Lights of Love
Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #243 - May 20th, 2017 at 1:36pm
Hi Don,
According to Van Dusen, ES, since childhood, unknowingly practiced "one of the ancient Hindu Yoga and Buddhist ways to enlightenment where, he would relax, close his eyes and focus in with total concentration on a problem. At the same time, his breathing would nearly stop. Awareness of the outer world and even bodily sensation would diminish… His whole existence would focus on the one issue he wanted to understand." Basically he entered into a Theta state where his brain waves ranged from 4 to 7.5Hz. Certainly this can be accomplished using many different methods, including Bruce's since it's simply a deep meditative state.
It seems to me the difference between individuals is likely a matter of ability to remain consciously aware while maintaining the Theta state for long periods of time, which it seems ES was able to do quite naturally. The Theta state can be difficult to maintain and meditators will bounce back to an alpha or beta state or fall into a Delta, or sleep state. It's a little easier to maintain an alpha/theta border state of about 7 to 8Hz, which is a "mind awake, body asleep" state according to Monroe speak. It's a great state for visualization, hypnosis, mind programming, etc., but it's not quite deep enough to provide the kind of explorations ES accomplished.
How can people know if their astral contacts with deceased spirits are real? While it's possible, I'm not so sure all contacts are with an actual deceased person including some of ES's contacts. There are no objects in a world/reality that's non-physical. Certainly beings do exist and I imagine some can and do communicate with loved ones, at least initially after they've passed, but if years have gone by I think genuine contact with our loved ones becomes unlikely because they've moved on. Their consciousness would not have remain static at the end of their life here. Their new experiences would have changed them in ways we may not recognize with our limited human perspectives. So the question arises of who or what we are in contact with?