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Remote Viewing (Read 4990 times)
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Remote Viewing
Apr 19th, 2005 at 12:39pm
Hello everyone,  This is my first posting, I have been very interested in the afterlife topic for quite sometime.  I wanted to share an experience I had, and welcome any tips on furthering this experience. 

I had ordered a CD for remote viewing and used it for a couple of weeks, I practically had my headphones glued to my head waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever did.  I sometimes fell asleep with them on.  Then came one morning, when I thought I had awoken from a nights sleep.  I said to myself, oh well, again nothing happened last night that I had recalled.  Then I realized that I could see very clearly.  (I have to wear contacts from morning to night due to my bad eyesight.)  I was baffled on why I could see so clearly when I didn't have my contacts in.  I moved my arm, or so I thought, and I felt my arm move but saw my physical arm still laying there.  I was in my bedroom looking around, and realized I must have succeded in my remote viewing.  The only problem I came across was the fact that I couldn't get out of my own body, I quickly got frightened and felt a jolt and woke right up!  Is this an experience of remote viewing??  It felt very real, as if I had woke up like I did every other morning. If this was a success, how would I continue on, and what happens when I leave my room.?? I am just curious to know if anyone has experienced this before??? Thanks for listening.

-MandyLynn  Smiley
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #1 - Apr 19th, 2005 at 1:01pm
Sounds like an OOBE.
Although I suppose one can OOBE to remote view. I guess the line becomes fuzzy as to what leaves your body during OOBE vs remote viewing. It's a shifting of consiousness nevertheless.

By the way what tape were you using.
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #2 - Apr 19th, 2005 at 1:15pm
I don't know why I said remote viewing, it was actually an Astral Projection CD, I get confused by those.   Lips Sealed  I got it from ;

-MandyLynn  Smiley
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #3 - Apr 19th, 2005 at 1:46pm
Well then, it looks like you hit the nail on the head. Sound slike you succesfully acheived an OOBE.  Keep at it. And as you drift off to sleep give yourself suggestions that you WILL leave your body.
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #4 - Apr 19th, 2005 at 3:52pm
   Just saw a movie the other day about remote viewing called "Suspect Zero", the movie imo was o.k. (if you don't like violence or human depravity you might not like it) but the special features was really interesting and perhaps worth checking out.

  The director interviews some people who were involved in the gov. remote viewing projects which spanned over 2 decades in the form it was going on then.  It got disbanded but who's to say what they are doing now in black ops or something similar?

  One of the people interviewed talks about a physics theory called Non Locality or Bells theorem(?) which seems to allow for such things as remote viewing and other psychic phenomena.

  The director mentions at the end that he wanted to get Paul Smith (a long time gov. remote viewer and considered a good one) to demonstrate a remote viewing session.

   To the directors surprise, Paul turns the table on him and tells him the best way to learn about remote viewing is to do it yourself.  The director says that he has never done it before and that he was very insecure about the whole thing... but he tries anyways and the results (assuming it wasn't faked) were pretty interesting....
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #5 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 6:49am
I wonder if voluntary OBEs open us up to other-worldly attackers. I'm very intrigued by exploring life outside my body. However, as a complete novice, I wouldn't know how to protect myself should anything go ary. I've had an involuntary OBE before, and the feeling was that of extreme relaxation followed by a release. I can only achieve that in my sleep, and while I always fight it whenever it randomly occurs, I'm sure I can go with the flow. But, to me, it feels like it's scary. I'll read up on this astral-projection site to  see what it's all about.
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #6 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 7:05am
I understand your feeling, when I realized I could see clearly and my arm wasn't moving, I really thought I had died.  The reason being,  I never felt any vibrations, ect. when I had the OOBE.  I just woke up to it.  I probably could have continued on, but the fact that I lost focus and had to make sure I could wake myself up was what stopped me.

I read many times if you feel threatened or if you feel something is chasing you, it is only your own fears and you can stop them by just imagining them away.  Being a complete novice myself I am not sure if this is true or not.  Maybe someone else can tell us, has anyone had a bad experience when having an OOBE???
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #7 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 8:04am
MandyLynn, your post inspired me to get something off my chest (Starting out 2 days so far and I've been posting so much lol) but I'd be honored if you read my post and gave your insight: "is life really an illusion?" or something to that effect.

What you said about fear makes a lot of sense, when you think about it. In life, what more are our fears than something our minds conjure in attempt to escape or avoid an undesirable situation? In turn fear is something that usually traps us, so much so in some people that they become literally paralyzed within it. Moreover, any outside (or internal) influence made to induce fear can have no power over you unless you grant it. That's pretty deep. I think I'll apply that to a situation in my life right now...(having a pretty tough discussion with my fiancée’s parents). LOL Lips Sealed
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #8 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 8:47am
I wonder if voluntary OBEs open us up to other-worldly attackers. I'm very intrigued by exploring life outside my body. However, as a complete novice, I wouldn't know how to protect myself should anything go ary. I've had an involuntary OBE before, and the feeling was that of extreme relaxation followed by a release. I can only achieve that in my sleep, and while I always fight it whenever it randomly occurs, I'm sure I can go with the flow. But, to me, it feels like it's scary. I'll read up on this astral-projection site to  see what it's all about.

I think beliefs pay the vital role here. Or better yet, fear.
I been projecting out of body since I was a small kid like 8 years old. I never have encountered anything "evil" or other-worldly attackers. I think some have reported otherwise.
There are no doubt some pesky entities out there but if you get stuck in the belief that they can harm you, then you very well may find one of these "hells".
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #9 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 9:03am
I agree, fear is a set back if people let it be.  Even though I have not experienced anything as close as you have, I definetaly know about fear and what can become of us if we let it take over.  Experiencing one of these hells would frighten anyone, maybe it would be better if someone has a plan on what they are intending of exploring before making an attempt on any OOBE.  I myself would like to perform a retrieval.  I have started trying to get to this after taking several weeks off.  (After fear had taken over me. lol) Go figure
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #10 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 12:03pm
  Hi everyone!  I am a newbie too and  this is my first post here. I have  also had out of body experiences and was taken  by my guide to  the other side and  saw  my loved ones who have passed on! This was  such a  wonderful experience . Like Mandy said, I too  had such wonderful eyesight  while out of the physical body, but otherwise , I must wear glasses because I am  near sighted!  I also recall  sitting in a park on the grass while a teacher was 1/2 mile away from me standing in a gazebo  and I could hear every word he said to me!  Ordinarily , I would NEVER be able to hear anyone talking  in a normal voice that faraway from me. I love to hear about other peoples  oobe's.... thank you for listening!    Cassie
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Re: Remote Viewing
Reply #11 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 4:45pm

Ok this is serious ater my exams I'm restarting my training to astral project lol

As for the evil guys I wouldn't be afraid of them. I actually be curious and go visit.

Once an explorer, always an explorer  8)
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