Q. Please describe and explain the mechanism behind and the purpose of the phenomena known as Deja Vu.
Hilarion: This process is one that is becoming more and more common. One definition of it is a sense, perhaps as a feeling sense, but sometimes as a knowingness or an intuition. That what has just occurred or is unfolding is something that is familiar to you, that which you already know. There are those who would say that this relates to various aspects of patterning or planning from past lives, but our observation of this is something completely different. Time as you understand it is that which seems, at least on the surface of it, to have a connectedness through the clocks of your planet. But how often have you said, "How odd, time seems to be moving very quickly right now." Or, "It just is really dragging here." Perhaps even about some of our words to you today. But as you understand and work with this energy, you begin to recognize that that sense of subjectiveness, is the truth. And that the consensus reality of the simultaneous clocks is actually the consciousness of people that have agreed to set these things into motion. That true consciousness where it relates to time is exceptionally mutable, changeable, and that which is affected very much by your mood, your emotions, your awareness, your consciousness on so many levels.
With this observation, it is a simple leap in understanding to the blending of time for the future into the present. And the past into the present as well. This is occurring naturally, but occurring more and more with each passing day. Sorry for the conundrum there since each passing day refers to time. But the truth of this relates to your own evolution, that as humanity evolves, humanity's ability to more consciously manipulate time, is inevitable. Sorry again for the pun on time with the word inevitable. What you begin to recognize is that the English language itself is so firmly founded, created and based on time, even for the bringing of the syntax of past, or present, or future conjugations of verbs. Eventually for your own consciousness what you'll recognize here is that deja vu relates to your ability to leap through time, to receive its future, to receive the energy as it blends into the now. And that this is occurring often when deja vu occurs for an important reason - something for you to learn, something for you to grow with. However, we have commented in the past on a very specific technique you can use to increase your ability to understand time and work with it more consciously. When you apply this same technique at the very moment in which deja vu is occurring, you will find that many times this accelerates and increases. This can be difficult of course. Some individuals respond to deja vu with fear. The hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck syndrome. Or various ways in which it is confusing to them, or in which they feel disoriented or have some difficulty. But if you enjoy deja vu, this technique may be helpful. The technique that we have described in the past when utilized often, also tends to increase opportunities for this, because you are then opening to your future and your past. It is a perfect question to ask however after a focusing on the now sort of meditation, because you begin to recognize that you create the now as an acceptance, as a willingness to know the deeper love, and you create the energies of past and future as a distraction to teach you something, to allow you some separation, some resistance, something to work against. And in this way you can step back from it more often and laugh at it more often.
For a specific suggestion with regards to the past, present and future blending, is to think of your future self. Recognize that that is a being. Perhaps you could imagine this as a being meditating, somewhere around March 21st of 2005, tuning into powerful energies and transmitting them back to you. Perhaps to another being, sometime perhaps in 2012, understanding, wise, learned, understanding so many things you cannot hope to understand now, yet, loving you, projecting an energy back in time to you now. Similarly though, think of you three years ago. Perhaps a time in which in March of 1999, you needed a little help, a little encouragement or a little awakening. Or any time about three years ago. And then as if now, with your experience, your learning, your understanding, project that energy now to that being. And now think of somebody even further in your past - you, about ten years ago, and send that same being that same loving energy, that you energy now still to that being who does not know what is to come. Perhaps blissfully ignorant of the various changes to unfold, or in a place ready to receive, or to be encouraged to move through a place of suffering or struggle. In the middle of this, you are then acting as a sort of guide for energies from your future self and your past self. When you do a similar meditation, tuning into a being in the past being particularly powerful, in the time of deja vu you are receiving a future energy after all, you will find that this accelerates the process. And it may help you have a little deeper understanding as to what can be received as you awaken to this energy.
Many times the specifics about this are gaged in symbolism, understood through metaphor, difficult to work with. Don't worry about that. When the deja vu experience occurs, if you amplify it slightly by thinking of yourself in the past, of an energy associated perhaps with some positive, resourceful energy you can pour to yourself in your past, the essence of the deja vu experience may begin to occur to you. You may find that as it intensifies, that there is something deeper to learn, something deeper to trust. You will usually find that somewhere deep in the experience can be more love, and if this can be felt somehow in the body, if it can be shared as a kinesthetic feeling, as a warmth or a lightness, or some positive energy, you will usually find it teaches you more. And does not do so immediately. It may come into your dream that night, or into some other experiences. But understand this - that as this goes on for life, as people get closer and closer to times of great change, so will this experience of the blending of the future and the past be easier for people, and simultaneously you may become less and less attached to it. More and more aware of the now, of the presence, of the light and the love that is always with you.