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exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing) (Read 6492 times)
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exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
May 7th, 2005 at 10:48pm
Roadsign 16..attempting to share a little of my spiritual journey from one roadsign out of 25. lets all toot our horns..lets all write books! lol. I know we all have one. maybe we can get back in the spirit of love.
thanks for the read. alysia

The first words out of his mouth made my mouth fall open. I knew I had been answered by ACIM’s introduction: Quote: 

“This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time in which you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.” 
   This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists

<Herein lies the peace of God. > 
     Later I thought about this momentous occasion of seemingly stumbling unto this material but really not. First, I had been given years before a  mantra “expect a miracle.”  Spirit whatever that was, could always play me like a yo-yo and I had fairly danced with only these words in my empty but willing head. Therefore I went through life with the word miracle running in my subconscious, like an old record, an oldie but goodie. You could barely hear it’s subtle tune yet it stayed with me. Second, “this is a required course” made me listen up as well. I had thought nothing was required of me here in any shape or measure, least of all disapline and training of the mind along the vein of what belief systems I harbored, nursed and defended. Third, I was impressed with what Jesus was saying about free will, and that we would not be able to establish the curriculum here, implying that I was not in control of this place I had found my lonely and battered ego within. Fourth point to be taken is that Jesus was telling me I could elect to take this course in a time period of my choosing, but I would not be able to decline this course in an eternal sense as it was required for graduation. Graduation was always an attractive idea. Fifth, and perhaps of most importance the Course told me straight out I was looking for love but that the Course would not teach this to me, as the meaning of love was quite beyond the mere words which offer guidance, yet not the product of what only experience can supply.  Sixth, the Course states it’s intentions up front to remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence which means that which I am searching for is the thing that is all around me and I notice not due to perceptional blocks to that awareness; then I am at once reminded of a universal law “to have the thing you crave, give that thing to another.” Our inheritance is love. This could only mean one thing. We can find our meaning, our essence, our home, in the kingdom DP preached on as it was our premise to do so.  The opposite of love is fear, yet what is all encompassing can have no opposite gives a directly safe feeling to the material, as nothing that is real can be threatened, therefore fear is not real and is in place operational as an illusion, alluding to something substantial which we construct in our minds  to be harmful. If you believe that only love is real there is no cause for alarm or fear to exist, therefore I was home free and awaiting God to take the final step knowing that this too was part of the illusion that I was separated from my home while I abided within what I perceived as a body, with all it’s pains and it’s need for nourishment and attention.
   The more I listened the more I entered a trancelike state, lulled by the peaceful sincere voice of this teacher of God who received no monetary value for rescuing me from misery. I was in awe not only at the material, but because I had yet again received an answer from the universe, just by asking, and there was no doubt whatsoever in my mind that this was it.  My  ultimatum  to the universe had worked because I’d thrown a bit of a hissy fit in hopes of getting spiritual attention.  Perhaps I had only attracted my own attention, of higher self who might have uttered in consternation; “quickly now the quickening, she is about to do something quite rash.”  this was a different kind of miracle; this one would require some allowance from me to reprogram my mind to perceive differently.  Trust was difficult. DP would be there with his warming blanket about the shoulders.
   I bought the books of which there were three. A text, a student’s lesson plan, and a teacher’s manual. There were 365 lessons, one for each day of the year. From the very first moment I had opened the book, DP was on LR like a fly on, well, you get the picture. He asked for the commitment to the study as a priority before he would assist me; in return he would teach me how to hear the word that was written. He was a little stern. After all, why should he waste his time if I were not to follow through to the end?  When the floodgates of knowings came forth, DP would back off just a little so I could recuperate from the feelings, then he’d whomp LR again with another “aha!” piece of the puzzle. Without DP I would have just been reading lovely words and the books would have gone on the shelf to join many others, basically of no further use.
   Hours would be spent sobbing on a single paragraph as a cleansing took place. How can you cry just from reading something in a book? Because every word was setting my tired self free. There was joy on the one hand, that at last I had found my path, and grief on the other that I had taken so long to find it. Inside the powerful grief was residing a substantial gratitude related to the joy. DP, of course had no problem with the Christian path when presented as ACIM presented it. He would mention the days Moses and Jesus had spent in solitude for enlightenment whenever LR complained she was not earning a livlihood and therefore must be of worthlessness just as mother had suspected all along.  I had lots of time.   I had given up my need to rush through books and life along with all ambitions.
    “This is not your home.” These words hit me hard and fast. I hadn’t known I was but on a journey. I had thought there was something wrong with me for foisting myself through my mother’s womb. Love, the meaning of such seemed to become ever more related to the first human contact a spirit makes after emerging from the birth canal. Of course DP had not the personality conflicts of LR to deal with.  I could understand the value of rebirthing which had just arrived on the scene in the 80’s for me. It was all being explained to me in one fell swoop and it was overwhelming in a good sense. There was so much rewiring being done I was sure I was nothing more than a robot upstairs. DP stayed. I would stare at the book and just think about the feeling I got that it held a sacred message for me and I couldn’t believe that anything as physical as a book, that anything physical was sacred here. Equally sacred had been my prayer and my wish to be transformed. I was being told I couldn’t read this book in the manner in which I had read all my other self-help books. If I got stuck on a section of it which would produce conflict and a wish to reject the material, I was to set aside my objections until later, when more reading and study would clarify those objections. I told the master I would commit to do this as I implicitly trusted my feelings I had been correctly led to just this material in this time frame. My physical body was involved in the reading. My hands were hot, the book was hot and my head was exploding with hot to trot. It had become the last self-help material. It was poetic and required an  abstract type of thinking. It was enhancing my powers of concentration requiring discipline.
    To look at life differently, a miracle was defined as being a simple change of mind, a decision to do so. The words were Jesus’ words coming through the pen of Helen Schucman, a psychologist. ACIM explained everything that the bible had failed to explain about the human mind, the ego and belief systems we labor under and defend unto death. It was made for my generation. It was about me, not about the sons of Abraham and it wouldn’t take an entire lifetime to understand, just a number of years that I wouldn’t even notice go by. As I progressed in the material, ACIM would stress that to not accept that you are healed, whole and perfect just as you were meant you were attacking God, because then it meant that you would be denying your perfection and wholeness as a son of God, which is your inheritance. ACIM spoke of the ego, an aspect of man which had the cause of separation and division to make unto itself a thing of power. I knew nothing but that I wished to not be attacking God by attacking my brothers with judgment for we were as one and while on this level of waking consciousness I had not the entire picture. Let not the man who lives in a glass house throw a stone DP said.  I trust my brothers who are one with me were the incredible words. These words I had trouble with, but stowed them in  a retrievable drawer. Perhaps they were true. What an incredible thing to say; as if everything that was good in life was a thing I wished to deny because of unworthiness my ego would impress upon me, thus somehow proving to God that we could make death real, that we were powerful enough to do so. Death was not real, and we could not make it so. It had no power over us in truth and was an illusion we used here. We could never be separated from God, only that it was He that gave us the freedom to believe we were separated, and accomplishing of death. And so strong was the illusion that death was real that we all at once agreed it was true, therefore it had become so. Together, we had power to be creating of our mutual reality, because together we were God. Yet only one savior was needed to save the world. One single person. Me, it was after all, me own arse I was saving by the getting of knowledge and application of knowledge. Jesus had come and gone. We would be the ones to do the deeds that he had said we would do. We would do it one by one. He had known we would, centuries ago. DP said too many of us thought about the crucifixion and not enough of us celebrated that he rose right back up and took his body with him. Can’t blame him for leaving could you?
   It began with accepting your own self as savior of your soul. And this was to be in balance in the heart and was in no way to be coveting God’s power, quite the opposite, as nothing that you did was being done through ego juice. ACIM made you aware of the ego’s ploy for attention. We were all equal in the regard that there was no favorites in the eyes of God, on the other hand there were enough guides, helpers and master teachers on the inner planes to make the journey interesting while you pulled yourself up by your boot straps. You could of course, get into a fixation on power if you forgot to include others as contributing to and sharing your power.  We would have to look after one another then as relationships mattered. They were the only things we could take with us into the next life. DP reminded LR how guides in the life review would always ask the shy and angry faint lights who had exited their bodies “and how did you treat your dog? Or it might be another question such as “why did you steal your mother’s car, crash it and then laugh?” All sorts of embarrassing questions would be asked which you had no idea somebody was keeping a record of every single interaction. DP intercepted with Jesus’s words of old, that we love each other. He couldn’t give us a clue what love meant though, but he did return in ACIM, or his spirit did and instructed that teaching the meaning of love was not His job. Only experience could teach what love was. From another viewpoint others would reflect back to you the world you had created with your free will or reactionary thoughts. Man’s own ego with it’s limited perspective wanted to survive and be in control of this world, and it was not beyond viciousness to do so. There were only two emotions ACIM said, love or fear. This simplified it for LR as then she could determine whether she came from love or fear and she didn’t have to forever be dissecting feelings of sadness, anger, pity, impatience, all emotions which were not love, were fear originated, thus they could be traced to the thought system behind them, an automatic computer-like process. All of humanity were either screaming for love, fearful that it would not arrive, or we were offering love, and there was no in-between or shades of gray. It became an interesting study to remain in balance when others were coming from a place of fear, which in LR’s world was being observed as about 98% of all interactions. In the presence of love, fear, a product of the ego, could not sustain itself; which would be precisely why the material would be difficult to get through; fear of ego disintegration. I did not mind ego disintegration in the least. I saw nothing that the ego offered to me that I wished for. Yet I had gone only a short distance and would notice ego always distorts even the loftiest thought. It wishes always for self aggrandizement and would not be disappearing without a struggle, if then. We would have to just figure out which voice we were listening to, whether expressing a thought of connectiveness, or a thought of division.
   Now I knew why DP would remind me that to look into the face of God meant certain death, as if the ego consisted of but a shadow whereas God was a light within which the shadow became all but obliterated, but yet merciful was the light that would not destroy  that which it had birthed. There would be a veil between the ego and the light which could obliterate it without that intention. It was always of course a cosmos based on mathematical and scientific principle also. Not just a religious morality viewing point.
   The Course said I was love. That my ego would love to differ on. All I could do was create a wish to see love, I could not create the substance of it in my life as yet but I could move in that direction, through a wish, and as ACIM said, a little willingness. I was to, DP reminded me, love myself; a difficult task without DP’s frequent sustaining spirit.  LR moved with greater ease in that direction for she learned it was the intention of the soul. Not just my single soul, this undistorted love energy was becoming public property very quickly. There would be no taking pride in being on a love path. It might even be difficult but I would have help.
   When I turned the last page of ACIM, I had also turned the last page on my former depression. I now wanted to live, as I knew I was loved just as I was in all my fluffy nothingness. I was also healed of the lung pain that had been my ticket to die. I noted the physical healing as a by product of my study. I had not cared whether I should die or live, so the physical healing was as nothing to me, just a completely normal occurance signaling  I would be staying here awhile yet longer. Only an act of love had created this material. ACIM had told me to “forget this book. Go and seek an experience.” The message that we were all the Sons of God, loved, just as we were, that’s all we needed to know. Calling myself a “son” of God didn’t even bother the feminine part of me, not at all, for I had often enough speculated I had slipped on this polarity to gentle and balance my totality being, back into the genderless spirit from which I had come.
   I ran out and bought copies for all my estranged family members, remembering how I had been instructed that each and every relationship was of paramount concern and importance in this life. My family must have thought I’d gone even further bonkers than ever before, as I’d not communicated to them in ages, and now a ponderous book arrives on their doorstep. None read it. I found out there’s other pathways to understanding our being as the nature of love, other pathways which would look like experience was the best teacher, which it was, as I possessed only a smattering of the mental comprehension, yet the comprehension had settled into the heart. I would need to experience the teachings, test it out for reliability. I would have to stop feeling defensive about ACIM, after all, nothing real can be threatened. And it was real. I stopped defending it. It would not become just another religion, distorted by the ego, not as long as I breathed and lived and vowing this meant I was not to become defensive when others tread on what had become so valuable to me.
   Now, I wanted to live. The journey was done.  ACIM would not give a clue what this final step entailed. It was not death, for death was an ego fallacy, something we either rushed towards for relief, or held over the heads of others to control them with. Forgiveness was the way, ACIM said. So I set off to understand what forgiveness was supposed to look like, I had an idea, like non judgment, forgiveness was something we were capable of here, but seldom practiced. One would tune into the news on TV and see perhaps only once in a lifetime a victim claiming they had forgiven. With everyone else, your mind would go blank as if trying to remember something astonishingly true, but seldom practiced. You could hear lone voices crying in the night and you wondered where their courage had arisen from. Forgiveness  was the closest thing to love here, the closest thing that would lead us to love, or back to love, as it was looking like we had been created out of that incredible love. Such a thing was unbelievable of course; we would have to prove it.
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Lights of Love
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #1 - May 8th, 2005 at 9:17am
Dear Alysia,

Your book is such a wonderful expression of your personal journey and how you got to the place where you are now.  You always seem to spread such wonderful loving wisdom to all in a very precious way.

Much love, Kathy
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #2 - May 8th, 2005 at 12:19pm
Yes, thank you for this dear Alysia. Wink

With Love,
Mairlyn Wink
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #3 - May 8th, 2005 at 2:35pm

I sort of get the sense that we’ve just passed through a crisis on the board and are coming out on the other side. That of a better understanding of each other which leads to miracles in the making.  Which is why I’m especially thrilled at your most recent Roadsign posting.  “To look at life differently, a miracle was defined as being a simple change of mind, a decision to do so”.  Jampolsky clarifies that the underlying purpose of the Course is to “…recognize that we have a choice as to how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world about us.  We have a choice as to whether we experience peace or conflict.  We have a choice as to whether we experience love or fear”.  I see conscious choices being made here on how to best handles differences in belief systems.  I watch and learn as various methods are tried out from insults to intellectualizing but also see how mutual respect wins out.  That’s the miracle!  This is how it must be because, of course, we are all equals.  I see how the various egos vie for adoration but then move towards wanting understanding and love.  Someone says to me, “It’s people like you that…yadda, yadda, yadda” and I sense the fear behind the attack.  And rather than merely letting it go, I choose to attempt to really try to understand what’s behind it.  I find that I can only do that using my heart and then respond when that warm feeling permeates me and expect nothing in return.  What actually seems to happen is that I get much in return. 

Other times I get lazy and choose to take the easy way out by responding in kind, but that never brings me peace of mind or the miracles.  Tongue Then there is my ego, the greatprotector/deceiver/distinguisher saying, “they’re making more money than you and doing less work, their you superior so you must obey them, don’t do or say anything because their smarter than you …yadda, yadda, yadda, fear, fear, fear”.  And I choose to respond, “Let it go, let it go, let it go, because, after all, I’m doing what I can from the heart, I’m only in a race with myself, I am love, I’m not alone, and all is well”.  Not that I don’t, at times choose, respond with, “This conversation has ended for the time being” and walk away or say no, or make requests or speak my mind.  Space is sometimes a good thing when in the midst of clashing belief systems or conflict.  But then I have to get back to the situation and follow it up with understanding for the miracles to happen.  Saying no is sometimes a way of loving and respecting myself as are making requests and sharing my point of view.  But sometimes living in between the choosing is where it’s at as an incubation period.  It’s like waiting for the universe to get all its ducks in line. 

That’s what I think is happening as a result of the accident I had last September and my choosing to decide that maybe it’s time for my husband and I to move closer to our families because of love.  I have chosen to view my job as very fulfilling, demanding, yet overwhelming and draining.  I yelled out to the universe last week because of the overwhelmingly draining parts and missing my sons and brothers so, the question, “How much longer?” a little voice responded, “Not much longer, Jean, not much longer”.  (The inner dialogue went along the lines of-you say it’s not much longer-what does that mean in nonphysical terms-another fifty years? Or maybe you mean tomorrow it ends in a flaming car crash-Now Jean-fear, fear, fear, etc.-so I chose to let this dialogue end rather quickly before it went further down the tubes). Meanwhile, as I express my desire to move to California, I’m at a loss as to how it can be pulled off with our limited funds?  Then the miracles start happening again. This morning my dear brother #2 calls to touch base with me?  He proceeds to explain that as a result of his mother in laws death last year, her husband has been visiting his sister frequently and has since chosen to relocate near her in my town over 380 miles and one state away because of his love for her.  I would have never come up with the idea of swapping houses without this situation presented to me.  I have discovered that in working with my guides, we/they have always come up with much more creative ideas than I could have on my own and their coordination much more all-encompassing.  For them there is no distance too far or goal too high in bringing me closer to love. 

I choose and choose and choose again, what is the loving thing to do?  My ego presents me with waves of fear-like what if I can’t find a job, what if it’s too hard to drive to visit my family, what if, what if…?  That’s its job!  My job is to choose to let the fears run through me, address them then quickly proceed on to remembering that I am love, I am loving, and that I am loved and you are too!  Jean-Thanks again! Kiss   

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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #4 - May 8th, 2005 at 5:49pm
Your post brought my attention to the question of, how many people
are there out there who reach adulthood without having gotten
oriented to life in a way that makes it meaningful? There is
probably a lot of that out there, and we come across it sometimes
on this board. Its a reminder of what may be lacking in what we are
exposed to as we grow up. Like, how do people get to adulthood with
things missing?

These days I take my orientation for granted, but you have reminded
me what a long road it was in getting there, lots to be worked
through, what a big thing it is, to have a belief structure around
you. And what a problem it is for people who have not got there

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« Last Edit: May 9th, 2005 at 11:19am by Boris »  
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #5 - May 8th, 2005 at 7:37pm
Dear Boris, 

I’m learning in my 60+ years that belief structures are evolving things developed by sharing our stories and leanings with each other.  Like, for example, how much I learned from you about myself while I’m also learning about you.  I can see that by the time you’re sixty, that you’ll be much more advanced than any of us older ones on this board because we’ve all shared a common goal of trying to make sense out of our beautiful-insane world with each other with this medium called the computer.  Also, I agree with Gibran in the Prophet with his answer to Speak to us of children: “…You (adults/parents) may strive to be like them (the younger generation), but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.”  I believe this is true and that’s one reason why I don’t assume that the older generation knows more than the younger one or that grouping people this way is helpful at all.

But as for the most brilliant insight that I ever had as a child was the thought that people only hurt you when they hurt inside themselves.  I shared this with my mother and she exclaimed “WOW”, thereby reinforcing it for me as one of my earliest spirituality related belief systems.  It sure feels nice when an important person in your life does this.  As for having a meaningful life, that too is an evolving thing, like going from, “It’s all about me” to the “giving is receiving” concept. We sure do vary on that one.

Anyhow, these are my thoughts as I read your wonderful post.  Love, Jean
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #6 - May 9th, 2005 at 9:55am
thanks Kathy for helping me realize certain things about myself. you do you know. so does Boris and Jean and just about everybody I meet. been thinking how I like to relate one on one mostly. I suppose we all are like this. publishing books or articles whatever, that's like relating to the whole of humanity and it's, ahh, difficult. ha ha! can be a formidable task to expand into unlimited viewpoints and embrace the whole schmear.
Boris, since I started doing self retrievals specifically after the ACIM adventure, the thing you are wondering about is a good thing to wonder about. like how many of us reach adulthood but we are not really reaching the place we want to be in just because the body has lived 21 years. what was missing in my childhood? as I did some self retrievals, which even continues to this day, I could understand my behavior better in the present day. I had learned to protect myself from rejection of my primary caretaker by withdrawal into my own world for I could not express a feeling of love without a slam dunk. so love was missing. is reason why I totally support the idea of retrievals as look around you, I'm not the only one who came here looking for love or with the perception something was missing.
Jean, you asked me about my book. this is what I mean about relating one on one personally and how we affect each other either here on the board or out there at the supermarket. if you hadn't of expressed interest, well I had no intention of putting up 8 pages of ACIM talk here, for petes sake, it's just too much to read, my opinion. but u inspired me to go ahead. lol. after all, I thought, why not? I felt good after doing it. isn't that the point? self expression? feeling good? sharing? now look what happened. I look at your response to what I wrote and I see the word choose in bold all over it, and this gives me excitement as well because you bring up an extraordinary thought, how I may have nothing in a material sense and I may even have a puny ego that got stepped on a few times too many, but I always end up back to the thing of choice, or pure reaction, of listening to the ego, or listening to spirit, of being centered, or flying off the handle. so thanks Jean. I think you are a psychologist? I have heard btw, that most do tend to burn out in that profession because it can be draining; people always want u to have the answer, right? sometimes u don't have anything to say I'm sure. sometimes all u can do is hold somebody's hand and it surprises you when that's all they really wanted after all. I know you will do well anyway, there's just something about you that is willing, and that is very creative place. love, alysia...
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #7 - May 14th, 2005 at 11:43am
Dear Alysia,

I did not know what a soul mate was until I met my husband Mac.  I did not understand the meaning of twin soul until I met you.  In so many ways that are important to me, our lives parallel, btw.  In growing up, we each had our challenges that brought us to the point of just wanting to “take our marbles and go home” Tongue but at the pinnacle of that point, we were introduced to ACIM (4 years) and later to Monroe/Moen material.   As two transformational psychologists, you practicing the craft by your writings and me by my career as a social worker, we are attempting to live our lives in service to others by using the concepts that underlie ACIM and M/M’s that “We are more than our bodies”.  Because after all, we both know that it is only by giving that we receive the love and connection we crave as eternal spirits in the human form.  I need your inspirational words and experience to help me maintain my focus and perspective.  I think that you may need some support for the risks you’re taking by becoming public with your thoughts and experiences.  Also, remember the tip that is given for talking in front of a large group of people-“Focus on one person in the audience and direct your talk to them to relieve your nervousness and apprehension”. So it’s ok to practice one on one any of your struggles concerning the book with the “board members”.  As a twin soul, you have 100% support from me.  And since we both struggle with a lot of self-doubt, but still “kick’in and scream’in” get the jobs done that our “whatever’s” are leading us to do, please remember to keep up the good work!  Love, Jean  Kiss   
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #8 - May 15th, 2005 at 10:17am
dear Jean, I know what a soul mate is as I was once lucky enough to have one of those, but can't say I've read anything about twin souls, but possibly I can understand humankind to be cut from similar patterns. to me we are all on different roads that leads to the same destination back from which we started. Elias puts forth the idea of essences of which I believe there are either 7 or 9 groupings of essence. in the old days of DP, we didn't think much about essences. we just lumped it all into a thing called God, which is a word derived from and which meant Good. I can believe in Good and that makes me happy now. of course I need your support and I'm quite prepared to take anything you or anybody offers to me in that way and run with the ball like a bat out of hell. lol. I love you! I've had many dreams of washing my clothes here and the laundry has to get done and maybe we can help each other. many times I look at this book and it just amounts to a lot of words is all. so yes I guess I'm practicing one on one here and I'm so glad that you let me speak my mind; I'll try not to kick and scream too much, ha ha! there is an element of grace coming in, has anyone noticed? one person mentioned it. yes we are speeding up and it started with the new board format, this is on global level. another friend coined a perfect phrase for this grace element which is here now, and he called it "unmerited favor." it's a feeling such as in the song Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. I hope I'm not the only one who is picking up on this unmerited favor thing. it's going to help us get more understandings here shortly, meanwhile, expect a miracle because you deserve it! lol.
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« Last Edit: May 15th, 2005 at 6:59pm by N/A »  
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Touching Souls
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #9 - May 15th, 2005 at 11:04am
This website explains Twin Rays, Twin Souls, Soulmates, etc.

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #10 - May 15th, 2005 at 11:48am
wow that was neat Mairlyn, so it's like part of the ascension thing to meet these people along the way, help each other by being mirrors to reflect the higher purposes....very inspirational site, bears more study. love, alysia
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #11 - May 15th, 2005 at 1:43pm
Yes, it's very much a part of the Ascension thing.  When Maitreya first came to me through a friend who channeled him, he had me read this several times to get an understanding of it. Then he presented himself to me as my Twin Ray. We were created together as one spirit in the beginning and we have started our Twin Ray Completion. That is to be together once again after eons of time. To do this, I must ascend to the upper levels of the 5th dimension. I have done this a few times in meditation and it's awesome beyond words. I have been working on this for the past 2 years.

Along the way I have found that one of my Twin Flames is Archangel Gabriel. I have talked with him too.Wink There's so much more to it but I can't write it all here.  Perhaps someday I will have a book written too. Wink

Much Love,
Mairlyn Maitreya

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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #12 - May 15th, 2005 at 2:35pm

You got it! The essence of what I was trying to say.  And thanks Marilyn for helping me to get it across to our sweet author. It's not at all that we're clones or duplicates but more that we are here to mirror, support, and to learn from each other. I've had many friends, but none that understood me or what was really important to me at the various stages of my life. That type of core understanding I found in your words through this crazy wonderful board with a "stranger" probably a 1,000 miles away on the physical plane but less than an inch away in energy consciousnesses.

Lots of Love to you both, Jean Kiss
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #13 - May 15th, 2005 at 6:55pm
goodness Jean I'm getting a bigger picture here now of this shindig we be puttin' on here. it's really more than we can imagine isn't it? you never know how you can touch or effect another here, not really. all I know is that each and every relationship with a son of God is so gosh darn important. I know that might sound too religious to some here, or too something, maybe too pious, whatever, but u probably get my point that it's important the support and love we get from one another, it's like we sink or swim, but we do it together. I guess writing the word down on a board has got power in it. lol. I better watch my big mouth closer. ha ha!

Mair, I will back up the 5th dimension statement for you, although I think we are dealing with the 4rth dimensional realm right now as a group. I had a powerful obe that told me this board was to operate from the 5th dimensional level through a spirit of cooperation and love..helping people move into the shift in consciousness...I tell u we rocked! truthfully I kinda blew it off, thinking that was way too far in the future, I'd be dead by then. lol. maybe not though! but your words add credence to mine, you gotta admit. I'm not just standing out in the middle shouting the number five all by myself now! lol. I know, I'm just a cheerleader, but hey, somebody's gotta do it, right? I can always die a little later than this shift thing is pretty darn interesting all in all and not all that painful actually, I hardly ever get my nose tweaked anymore. ...  I'll check out that website a little more, it's rather relaxing.
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Re: exerpt from Roadsigns (book I'm doing)
Reply #14 - May 15th, 2005 at 7:43pm

My times about out for the weekend-one on the probs. being in the physical but I did get a chance to finally read some of Dora's-Elias material and it struck me how much the evil discussion clarified Monroe's rote and ACIM's stance on this issue.  I haven't had a chance to check out the site suggested by Marilyn but I did look at the movie link Bruce put on the sight. It was fabulous 8).

Love to All, Have a Great Week! Jean
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