Quote:If you do an NDE, and you die (a definite possibility), you'll probably just have to start over again with another physical birth. What's the point of that?
Recoverer, Rob_Roy, and many others... pessimist's
Do U have a car ?
Do U hear about die in fatal accident, pile-up ?
Howe many people die in car accident?
When U come inside car, do U meditate about this ?
Do U think about car accident every time when U go inside car ?
Do U calculate about posibility of die. Calculate about posibility disability ??
I have car. Is Rover 216 GTi. It is fast car.
Is not new, but I love him

I am not a fool who calculate this every time when going in to the car.
may god
about what we talking
Its my life!
I risk my live every day. Today I drive my car too - so I risk my life!!!
so waths ??
Do U want live forever ??
I know. Maybe U thing that U not die?
So I want to inform U:
Sorry, but U will die!
Everybody will die! So whats is the problem...
now is 12 december 2005. Many, many thousend people die in Pakistan...
How many?
~35000 people.
die for nothing. Young, old, man, woman, kids....
And U talking about 1 life.
My life !!!!!!!!!!!
Many millions was die in fight & many will die. Fight one aginst other.
Not one man. Not hundred but millions !!
Die for what ?
I believe that chance to die in this experiment is lesser than die in road accident.
But... if I die, I sure that my enterprise is right !!
And I sure that not stop for good another people who want discover really New World & change life
We Discover this World & nothing stop science

in the beginning I ask U:
"Do U hear about die in fatal accident, pile-up ?"
in the end I ask U:
Do U hear about die in aware exploring NDE ?

Camilo Largo