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I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to... die? (Read 28721 times)
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #15 - Oct 6th, 2005 at 3:00pm
Can you get Bruce's Home Study Course instead? If you want to see the Afterlife, why take such a big risk when there are safer and less expensive ways to do it?
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #16 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 3:54am
Go for it my son!

I wish i could do the same, but i would'nt know were to start. Plus it would scare the crap out of my parents. Plus i could'nt afford to pay the doctor.

Dont listen to the bible crap, Jesus was little more then a roman properganda tool.

Keep me informed of what happens,im dam excited for ya.

Good luck.

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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #17 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 8:20am
First, I'd like to say, that NDE's are experienced by those who are due them.  I don't think anyone can have one on demand.

I can't understand a reason not to try to explore the afterlife first through the Monroe institute, or Bruce Moen's tapes, or Astral projection.

The christian tirade is tiresome.  Find me quotes of Christ's teachings on Hell.  Not something from the book of Revelations (which is not said to be Jesus teaching his followers).  Show me where in the bible a disciple or person is sent there by Jesus.  Doesn't happen. 

However, if we are on this earth to learn in the real world, and mature that way - it can only damage us and our souls to take unnecessary risks to get back to the afterlife (i.e. suicide) instead of becoming enlightened in this lifetime.

My two cents,

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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #18 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 3:10pm

Intentionally trying to have a NDE isn't brave. It's taking the "lazy" way out. If you really want to find out what's true, look within and ask for guidance. If you're really open to it, it's certain to come. And don't expect all knowledge to come in one night. These things take time.

If you do an NDE, and you die (a definite possibility), you'll probably just have to start over again with another physical birth. What's the point of that?

I doubt that the beings you're connected to in the spirit World, would want you to do an intentional NDE. In fact, they would be greatly dissapointed if you did. THERE IS JUST WAY TOO MUCH OPPORTUNITY TO FIND OUT ABOUT SPIRITUAL TRUTH, WITHOUT TAKING SUCH AND UNNECESSARY RISK.  

Sorry about yelling, but I bet you your spirit guides are yelling at you right now: "DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

P.S. It takes much more courage to do spiritual searching the regular way, than it does to force an NDE.

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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #19 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 3:14pm
One other thing. Is it responsible to expect a doctor to take such a chance with another person's life?
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #20 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 3:50pm
Then again, why spend your life with no proof?. Most of us dont sense ghosts in the wind, have the desceased popping up on our computer screens, have OBE'S, or even have any decent proof from people who can/say these things occur.

We do have science though, we know what cause's NDE'S, and how we can recreate them, and i guess what he wants to do is have the ultimate rush, and i dont blame him, i wish i could have an NDE as probley do many of us.

p.s Doctors will do anything if you give them enough money, i know doctors who have amputated perfectly good limbs, arms/legs whatever just because the person does'nt like the look of them.
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #21 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 4:17pm

If you do it and die, do you want the doctor, the person who refers you to a doctor,  and spitfire to have the bad karma of playing a role in your death?

I'm not a big believer in bad karma, but sometimes you have to make exceptions.
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #22 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 5:14pm
recoverer said, "the person who refers you to a doctor,  and spitfire to have the bad karma"

you're funny, recoverer Smiley

love, blink
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #23 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 6:23pm
If you do an NDE, and you die (a definite possibility), you'll probably just have to start over again with another physical birth. What's the point of that?


Recoverer, Rob_Roy, and many others... pessimist's Wink

Do U have a car ?
Do U hear about die in fatal accident, pile-up ?
Howe many people die in car accident?
When U come inside car, do U meditate about this ?
Do U think about car accident every time when U go inside car ?
Do U calculate about posibility of die. Calculate about posibility disability ??

I have car. Is Rover 216 GTi. It is fast car.
Is not new, but I love him Smiley
I am not a fool who calculate this every time when going in to the car.

may god
about what we talking
Its my life!
I risk my live every day. Today I drive my car too - so I risk my life!!!
so waths ??
Do U want live forever ??

I know. Maybe U thing that U not die?
So I want to inform U:
Sorry, but U will die!
Everybody will die! So whats is the problem...

now is 12 december 2005. Many, many thousend people die in Pakistan...
How many?
~35000 people.
die for nothing. Young, old, man, woman, kids....

And U talking about 1 life.
My life !!!!!!!!!!!

Many millions was die in fight & many will die. Fight one aginst other.
Not one man. Not hundred but millions !!
Die for what ?

I believe that chance to die in this experiment is lesser than die in road accident.
But... if I die, I sure that my enterprise is right !!
And I sure that not stop for good another people who want discover really New World & change life Smiley

We Discover this World & nothing stop science Smiley Nothing!

in the beginning I ask U:
"Do U hear about die in fatal accident, pile-up ?"
in the end I ask U:
Do U hear about die in aware exploring NDE ? Wink))

Camilo Largo  Cheesy

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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #24 - Oct 11th, 2005 at 6:48pm
Hello Spitfire and others optimist Smiley

if U intresting about NDE I invite U here:
and my topic about aware NDE:

My new catchword (slogan) is:
"Aware NDE is same good as unconscious NDE"
Roll Eyes

(its sounds (grammar) good in english? Pls correct if not) 

Camilo Largo
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #25 - Oct 12th, 2005 at 1:56am

If you do it and die, do you want the doctor, the person who refers you to a doctor,  and spitfire to have the bad karma of playing a role in your death?

I'm not a big believer in bad karma, but sometimes you have to make exceptions.

Does that meen if it works, and he has a life changing experience, i get good karma?, i would be willing to take that risk.
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Posts: 6
Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #26 - Oct 12th, 2005 at 2:23am

  Forgive me, Camilo.. I don't mean to imply any lack of understanding or knowledge on your part, (quite the contrary), but no one else asked....

Wouldn't having an Out-of-Body Experience (OOBE)
serve your purposes nearly as well-- and more safely?  I'm still trying, after on-and-off practice for over 30 years!, to have an OOBE.  Perhaps you've already experienced visiting what's beyond this life
in that manner?

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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #27 - Oct 12th, 2005 at 3:13am

 Forgive me, Camilo.. I don't mean to imply any lack of understanding or knowledge on your part, (quite the contrary), but no one else asked....

Wouldn't having an Out-of-Body Experience (OOBE)
serve your purposes nearly as well-- and more safely?  I'm still trying, after on-and-off practice for over 30 years!, to have an OOBE.  Perhaps you've already experienced visiting what's beyond this life
in that manner?


Obe's and NDE'S, are two different kind of experiences, OBE'S are quite often (from what i understand since ive never had one) you floating around and everyone's experience's in OBE'S are vastly different.

Nde's, are the white light and the tunnel...Meeting deceased people for real. Often having very similar experiences unlike OBE'S.

The best description i heard between NDE'S and OBE'S, is that OBE'S are like looking through a telescope, while NDE'S are standing on the object your looking at.

i dont think camilo has had any luck with OBE'S, you have gotta be a Love junkie to make them happen.

We have all gotta die sometime, i would rather risk my life by going into the unknown, then die in a nursing home, forgotten.
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Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #28 - Oct 12th, 2005 at 4:51am
oh and camilo have you checked out ;  

Some very good reading
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Gender: male
Re: I want to have NDE :-) I'am a volunteer to...
Reply #29 - Oct 12th, 2005 at 1:39pm
If you force an NDE, do you expect a spirit you meet to give you a grand tour of the afterlife realms? My guess is that such a spirit wouldn't be willing to show you anything. Instead it would tell you that you need to immediately get back to your body.

Hello Spitfire and others optimist Smiley

if U intresting about NDE I invite U here:
and my topic about aware NDE:

My new catchword (slogan) is:
"Aware NDE is same good as unconscious NDE"
Roll Eyes

(its sounds (grammar) good in english? Pls correct if not)  

Camilo Largo

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