or sleep state.  It's a little easier to maintain an alpha/theta border state of about 7 to 8Hz, which is a "mind awake, body asleep" state according to Monroe speak.  It's a great state for visualization, hypnosis, mind programming, etc., but it's not quite deep enough to provide the kind of explorations ES accomplished.

How can people know if their astral contacts with deceased spirits are real?  While it's possible, I'm not so sure all contacts are with an actual deceased person including some of ES's contacts.  There are no objects in a world/reality that's non-physical.  Certainly beings do exist and I imagine some can and do communicate with loved ones, at least initially after they've passed, but if years have gone by I think genuine contact with our loved ones becomes unlikely because they've moved on.  Their consciousness would not have remain static at the end of their life here.  Their new experiences would have changed them in ways we may not recognize with our limited human perspectives.  So the question arises of who or what we are in contact with? 

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #244 - May 20th, 2017 at 3:19pm
My lucid dream of a long walk with my recently deceased father is instructive for the problem of paltry verification material from discarnate spirits contacted.  I felt Dad's love and got to express my love for him during the walk.  But he responded only with a smile and said nothing meaningful.  I believe my real Dad would have said something like: "It's so great to be with you, Don."  Or "I'm learning so much since I crossed over," or "Let me share some of what I've learned since I began my postmortem journey."  Dad's deafening silence betrays the fact that it was just a dream expressing my wishful thinking.  My real Dad would have been eager to share information of fulfilled expectations and surprises in the afterlife.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #245 - May 20th, 2017 at 4:38pm
While meditating I experienced something similar with my mom both before and after she passed.  Before I saw a vision of her and I sitting in lawn chairs on the patio of a house we lived in when I was about 12.  In the vision I saw that we were talking but I couldn't hear what was being said.  Shortly after that she got up and I saw her jean clad rear end, and as she walked away from me I heard her say the words, "I'm leaving."  I interpreted the vision as a premonition of her passing.  She died a couple days later. 

A few weeks after she's passed one afternoon while meditating I had another vision of 40's pin up girl poster type pictures.  There were many of these pictures that flashed before me.  First of her as a young girl, then as a beautiful young woman, then her as a mature woman.  The pictures, all different stages of her life, flashed in my mind's eye as though I were watching an old time movie.  The interesting thing was that there was a vague feeling associated with each picture that I don't think was my feeling, but hers, and I was reminded of a review of her life in pictures.  When the "movie" ended, I awash in a beautiful feeling of tangible love all around me.
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #246 - May 20th, 2017 at 5:00pm
I vividly remember an incident, seemingly minor, that happened a week or so after my dad died.

I had just gone to bed, wide awake and thinking about him and wishing we had a chance for a final goodbye. I wasn't asking for a sign of his presence.

Then I felt an unmistakable pressure of a hand pressing on my leg. It lasted just for a second or two but it was something I'll always remember.

I think those kind of unforced and unexpected experiences are more valid than those that happen when we consciously try to make contact.
Especially via mediums.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #247 - May 20th, 2017 at 6:04pm
Roger: "I think those kind of unforced and unexpected experiences are more valid than those that happen when we consciously try to make contact.
Especially via mediums."

That reminds me of the pattern of almost all my paranormal revelations and experiences.  When my eagerness prompts me to "try" to make a wonderful experience happen, it almost never does.  If it's going to happen at all, it happens when I am mentally open, but not fixated on any expectation or result at all.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #248 - May 20th, 2017 at 7:27pm
It happens in physical life as well. It's the spontaneous, unplanned events that stand out.

You can plan a vacation right down to a daily, even hourly agenda. The times we've done that don't always turn out as exciting as we thought.

A good example is one of our trips to Hawaii. We did and saw a lot, but the most memorable event was during some downtime on a beach. All we wanted was some quiet time in the sun, but after a while a guy with his cat beached it and just yelled out if anyone wanted a ride.

We only had about $10 with us but he accepted it and off we went. What an adventure! We sailed parallel to the coast with Diamondhead in the distance, dolphins playing tag with the boat, and a whale with her calf going right underneath.

We spent much more money doing other things but this unplanned experience was the best of them all.

Lesson: Relax, enjoy the moment, things will turn out just as they are intended, whether an earthly vacation or our future adventure in the afterlife.


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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #249 - May 22nd, 2017 at 3:08pm
ES was of course a passionate (if unorthodox) Christian and his trips to the heavens were overwhelmed by an awareness of Christ's presence.  Also, if you've read through this thread, you know that ES's verifications are far, far more impressive than the bulk of alleged verifications by New Age astral explorers.  But let's now turn to contemporary Christian Swedenborgs who explore physical and spiritual realms in OBEs.

Take a stroll outside the New Age Ghetto and watch this practical video on how to tell the difference between authentic OBEs in the form of "Christian spiritual travel" and "astral projection."  The most interesting part of the video for me was how "Praying Medic" demonstrates successful Christian OBE verifications through methods that Buhlman's experiments failed to achieve.  At the end of this video "Praying Medic" points to his website and how-to books and recommends other Christian books on Christian OBEs:

"Praying Medic" was an avowed atheist prior to his dramatic converion.  Check out his website for his blogs, videos, and information on his 10 books:
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« Last Edit: May 22nd, 2017 at 9:40pm by TheDonald »  
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #250 - May 22nd, 2017 at 4:36pm
Don, I'll plan on watching tonight assuming the 9pm John Bachelor radio show doesn't interest me. Otherwise I'll watch tomorrow.

Just returned from Canada to the humidity of VA. Where are you hanging these days?

Returning before end of June if you are in area. We'll have a scotch together but Karen will no doubt opt for her G&T.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #251 - May 23rd, 2017 at 11:16am
As C.L. Lewis said in The Screwtape Letters, it's relatively easy for these entities to insinuate themselves into unwary folks. Their objective is to deceive and mislead. They are clever in their methods.

Best to be careful before venturing into unknown waters.

     Regarding C.S. Lewis's book The Screwtape Letters. It should be noted that this book is a fictional account. It should be noted what C.S. Lewis himself wrote in the preface or intro of the book:
   "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall into about the devils.  One is to disbelieve in their existence.  The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.  They themselves are equally pleased by both errors*..."

   *My use of bold, italic, and underline. 

  So one might ask the question, why the constant focus and redirection to these negative entities?  Why the spreading of over generalized fear and the advice of one shouldn't explore the afterlife or communicate with guidance because if one does, one will be mislead no questions asked?
     It's not like I don't occasionally address negative beings and how they sometimes mess with people.  I certainly do know and understand that, but to so focus on that so constantly...hmmmm.
    Truth is, if you ask for specific help from specific levels and beings, you will get it if you are sincere and seeking more positively than not. One can ask the Creator, Yeshua, and the collective of pure Light Beings to shield and protect one during a meditation and seeking of information. 
    And if we ask them specifically for such help, why wouldn't they help, when they deeply love us more than we tend to love each other or ourselvesDo people really think that these negative beings are more powerful than the Creator, Yeshua, and the collective of pure Light Beings? Hmmmm.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #252 - May 23rd, 2017 at 11:59am
I bet you Bruce Moen, Vicky, Justin and myself have no regrets for making contact with friendly spirit beings.

Love-based beings don't puff out of existence simply because negative beings exist.

I've said it before, it is a mistake to allow unfriendly beings to determine what we do or do not do. If we want to grow spiritually, we shouldn't allow unfriendly beings determine how much we expand ourselves.

When you open up to divine love and oneness your perception opens up and you might perceive some unfriendly beings, but you mainly open up to the source of everything (God), and the beings that are with him. It is not a bad thing to do such a thing.

Unfriendly beings probably love it when people try to scare others into not growing spiritually.

If one focuses on unfriendly beings too much, one might create corresponding aspects of mind.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #253 - May 23rd, 2017 at 5:37pm
Recognition of something and focus on something are entirely different things. I'd say a person constantly speaking out against an idea is more focused on that idea than the person who recognizes that the idea may be true when it is of minimal significance in that person's life. Understanding that negative beings exist and taking appropriate precautions does not necessitate a fear-based mentality, but rather that of being grounded in reality.

I have an image of someone saying, "it's silly to let the deadliness of poison determine one's actions" and then jumping into a swimming pool of toxic waste. Discrimination and sound judgement based on the nature of reality is key.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #254 - May 23rd, 2017 at 5:54pm
Is tuning into love and peace, and praying to God and Christ, the same thing as jumping into a toxic pool of waste?

Not that one needs to pray to God and Christ specifically. Without doing so I figure that Bruce Moen found a positive way to do things such as make contact with the Planning Intelligence. He was rewarded with big time PUL.

Since unfriendly beings can contact people in this world at an unconscious level, perhaps people shouldn't take part in this world.

I Am Dude wrote on May 23rd, 2017 at 5:37pm:
Recognition of something and focus on something are entirely different things. I'd say a person constantly speaking out against an idea is more focused on that idea than the person who recognizes that the idea may be true when it is of minimal significance in that person's life. Understanding that negative beings exist and taking appropriate precautions does not necessitate a fear-based mentality, but rather that of being grounded in reality.

I have an image of someone saying, "it's silly to let the deadliness of poison determine one's actions" and then jumping into a swimming pool of toxic waste. Discrimination and sound judgement based on the nature of reality is key.

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