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Is it a random universe, where things happen.. or (Read 12611 times)
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Is it a random universe, where things happen.. or
Mar 27th, 2005 at 11:06am
Is it a random universe, things happen to us by accident, and we are poor little victims or is it a planned universe, where nothing and I mean nothing happens by accident, and we are not victims of the world around us?  Most of us waver between these two extremes.  I used to throw this question out to the young people, when we were working together to put up merchandise, a tedious job, and they, of course looked at me as if I had a screw loose but it did wake them up.   

I have come to believe that it is not a random universe and there are no accidents and I am not a victim of the world I see/experience around me.  As an example, coming out of work one day last September, I did a very dumb thing because I was rather stressed out from work.  I made a left hand turn at a major intersection into oncoming traffic.  As my husband’s brand new van swirled around, I thought to myself it’s happening (what “it” is).  All I saw, as I looked around, was glitter filling the inside of the van and I thought, “How beautiful”.  I soon stopped and I stepped out to see how the person in the other van was doing.  She looked very angry so I meekly stepped back into my vehicle and waited for the emergency vehicles.  I later discovered that the sparkles I saw during the accident was the breaking of the tinted rear passenger window and I still hold on to some pieces to remind me of this happening.   

After I finally got home, with the help of a wonderful tow truck driver, I called the healer and spent an hour on the phone while he did his thing to help me to rebalance my energy.  The reason I called him was that the first and only time he worked on me a few years ago, he told me to call him if I ever got in an accident.  I certainly was not worried about accidents as I had never been in one since I started driving 30 years ago and I had never even gotten a ticket in spite of living and driving in four different states.  Anyhow, the next day when I went to work, I still had a little soreness where the muscle my under breast evidently jerked forward on impact. 

Meanwhile, another strange thing was happening at work.  A woman had walked into our company a few days before the “accident” and applied for a temporary position as a receptionist and was hired on the spot.  This rather large company would rarely higher someone just getting off the bus out front and walking to apply for a position.  Anyhow, for some reason, she connected with me even before she had met me by my clients asking for me.  As I explained about the soreness that I was still experiencing to her, she stated that she had previously worked with a chiropractor in New Mexico, and that I had a small tear in my muscle that would be healed by the application of moist heat for 20 minutes in the morning and evening.  It was healed after the two applications by the next day.  Some other “weird wonderful” things happened between this “sparkly” person and I before she left the following week for a better job, but that’s another story.  We definitely made a heart to heart connection during her time there and subsequent conversations.

I also need to explain why I was using the van.  My ’94 Honda Civic was in the repair shop that day having a new master cylinder put in so I was using my husbands van.  This I rarely do because he feels so isolated when he doesn’t have a car plus he is afraid to use mine.  Anyhow, van hit van, resulting in my husband’s being totaled.  Can you imagine what would have happened if that obviously heavy van had met my little old Honda at that intersection?  But it weren’t meant to be.

We can look at this “accident” as an exercise in my learning to be more careful, as my husband’s mother was always preaching when bad things happen, or we can ask ourselves, as I often do, “Why was this/that meant to be?”  I may never discover why it was meant to be because I may never, on this plane at least (unless I seriously start using Bruce’s methods to connect with my guides and remember our exchanges), have a view of the larger picture but I do know that it was meant to be and part of the plan.  I also remember that part of the plan is to always be considering the love angle.  I do speculate that the reason for the accident was willing “victim” to spare it from happening to my husband.  I always sensed, when I was riding with him, that the van was driving him rather than him driving the van.  And there was that incident the previous January we he attempted to make the Circle into a drive-thru.  He broke their front window and was still traumatized about it.  Or maybe the whole incident was meant for the woman who hit me’s higher good?  Or possibly the whole thing was about someone in one of the other cars getting a wake-up call or being held up enough to be spared from a meeting with disaster down the road?  Anyhow the totaling of the van did result in a shift in my husbands and my relationship which ultimately resulted in more authentic tolerance and a greater trust in what will be, will be. Our PUL connection/exchange became a little bit stronger.   

The bottom line, for me, is that this gift was meant for some reason and I may never know why or care to.  I also sense that my universe made some kind of a major shift, for this was really a big, hard to ignore happening in my little life.  It did start my to thinking that maybe it’s time for my husband and I to consider moving closer to our children and grandchildren?  They’re in the next state over and we rarely see them. 

But back to my view that this “accident” was no accident because there is no limit, there is no chance; there is only a plan, (Monroe, Ultimate Journey & Moen quoting from Monroe, Voyage to Curiosity’s Father) and my question-“Is this a random universe…or is everything part of the plan that is meant for our higher good?” 

Love to all, Jean Kiss   
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #1 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 11:51am
Hi Jean,

I firmly believe (KNOW) that this is NOT a random universe but that all things happen for our highest good.  I believe your story verifies that. In looking back at my life, I can see no randomness in it at all. Everything that has happened to me, and there's been plenty, has all been for my highest good. Wink

With Love,
Mairlyn  Wink
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #2 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 5:25pm
IMO, Your accident was not planned. It was an accident. It SHOULD NOT
have happened. It was not part of a plan for a greater good. It
should have been prevented. Any plan  that included that accident
would be a rotten, lousy plan.

To illustrate, I read a story of a jungle explorer, who was
approached for help by a native who had accidentally cut his foot
with an axe. The natives believed that things like this were caused
by evil sprits. The explorer explained, in telling this story, that
the natives had no concept of an accident.

Thus the concept of an accident is something that evolved later,
and is a more advanced concept, than the superstition that
preceded it. The concept of an accident is needed to get a better
picture of how life works.

Randomness is a label we put on events when they seem unpredictable
or where a great range of outcome depends on a very small change in
the input, and there seems to be no intelligence involved. A
croupier cannot control where a roulette wheel ball falls, but the
slightest movement of his hand will make a very large change in
where the ball winds up, after it bounces for a while in the wheel.

The accident happened because of your moment of inattention at the
wrong time and place, and no deeper cause is needed to explain it.
It was a very small input that had a huge effect on the outcome.
No higher plan need be invoked.

The reason that these greater good stories are invented, is that it
is a palliative to lessen the stress of what has happened. If the
person can think up some good reason for it, that makes it less

But the trauma is real. Cars have been ruined, your prefect driving
record has been spoiled, you have been shown that you are not the
perfect person you thought you were, the other driver is rightfully
furious at you and it is YOUR FAULT. It is part of the cause of the
high cost of car insurance, and you are to blame for keeping that
cost up. The guilt is going full blast.

Naturally you want to escape from this. So you invent a story that
tries to say that it is not your fault, that some mysterious force,
working for some pretend higher good, made you do it, so maybe it
is not your fault. But this is all fake. IT is a retreat from
rationality back to superstition. The great flaw is that generally
there is no greater good that emerges. And the great plan looks
like a lousy plan, not something a higher intelligence would come
up with.  Or the supposed higher plan looks like it came from
something we would not call higher intelligence, but something

Life consists of scattered good and bad luck, and it is fairly
normal that good luck can follow as a result of bad luck. But this
is just the normal flow of the odds of life, sometimes favorable
and sometimes unfavorable. That is, bad luck can just as easily
follow from bad luck.

There are things that are part of a higher plan, but most events
are simply the results of preceding events, plus significant input
from things like moments of inattention.

If you need a palliative, there is this: It is a mathematical fact
that the longer you drive, the greater your chances of having an
accident, because you cannot help creating more opportunities for
an accident. The risk of having an accident is a risk you had to
take if you wanted a car, and so you cannot be blamed that that
risk was there. Modern life pretty much made you take that risk.
You can be very grateful that you lasted as long as you did.

The attitude that it is not part of the plan and SHOULD NOT have
happened is a good, constructive attitude, that will lead toward
good results. Your mother was right. The attention and emotional
energy should go into preventing it in the future. Like how can you
change?, like not using the cell phone while driving, or whatever.
This is the proper way to superimpose higher intelligence upon what
otherwise would be random events. That is, you are going to
superimpose YOUR higher intelligence upon them.

I am sorry to have been harsh, but it is my job as a Vulcan to
bring logic to the Earthmen, and to sort out these difficult
subjects. I think the other side is contaminated with many weird
ideas, and I prefer to stay with what makes sense on Earth.
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #3 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 7:07pm

I do, indeed, assume 100% of the blame for my inattention, as I did in front of the delightful judge and others attending the traffic school.  For I also believe that my safty lies in my defenselessness in these situations.  I do assume 100% for the accident on the physical level but what if I also choose to look at it from a metaphysical point of view?  You pointed out that in the evolution of our modern concepts we possibly started out by blaming evil spirits, as some still do on this site, and progressed to the concept of accidents.  Again I agree totally.  But what if there is still an even more advanced concept, which includes the possibility there are no accidents, there is only a plan?  As far as randomness goes, again this may only apply to the physical plane in the world of math but what if in the non-physical plane and in the world of the spirit this too does not exist.

I only used this accident to get my point across concerning the question I was asking but your response is perfectly in line with many and is why I posed the question in the first place.  Your spontaneity and honesty were refreshing to me and I greatly appreciate your taking the time to engage in this dialogue.  I really wasn’t necessary looking for a response that would parrot my own. Although I do love support for some of my input-like Marilyn’s above.  Thanks Marilyn, I needed that!   

And you’re right, these things should not happen for the world to work as it should, but they do-we’re not robots and as the bumper sticker says, “S…T Happens!” even when we are perfect.

Thanks again-you did good, Jean   Kiss
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #4 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 10:57pm
I think many people here will take the more mystical view than mine.  But the fundamental problem that remains with the planned point of view, is that it turns the planners into sadists, which is way out of character for spiritual people.

I appreciate the opportunity for this discussion, because this is sometning I am currently working on.  Thanks,
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #5 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 12:59pm
I don't think it couldn't be part of a plan.

..and that doesn't mean the planners are sadists, either, but compromisers.

Human life is a compromise.  You deal with a lot of negative things to acheive whatever your goal is because you don't think there's a better way to.
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #6 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 3:33pm
I'd have to agree with Boris.  You had the accident because you CHOSE to make a left turn in a place where you shouldn't have.  Since it was something you chose to do, that takes the randomness out of it.

About a year ago, I was sitting at a red light when a delivery truck rammed into the back of my car.  I was luckily uninjured, but I was VERY upset with the delivery truck driver.  He admitted he hadn't been paying attention and didn't notice the light was red until it was too late.  This wasn't random either and there is no higher purpose for it.  It's just something that happened.
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #7 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 4:34pm
OMG, the discussion of Loosh on this board has just reminded me of
that. What if the powers that be, ARE sadists?

It has been years since I read Robert Monroe's Far Journeys, and
at that time the story of Loosh sort of blew by me as one more
weird thing to try to deal with or discard. But it now becomes
relevant to this discussion here.

There are two basic ways to approach the other side. One is the
scientist, like me, trying to understand it, the other is the witch
doctor or guru or religion creator who will try to interpret it in
such a way as to be helpful to his people.

The scientist is aware that to see nature as it is, he must
approach it objectively without bias and describe things such as
predation as it really is. On the other hand, the US Department of
Agriculture will impose anthropic values on it, deciding which life
is desirable or undesirable.

I think we are the dominant species in part because we are able to
take a positive view of things, and interpret good in terms of what
benefits us. I am very aware of the statement in Genesis, "Behold,
it was good." That is the kind of value judgement that takes a
positive view of things.

I also take note that the descriptions of heaven from show it as a good, beautiful place where demons
and evil can not enter.

But what if some of what we discover while exploring is not good?
I am increasingly beginning to suspect that the universe could be a
mess, just as planet Earth is a mess, except in a different way for
different reasons.

What if the powers that be are sadists? Serving not our interests
but theirs? A kind of science fiction scenario. That could fit with
the evil that we have around us. A more successful paradigm? In
terms of fitting belief to the evidence? I'm not too serious, just
introducing another possibility, to try things from many angles.
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #8 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 11:46pm
  There are things that are part of a higher plan, but most events
are simply the results of preceding events, plus significant input
from things like moments of inattention.

So how do you determine which is which?

Are you saying that bad incidents are never planned, but good incidents might be?  ???

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Human Incarnation - Random vs Planned
Reply #9 - Mar 29th, 2005 at 3:46am
>>> “Is this a random universe…or is everything part of the plan that is meant for our higher good?” <<<

There are two ways to look at this, and both are simultaneously valid.

The answer to the question, is then simultaneously Neither (yes nor no) and Both (yes and no).

Neither. (random nor planned)

Say something (eg. an accident, death) occurs, precipitating the events that follow (including consequent interpersonal interaction, assistance, re-evaluation of purpose, change-in-patterns, etc). If you decide not to use this (event and associated events) as an opportunity to evolve or benefit yourself in some way, then very obviously, there would be no meaningful aspect to the event, and REGARDLESS of whether it was 'planned' by some higher power or not, for all practical purposes, it would have been an 'accident', senseless and all.

However, if you are an intelligent, lucid person, you would decide that, hey, no matter what happens, 'good' or 'bad', I'm going to see if it can be used for the highest evolutionary benefit to all involved (ie. the CosmoEthic), then REGARDLESS of whether it was 'planned' by some higher power or not, for all practical purposes, it would have been meaningful and helpful, BECAUSE YOU ALLOWED IT TO BE.

Both. (random and planned)

From the viewpoint of the higher self, guides & helpers, evolutionologists and evolutionary orientors, the adventure of a physical lifetime, including all events that occur, fall into either planned, or unplanned (accidental, usually undesirous), but between these, and either way, and most importantly, it is the free will of the consciousness that determines the value of either (as discussed in preceding paragraphs).

Depending on the individual (some (usually less lucid) souls prefer chaotic, unplanned lives; others (usually more lucid ones with clear goals in mind and eager to maximize the probability of success of their incarnation's existential program) prefer to work more closely with their guides & helpers to make the most of their incarnational time, by careful planning and preparation), most of the more significant events of a typical human incarnation, are indeed 'planned' either consciously/deliberately, or otherwise.

In conscious/deliberate planning, the soul, with assistance from guides & helpers, chooses (consciously in the intermissive period, and subconsciously whilst incarnated) to manifest or be attracted to certain events, individuals, or opportunities during the incarnation.

On another, more 'universalistic' level, a more 'automatic' kind of 'intelligent planning' occurs, that contributes to the events that occur - the natural Laws of the universe, such as the Laws of Karma, Reflection, Manifestation, etc. These so-called Laws are really labels of convenience that consciousness (in this case, human souls working within the Earth Life System) use, to describe our understanding of the natural phenomena/tendencies/laws which we observe as intrinsic and natural to the Universe, including all consciousness that are part of it.

Hence, it could be that the karma (evolutionary inertia, arising from thoughts/emotions/energies of specific issues being explored by the individual) from a past existence/incarnation, naturally seeks remanifestation in the present incarnation (even if the soul/consciousness or the guides & helpers do not focus attention on the issue or deliberately 'plan' such), by energetically drawing together events and individuals that are associated with the karmic energy created/continued in that past existence.

Thus, taking both factors (of deliberate planning by the soul & guides & helpers; as well as the existence of automatic yet 'intelligent' Laws of the Universe) into consideration, we could use the analogy of technology (eg. a NASA rocket), being a combination and alliance of both natural laws of physics, as well as deliberate engineering intelligence.

The engineer works intellligently and deliberately with the natural laws of physics, in designing specific outcomes. At the same time, the engineer is aware of risks, unplanned events ('accidents') at any level, that might compromise the mission in many ways.

These (risks) are largely forseeable by the guides & helpers (who utilize advanced extraphysical technologies and computers to calculate and simulate entire incarnations and the many possibilities herein), but due to the (wonderful) element of free will, the possibilities (incarnation being like a super complex chess game with billions of chess pieces across multidimensional chess boards) are near infinite, and thus, it is a common occurence, that like teachers in a school, or directors of a company, there will likely be many possible energies/events that badly complicate matters, that even the guides & helpers do not know how things will turn out.
In accidents, should they be 'true' accidents (ie. not deliberately planned, at least not by the soul, or the guides & helpers), the guides & helpers will assess the situation, should the event/incident be in some way possibly helpful (this will be up to the free will and lucidity of the individual) in some way, perhaps balancing some past life karma, even if it was not originally in the individual's existential program (life-plan), it will in most cases be allowed to continue its course.

Only in circumstances where the guides & helpers recognize that the individual's existential program (especially if it is an important one with much positive evolutionary impact on many people) would be severely compromised by the accident, hence wasting not only the individual's effort but also the many guides & helpers who have a stake in this particular incarnational project, then they will intervene.

The next step being, calculations of value of the possible means of intervention, based on economy of energy. For example, between wasting vast amounts of energy to physically levitate/teleport away the oncoming vehicle/bullet, and possessing/influencing the individual to slightly change course to reduce (not totally annul) the consequent damage, they might choose the latter.


At this point, we recognize that the above is all nice and well for intellectual discussion, but for individuals who are suffering from deep emotional pain in some way, feeling wronged from events which they feel to be 'truly' accidents in regards to their existential program, it will require a lot more than mere intellectual ideas to resolve this pain.

I (Kyo) myself can relate to this, as an important event in my life occured recently that was not part of (the highest possible execution of) my existential program. In my view, it was tragic and unnecessary, and caused me deep pain.

Nonetheless, whatever happens, happens. There really is no 'should' or 'should not'. From Byron Katies viewpoint, if something (eg. tragic) has happened, then it 'should' have happened because it did. But subsequently and consequently, and far more importantly (as far as you are concerned), WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT NOW? (eg. what assistance can you now offer to the affected individuals?).

There, you have identitied, the most important should of all - WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT NOW?

In conclusion, with regards to the issues that are discussed herein, the following readings are recommended :

1) Byron Katie's "Loving What Is".

2) Wagner Alegretti's "Retrocognitions".
In particular, pages 77, pages 78 and 79, utilizes the analogy of a NASA mission, to describe the planning (and recognition of potential risks/accidents) involved in a human incarnation.

3) Personal Hilarion Reading. In the context of this discussion, recommended for those whom feel deep emotional pain, confusion and being 'wronged' by some tragic, unnecessary accident, you might like to hear some personal constructive advice from Hilarion, on what has occurred, and where you could go from here.
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Randomness vs Planned (part II)
Reply #10 - Mar 29th, 2005 at 7:34am
(Post-script to my earlier post)

The guides and helpers also wish to point out, in regards to the issue of "accidents vs planned" in human incarnations, an additional point regarding self-responsibility, which I will briefly describe :

Most 'accidents' in a human incarnation, that is, deviation from the original existential program (life-plan), are the doing of the individual himself, directly or indirectly. Even apathy or lack of effort made towards evolution and the execution of the existential program (as best as the individual understands it), on any level, may result in furthering difficulties and accidents that are certainly NOT part of the original program. The role of self-responsibility must be recognized in the course of one's incarnation.

For example, getting cancer at age 35 may not be part of one's existential program (in fact, it is usually directly counterproductive to the success of one's existential program), but if one insists on consuming loads of cooked and processed foods daily, even when made aware of their damaging effect on the physical body, then who is to blame when one is cancer striken at age 35? The guides and helpers? Perhaps they are more in a position to blame the individual instead! But of course they understand that it is counterproductive to place blame, what they would do, and what all of us intraphysical consciousnesses in incarnation would be well advised to do, is ask ourselves, "So what can we do about it now?"

(in regards to diet and health, see the work of Aajonus Vonderplanitz - )

On the part of the guides & helpers, they guide and help. But for most individuals, it is our own lack of lucidity, our own weaknesses and lack of effort to overcome old, limiting, unhelpful habit patterns of past existences and incarnations, that actually compromise and sabotage the efforts of the guides & helpers in their job, of guiding and helping us.

The average intraphysical individual, fails up to a over a dozen instances per day, in (not) recognizing signs, symbols, opportunities, and urgings from the guides & helpers, in regard to our individual issues/lessons. All of these instances will be reviewed upon desoma/discarnation/death, not to ridicule, of course, but for the individual to reflect for future self-improvement.

Of course, there are well and truly 'accidents' that are not the fault of the individual himself, either (relatively) non-personal in nature (a disruptive event that is beyond the work of the individual and others in his immediate karmic group), or personal in nature (eg. deviation of an aspect of one's existential program, due to the free-will of another in one's karmic group), and as Byron Katie would put it, "If someone chooses against my will, or if an event occurs against my will, whose business is it (that it turned out this way)? is it my business, the person's business, or God's business? (Ans : not your business if it wasn't up to you to choose). So if it was not my business, then what IS my business? (Ans : What can *I* do about it *now*?)"

But by and large, most intraphysical consciousnesses fail their existential program, not because of 'external accidents', but the reasons for the (unfortunate) deviation from their (optimal) existential program, can be found to lie within one's own responsibility. Even for 'external accidents', the responsibility lies with oneself to make the most of it, ask the question "what can I do about it now?", and act constructively on it, picking oneself up and moving ahead with courage, in Evolution (growth of oneself) and Assistantiality (growth of others).

Afterall, who's life is it? Yours.

Know that the *real* tragedy is never in the event itself, whether it be a random/accidental in nature or otherwise/planned, and no matter how painful/unnecessary it may be. The *real* tragedy (tragedy within a tragedy), would be one's failure to thereupon (in the crucial moments of the event/accident) see through the pain and suffering, the old habit-patterns, old karmic issues, etc, and to take opportunistically appropriate action in a lucid, constructive and positive manner for the greatest benefit of all involved (cosmoethics). This (failure of willingness or effort to remain lucid and choose cosmoethically), would be the real tragedy, which the soul (and its guides & helpers) will mourn for.

For the sensible, matrue, hardworking soul (which would be everyone's evolutionary model), *everything* that is *significant* (to you emotionally, mentally, personally) that happens in your life (whether 'truly' random/accidental or planned/deliberate), will *always* have something to teach you (to be more precise, something to allow yourself to teach yourself), ie. evolution; or to offer to you on some level an opportunity to assist others, ie. assistantiality.

In other words, REGARDLESS of randomness/planned, it is FAR more important to realize, that everything significant that happens in your life, it's up to you to make this into a tragedy, or an opportunity of evolution/assistantiality.

How will you choose?

Remember that ALL your loved ones = God = All of Creation, are always present and connected to you, and your choice could make a difference.
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #11 - Mar 29th, 2005 at 1:33pm

There could be such a thing as a "bad" event that was planned, such
as a planned death. There could be a reason for not wanting to be
older, like a soul agreeing to be a woman in an incarnation but not
wanting to be an old lady, so a death is set for a certain age.

There is a story on the internet about a person named Matthew whose
death was planned at a young age, as a part of a plan to write a
book that was a collaboration between mother and son, with the son
speaking from the afterlife. This plan did not go well at all,
because the early death of the much-loved son caused a huge amount
of grief in the family. When I mentioned this earlier on this
board, there was a discussion about there being such a thing as a
bad plan. Someone said, that is what is wrong with my life, it had a
bad plan!

On your question as to how do you tell whether it is planned or
not, I can only guess. Two mothers I knew died while their children
were adolescent, which seemed like a very unfavorable turn of
events, not part of any good plan. On the other hand, I note two
odd deaths. One was when someone I knew when I lived in the desert,
turned over in his pickup truck, driving alone on a familiar desert
road where there was no reason for this to happen. Matthew in that
story died in a similar way. The UFO researcher Dr. John Mack was
killed, in his 70s, by being hit by a car when he was a pedestrian,
and it seemed odd, because you would think pedestrians would
normally be aware, but then again, maybe not.

Planned events may be more likely to happen in families where there
are spirits taking part in Earth life, like with Linn Conyers.
Here there may be paranormal clues, like unexplainable phone calls,
objects mysteriously appearing, like pennies or dimes, birds on
window sills, butterflies, a smell of roses, songs on the radio,
etc. In a few cases the spirit has been contacted afterwards and
confirms that the event was planned.
LInn's website is

I saw your earlier question about time in the afterlife, while
checking your profile. I personally do not think there is no time
in the afterlife. Time is the delineator of motion, and there can
be no motion without time, and there is motion in the afterlife,
people move about just as they do on Earth. There is also music in
the afterlife, and music is not possible without time.  The
illusion that there is no time in the afterlife is created because
time is more easily manipulated there, than here. You can produce
an image from anywhere in history, or from the probable future.

OMG, the beautiful women! First Linn, then Jennifer, now you.
Paradise on Earth! Sometimes I wonder if my preoccupation with
Playboy magazine, which I subscribe to, puts out a mental field
that women respond to. I liked Denmark when I visited there, and
rented a bicycle and pedalled all over. I liked Copenhagen. I liked
the polser sausages. I suppose everything is McDonald's now.

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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #12 - Mar 29th, 2005 at 1:45pm
Haha, thanks for the compliment, Boris. But where's your picture!??  Grin

Oh, we still have pølser - not all McDonald's yet. Thank God! Or whoever... Wink

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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #13 - Mar 29th, 2005 at 4:06pm
Kyo, thanks for all the information. It helps me to understand it all much, much more.

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #14 - Mar 29th, 2005 at 4:38pm
my, this is popular thread. Jean I must excitedly confirm your theories that there is no such thing as random accidents. I published this story in Reality Shifters online mag. I guess the gal liked it.
couple years back I asked the universe questions like "do I really create my reality?" and is it true that there is no such thing as a victim as ACIM has told me? I had a belief in Murphys law at the same time I didn't want to be a victim of my own ignorance or tunnel vision.
so at the time I was being hit with a lot of precognitive dreams which I just wrote down for future reference, thinking they might have something to do with my internal body or whatever. just didn't know. my other question was whether I could believe in a benevolent universe which would be kind to me as I went about the task of widening my horizons and trying for win-win situation. another question ACIM brought up for study was one you will be familiar with and fits in here with my other questions was it implicitly says "the journey is already done."
so ok. in the precog I'm rolling down the highway in some van I haven't purchased yet and won't for 6 months. the steering wheel won't steer and I'm panicked and pull off at guess where? a place out in the astral where people are gathered around planning accidents to happen! in C1 I had also been mulling over the question of what good cause would there be for an accident to occur? what could be gained from that? horrors, I'd already been in several, all I'd learned was to be super observant and not over confident on the road. well, thats good too.
anyhoo, back to the dream and all those questions I had which eventually got answered that there are no victims. I found in this area the planning commission on accidents down to the last detail. myself, I was there just looking for a mechanic. I met a stern guide there who told me if I made the right decision when the time came I could avoid a mishap but I needed to control my fear. so ok, I end up buying this van with a potentiality of the cruise control housing breaking off and falling into the steering column hole and jamming the wheel at times, other times dislodging and you'd get your steering back. out of a 1,000 vans I could select, I end up with this one. found myself in reality playing around while on the road with the cruise control knob which would work if you played with it. my nature is to use a bit more force and hope to get lucky. (my lesson on this level) so it won't steer, I pull off and start looking for my benevolent universe. guess what? up strides the savior mechanic from my dream. he's just standing in front of a convenience store and I just know he has the screwdriver I need out here in the sticks in the middle of nowhere.
I made the right decision to pull off so I avoided the accident. the other decision I was tempted to make was to get back on the highway and take my chances as sometimes it would steer just fine. frankly, I always thought I was lucky or that what happens to the other guy couldn't happen to me. this is incorrect thinking, but used to live there alot.
somehow I believe we set ourselves up and that we do have accidents if they promote another end for ourselves, such as allowing us to discover that we are taken care of in a benevolent world if we will allow others to take care of us.
I had an appointment with that guy...I just know I did and he's a CW worker on the inner planes. I always get the most warm feeling to think I have all these friends I've never met! yes, and well, if your cruise control doesn't work, don't force it! love, alysia...
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #15 - Mar 30th, 2005 at 7:26am

I knew I could count on you. Thanks. I have another great "accident" "victim" tale if it's still appropriate by this weekend.  Polly's experience brought this one to mind.  These theards have a way of taking on a life of their own.

LOTS OF LOVE (lol) Jean  Kiss
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #16 - Mar 30th, 2005 at 7:49am
Hello All,

As a funny aside, today I have to attend an all day mandatory training for my job.  It is eight hours of learning How to be a Safe Driver  Tongue  Grin.

The Universe has a funny sense of humor.  Is it an "accident" that I started this thread within a week of having to attend this tedious, which includes having to learn to manover a 9 passanger van, training?  I think not-on many levels.

Love to all, Jean   Kiss
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #17 - Apr 2nd, 2005 at 6:39pm
This is just a little tale about my experience with the belief that there are no accidents. It was 1956 and our family of 6 was on the threshold of a major change.  My dad had decided to quit his long time job with the Ford Motor Company to work on the Artic Circle for the DEW Line to support his family by earning a higher income.  It took about 18 months, with only short visits to us, for him to realize that he could not bear being away from us all.  So he transferred to Fairbanks, Alaska where he could rent a house for us all to live while he continued to work at his high paying job.  He also decided that we were to drive from our home state of New Jersey to Alaska in his new Country Squire Station Wagon and that, since my mother did not drive, our aunt was to transport us.   

Back then, before Alaska was a state and as you approached the Yukon Highway, you had to wait for a group of cars, a caravan, to gather before you were allowed to drive the link between the United States and Alaska.  My mother dreaded the ordeal but my younger brothers and I viewed it as grand adventure. We started in June of ’57, but by the time we made Madison, WI., we were rear-ended and our car was totaled (enter the “accident” and the miracle).  The young couple that had hit us admitted that they weren’t really paying attention and since none of us seven were injured (No-not even a scratch and remember those where the days before seatbelts and cars were not made of break away fiberglass) and we were left to wait for my father to fly down from Fairbanks to fetch us.  Our land journey would have taken us another week or more to get to our destination. I LEARN ABOUT ACCIDENTS AND MIRACLES. 

We arrived in Alaska by the beginning of July and spent the month exploring our new home.  We took long road trips out into the wilderness to check out areas where my parents would eventually stake land with the intention of homesteading.  By the beginning of August, we were settled and had even gone to dinner at the governor’s house and played with his large family.  At that time Fairbanks was a pretty small town and Alaska was still struggling for statehood so it was more like everyone knew each other. I LEARNED TO TAKE RISKS. 

By the middle of August my dad was dead.  One night he complained of pain in his back, the next day in was in the hospital with a tap on his lungs for pleurisy and on the third day he was scheduled to come home. But that never came about. As I heard my mother’s wail from the living room, I sensed then that it heralded in a wave of major change in our lives.  It happened at the peak of my mother’s vulnerability, as I saw it.  In an instant she was a widow with four children under the age of 13, with no place to live, and over 3,000 miles away from home. I LEARNED ABOUT DEATH AND FEAR. 

In the following years, my mother experienced 3 embezzlements which wiped out the $5,000 life insurance policy monies, lost a home that she had purchased when we had come back from Alaska, we wound up living in the projects of the city she grew up in, and eventually had my brothers go into foster homes so that she could break the cycle of poverty we were on.  As a final blow to my mother, when she started to get the family back together, her brother had her committed to the state mental institution.  Fortunately, her psychiatrist (an angel, guide, etc.?) recognized what the situation was and he had her released within 30 days.  After 30 days, an individual, at that time was considered officially committed. MY INTODUCTION TO THE “LUCK FACTOR” 

This was a woman who was intelligent, loving, and dedicated to her family.  She was also a woman very much into spirituality and a woman of moderation in all things except for going hysterical, at times, when these crazy things happened.  I loved her but she scared me, not by anything she did to me, but because of all the bad things that happened to her.  The funniest thing was that she was not what you would consider of a “victim mentality”.  She always had this way of looking at people as though they had the same idealistic standards that she had.  Many of them, of course didn’t, and, as I suspect now, that this is part of what she was here to learn/teach and she was possibly limited in learning this lesson as long as my father was with her.  I also needed to learn that her life and experience were separate from mine as she was the only one who could create and decide her actions and beliefs.  Eventually, I needed to learn that she and I were on separate journeys and that we each were the creators of our own experiences.  That was hard for me and took many years. I LEARNED WE HAVE SEPARATE MISSIONS.

Needless to say, us kids went through H…LL with my mother after my father died.  As a result, in my teen years, I believed in the “luck factor”.  Some people were lucky and some weren’t.  My mother wasn’t.  Previous to this belief I was into religion heavily influenced by the movies.  I couldn’t understand why people didn’t believe in God or Jesus.  But this was before the death of my father.  Meanwhile, when my belief in the luck factor wore thin, it left out too much, but then I became more convinced that what happened to my mother would never happen to me.  I was going to make different decisions to protect my self. I WENT FROM BELIEF IN GOD TO BELIEF IN THE “LUCK FACTOR” BUT STILL BELIEVED IN ACCIDENTS    

First I married a man who I could never really count on emotionally so I that would never be as devastated, as my mother was, if he died.  Then I proceeded to use my time as a homemaker and full time mother to learn about psychology, sociology, and other subjects so that I could find a career that could support me later.  I decided that also things would be different and/or better for me because times were better and I could internalize what I had learned as I believed she never could.  Plus I smugly decided that I was less trusting/naive then she was and I was more skeptical/cynical. I counted on these beliefs along with the belief that I could prevent disasters in my life by learning about the possibilities beforehand.  Which, of course, I couldn’t.  Meanwhile, her experiences haunted me.  Then my own disaster happened in ’83 and my world fell apart and I just wanted to die. But I didn’t, life went on because I was yet to discover the meaning of why. Suicide was never an option because I learned from my dad that it’s not because as he always said,  “…you never know what act in coming on next!” I BELIEVED I COULD BEAT THE SYSTEM BY BEING SMARTER/MORE SYNICAL AND I STILL BELIEVED IN ACCIDENTS.   

Anyhow, my brothers also survived and eventually grew up to do what they needed to do and continue to do. My mother, meanwhile, was able to live to see all of her grandchildren born before she died in 1985 and had the four of us at her bedside while she transferred out of here.  After she left, she was with me as I worked through the divorce in dreams, as a loving supporter standing in the background and when I did a past life, she as a he was with me as I died in a NA life.   Also, during this period, I was continuing to have the reoccurring dreams that my father’s death was all a mistake. They had started within a few years of his departure.  Little did I realize that I was partially right on that point?  THE START OF THE BELIEF THAT WE ARE MORE THAN OUR BODIES

So by 1987, I had actively started studying, reading, and being involved with all things in my area related to answering the “Big Whys” from the viewpoint of spirituality.  When I read a book on OBE, I had OBE experiences. When I read a book on dreams, I started to remember my dreams and learn from them.  But when I read a book on lucid dreams and started the Monroe series in 1997, I met my dad again-only on a different level while sleeping.  I was flabbergasted and thrilled that I was actually with him.  I was as real as the other lucid dreams that I had started experiencing as a result of my reading or as real as I viewed real on the physical plane.  As we hugged and then settled down in chairs across from each other, he looked the same as he always had, I then proceeded to ask him WHY?  Why did he leave and why did he leave when he did?  Why, Why, Why?  He basically explained that it was time for him to move on as he had a schedule to keep to.  He also gave me the impression that he had to leave because my mother needed to work on things as a single parent and that each of us kids would gain as a result.  I don’t remember a lot of what we covered, it was like a rote described by Monroe/Moen, but I do remember, as we “talked”, that I felt really satisfied that all my questions were answered.  Today the answers come back to me little by little including the why of the accident.  It was part of keeping to the schedule and part of what was meant to be for my understandings about there are no accidents.  I LEARNED THAT I NOW BELIEVE THAT WE ARE MORE THAN OUR BODIES AND THAT THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS AND THAT LOVE IS FOREVER.

I look forward to leaning what I need next to learn and look forward to seeing what, as my dad used to say, “…act is coming on next”.

Love to all, Jean 

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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #18 - Apr 2nd, 2005 at 7:23pm
WOW Jean. Thank you so much for relating this to us. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Is it a random universe, where things happen..
Reply #19 - Apr 2nd, 2005 at 9:50pm
yes, thanks Jean. we sure know how to fashion a life, eh? sometimes I think about giving ourselves a surprise twist, so that if we knew, it really wouldn't be a surprise then. the surprise for me is in the overview, and I certainly wouldn't be looking at an overview while in the beginning and middle parts.

me too. I had my first retrieval after reading Monroe. ha ha! u should have seen be bungling around while the deadpan face of my guide (future self?) looked on. yes, books can lead to an experience.

it was ACIM got me thinking about accidents so much. I only knew one thing; if I had to go through life looking over my shoulder all the time to see whether an accident was catching up to me, well, poo poo on that. it's a lot more fun looking forward and just knowing if something unexpected happens you're going to discover why because you no longer believe in accidents, and be better off for that to be more efficiently creating your own life without necessarily chocking it up to luck. is why I can never say good luck to anyone  anymore even though I might want to. just aint no such critter in my book. I might say good on ya mate or something akin to bless you and your entire household. interesting your mom was a man? doesn't that blow you away? I think I was married to my half sister....ha ha! scared the pee right out of me!
let's not go there. enough on my plate right now.
thanks again for letting me/us get to know u better love. alysia
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