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Young boy on a ship (Read 7717 times)
Crying Raven
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Young boy on a ship
Apr 18th, 2005 at 10:16pm
This is just an example of a retrieval that I had thought originally was just a lucid dream.

I was on a ship on one of the lower floors, it was night and as dark as could be except from the glow of embers from the furnaces (not really sure what it was...just assumed furnace because there was coal and embers everywhere and it was the only light down there) and I found a young boy of around 5 on his knees crying with his head in his hands.

As soon as I saw him I ran over and asked, "Are you ok?  How long have you been here?  Where is your family?" And for awhile he didn't pay any attention to me.  Then I felt so heartbroken for his situation because I got the feeling he had been abandoned (or that was his feeling) that I started crying too and I told him I would be his new mommy and that I would take care of him.  He suddenly realized I was there and grabbed ahold of me and said "You will? promise?" and I hugged him tight and promised I would...and all of a sudden a man and a bunch of other people came in and the man had tears in his eyes and he told me, "Thank you so much for getting him...we have been waiting so long" and the boy took off towards them and there was a joyful reunion between all with laughter and tears of happiness.

I sat there for a few minutes completely confused - the dream being so lucid I had thought I was really going to be raising another boy...and at first in the dream I was wondering why they waited until I had agreed to take care of him before they showed up.

It wasn't until after I woke up and thought about it... that I had to get wrapped up into the whole situation myself in order to pull it off...and that his family had actually been waiting all along for him to see them.

So without even realizing I was helping in a retrieval, I 'inadvertantly' did one...because it was necessary for this individual in order to get him to notice anything outside of his feeling of abandonment, I also had to believe it was real.

It reminds me of the movie 'What Dreams May Come' with Robin Williams when he found his wife in hell...and he couldn't reach her until he completely let go of his reality and joined her in hers. 

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Crying Raven  
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Touching Souls
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #1 - Apr 18th, 2005 at 11:25pm
Wow Jenn. What a moving retrieval. This tells so much what a loving soul you are telling the boy that you will be his new mommy.  Cheesy

Much Love,
Mairlyn  Wink
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gordon phinn
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #2 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 7:00am
Jenn: this feels very real to me, both the experience and your analysis of it. I'm sure it will be helpful to newer posters who do not quite realize just how much we can "do" in our "dreams".

best wishes: gordon

As soon as I saw him I ran over and asked, "Are you ok?  How long have you been here?  Where is your family?" And for awhile he didn't pay any attention to me.  Then I felt so heartbroken for his situation because I got the feeling he had been abandoned (or that was his feeling) that I started crying too and I told him I would be his new mommy and that I would take care of him.  He suddenly realized I was there and grabbed ahold of me and said "You will? promise?" and I hugged him tight and promised I would...and all of a sudden a man and a bunch of other people came in and the man had tears in his eyes and he told me, "Thank you so much for getting him...we have been waiting so long" and the boy took off towards them and there was a joyful reunion between all with laughter and tears of happiness.

I sat there for a few minutes completely confused - the dream being so lucid I had thought I was really going to be raising another boy...and at first in the dream I was wondering why they waited until I had agreed to take care of him before they showed up.

It wasn't until after I woke up and thought about it... that I had to get wrapped up into the whole situation myself in order to pull it off...and that his family had actually been waiting all along for him to see them.

So without even realizing I was helping in a retrieval, I 'inadvertantly' did one...because it was necessary for this individual in order to get him to notice anything outside of his feeling of abandonment, I also had to believe it was real.

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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #3 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 9:22am
Jenn, thank for sharing that. yes definitly sounds like a retrieval. I ad a similar one regarding a boy on a boat or raft. I think you would find that in the archive.

I'm curious, when you say lucid, were you fully aware and conscious with this dream/experience?
I ask because you said you had to 'believe' it was real. I was wondering how much awarness you carried through this experience.

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Crying Raven
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #4 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 9:59am
Thanks you guys for your replies  Cheesy

Having a 'lucid' dream for me, means that I thought it was really happening the same as if I'm awake.

Before I had actually told the boy I would take care of him I had gone through the whole thought process I capable of raising another am I going to afford the daycare...will I be able to give him a good this the right thing to do?  So when I told him I would take care of him, I had actually gone through the struggle of deciding if it was the right course of action.  I truly thought this was real. 

I have had several dreams throughout the years that I woke up disoriented from because I had thought they were truly happening.  It takes me a few minutes to get my bearing and to understand where I was.  In some I have even done the 'pinch' myself to see if it was real or a dream...and it actually hurt (so that doesn't actually work  Tongue )

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Crying Raven  
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #5 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 10:31am
Thanks you guys for your replies  Cheesy

Having a 'lucid' dream for me, means that I thought it was really happening the same as if I'm awake.

Do you differentiate that from the 'Hey, I am dreaming' dream? That was my meaning of Lucid. Being fully aware that you are dreaming and experiencing another alternate reality/dreamscape.

Before I had actually told the boy I would take care of him I had gone through the whole thought process I capable of raising another am I going to afford the daycare...will I be able to give him a good this the right thing to do?  So when I told him I would take care of him, I had actually gone through the struggle of deciding if it was the right course of action.  I truly thought this was real.  

This could of been some very important decision for you too. That is, this dream was not just about a retrieval of another and helping him. But you too were also working through some important life lesson. Which I think so many dreams are all about. We work through, or burn off karma/life lessons, etc.
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Crying Raven
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #6 - Apr 20th, 2005 at 10:49am
Oh can count on one hand how many times I was aware I was dreaming (but those were fun...I was changing all kinds of things in my surrounding  Grin )

These are a 'this is my current reality' lucid dreaming.  I'm so into the situation that I don't question whether I'm dreaming anymore then I do when I'm awake (which I do question once in awhile  Smiley )

Yes you have a point about me working through things too.  I feel that the retrievals that we do (whether it is spontaneous or we volunteer to do or are drawn to) have a significance to us as well.  Kind of a 'kill two birds with one stone' kind of deal.  We help that soul, and the soul helps us...but we may not always be aware of it at the time.

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Crying Raven  
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #7 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 8:48am
Hi Jenn, I was touched by this retrieval too. once retrieved an abandoned aspect of myself who was "pretending" she was invisible. it changed my life.
I recently saw that movie "what dreams may come also" and was intrigued that Robin couldn't get through to his wife and wondered about the author who brought this movie to us, he/she had to have been knowledgable about retrievals and it's rare to get that kind of movie here. I was jumping up and down with excitement to see it.
Chris if u are there, do u ever step on stage in your lucid dreams? and you know it's a movie you're in, but u want to play a role anyway?
also Jenn, can relate to waking up disoriented, I think most of us can perhaps, asking yourself which is the reality and which the dream. that happened the time I had asked what is the mindset of the dead who do not know they've transitioned...I got my answer. I woke up next morning glad I was alive. lol. nothing like dying to appreciate living!...
I can't help but feel you made one little boy very happy Jenn with your capacity for caring, you're a natural! love, alysia
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Jeffrey Williams
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #8 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 5:22pm
Dear Crying Raven,

Excellent retrieval!  I've had a few that occurred in the dream state although at the time I didn't know what they were.  It wasn't until I found Bruce's website and read his books that I realized what was going on.

Interestingly enough, once I began doing them consciously I stopped dreaming about doing it -- or at least remembering those dreams.

I know what you mean about the "this is my reality at the time" type of dream.  That's probably constitutes the majority of my current dream pattern.

Looking forward to hearing more.


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Jeffrey Williams
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #9 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 5:22pm
Dear Alysia,

The movie version of "What Dreams May Come" although excellent is quite different from the novel.

As usually happens with movies adapted from novels, the film left out lots of details of the protagonist's near death and after-death adventures and other scenes were added that still remained true to the spirit of the novel but didn't actually occur in it.

Apparently Richard Matheson, the author, did a lot of research on the near-death/afterlife experience and that shows in the care and detail in his work.  If you get a chance, definitely read the book.

Matheson, a fantasy writer, also wrote Somewhere in Time and Stir of Echoes, both also adapted to movies.

By the way, sorry if this sounds like a review!!!

Love and light,

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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #10 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 7:19pm
thanks Jeff. will check Matheson out someday!
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Touching Souls
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #11 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 7:36pm
You know, I've never seen Somewhere in Time and yet I bought it last year just so I could see it.  Jeff, I think spirit is telling me that now is the time to watch it.  I'm going to go put it in the VCR right now. Wink

Mairlyn  Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #12 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 7:59pm
You know, I've never seen Somewhere in Time and yet I bought it last year just so I could see it.  Jeff, I think spirit is telling me that now is the time to watch it.  I'm going to go put it in the VCR right now. Wink

Mairlyn  Wink

Can I bring the popcorn? Wink
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #13 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 8:01pm
Chris if u are there, do u ever step on stage in your lucid dreams? and you know it's a movie you're in, but u want to play a role anyway?

The time I feel I'm on stage, or in a school is when I'm not dreaming lucidly. That is when I don't know I'm dreaming.
When I do become aware, I usually seek out someone or something.
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Touching Souls
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Re: Young boy on a ship
Reply #14 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 10:07pm
I watched Somewhere In Time. WinkYes, it was very good. I'd forgotten how good looking Christopher Reeve was when he was young. And I was also thinking that he's been walking ever since he crossed over. Wink

Love, Mairlyn  Cheesy
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