If the universe is indeed "mental"... then some amazing feats are INDEED possible...
Your cousin's eye might have healed, for example, as a result of a great deal of "positive healing energy" directed by the "collective concentrated will" of your congregation. This would make sense in a "holographic reality" where we are all essentially manifestations of the same "thing" (as it were) and "separateness of persons" is a magnificently complex ILLUSION.
Nobody wished her ill (in regards to her eye) and many ACTIVELY wished her WELL... and most importantly, BELIEVED it would help. In a holographic reality, it could just as well have been be the collective will of the congregation that saved her eye, as the action of an omnipotent "Big Daddy"...
Or to take the case of your teacher... in extremis, WITHOUT A THOUGHT as to "Oh my God, I lost my finger" he literally put it back on! An extreme case of the same phenomenon which enables a 90-pound woman to lift a 2-ton car off of her baby.
When I was about 7 years old, I stuck my left index finger into a wall socket and badly shocked/burned myself (I remember seeing smoke, smelling "burned meat", and a pea-sized spot on my fingertip was "powdery-white" (sounds like a 3rd-degree burn, does it not?) And it hurt like hell, too... but you know, all I was thinking was, "Mom told me not to put my finger into there..."
I rushed to the bathroom, and covered the finger with toothpaste (I forget which brand) and squeezed it tightly for a long time... (I sometimes wonder what I was thinking... maybe that the "minty-cool toothpaste" would "cool" my finger or something...?)
Somehow, I just KNEW it would work!
The pain went away almost instantly, and when I washed off my finger... voila! NO SIGN OF INJURY, or pain!
The "faith" (or innocent will?) of a little boy...
I've never been baptized, for what it's worth - and my family never went to church, either.
The memory is clear to me (if perhaps a bit distorted by time, but it is very vivid nonetheless...)
I never told my parents about it... afraid I'd get in trouble!!!
The reason, I suspect, that Christianity seems to produce so many "miracles" (which I DO believe science will someday explain, BTW!) is that here in America, Christian churches constitute the largest bodies of UNANIMOUS "collective will" which can be used to direct this "mental power" (if you please.) Two heads are better than one, as they say (and 100+ heads can be potentially powerful...)
Indeed, were I to get, say, cancer... I might even notify an Internet prayer group, just to hedge my bets.
But were I to recover, I would give due credit to the PRAYER GROUP and its unanimous, concentrated, collective will... not to some deity "out there".
An interesting corrollary of this is why prayer for the safety of soldiers in wartime is so often INEFFECTIVE... the soldier has people at home praying FOR him... but the enemy counters this by wishing him "ill" as one of the enemy... so the (possibly quantum?) effect of "positive" prayer is canceled out by the "negative"... sort of Yin and Yang, if you will. And "Johnny comes home" in a body bag.
(In the First World War, armies of both the Allies and Central Powers marched into battle claiming that "God was on their side"... it is interesting that the Central Powers and Allies in that war suffered about 50/50 casualties, when the dead and maimed were finally tallied up... maybe "God" wasn't there at Verdun, or the Somme?)
By the same token, I'd have to ignore any claims of a "miracle" by say, a professional basketball player when he credited "God" or "prayer" for his team's victory... what about the other side's wishes/prayers??? (Or did one side "believe" they'd win more than the other, which now has us going in circles, I suppose...)
Anyhow... today's food for thought...
"The power of concentrated (especially collective!) WILL."
Maybe "God" is... ALL OF US.
Thank You,