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Regarding a "non-physical body..." (Read 1625 times)
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Regarding a "non-physical body..."
Mar 5th, 2005 at 6:23pm
What does it mean to have a "non-physical body"?
Does it mean you can't pick things up, or say, feel a football that beans you because you weren't watching or quick enough?
Suppose you go rock climbing or skydiving... half the THRILL is whether your rope will break, or at least your main won't open...
What about gambling? Will you at least be able to, say, temporarily forget you can't really lose all your money?
Can you get DRUNK? Or stoned?
Or are you too "pure and holy" in the next world for such things (big bronx cheer for THAT idea.)
Risks are the spice of life...
One thing I fear is that without a BRAIN to process information, life in the next world would be "dreamy" and incoherent, like most dreams are... you wouldn't really be lucid, and you'd "float" from one quickly forgotten experience to another, willy-nilly.
I mean - suppose I try to pick up something - would my hand pass through it...
Or would my watch turn into, say, a snake, and like in a dream, I wouldn't even care or take notice?
I wouldn't want to be semi-aware or "stupid", like I am in all my dreams.
Does "non-physical" mean ghostly or unsubstantial?
And how could anything be "non-physical" anyhow? I mean, Whatever There Is, follows the laws of physics - if only arcane quantum kinds of physics.
There can be NO SUCH THING AS "magic"!!!
"Magic" is a primitive, superstitious idea which claims that causality breaks down at some point, that rationality is not valid, THAT THINGS HAPPEN FOR NO REASON!
But even the ancients recognized the Law of Causality, that all things have their cause.
Surely what some might call "magic" is only SCIENTIFICALLY EXPLAINABLE phenomena, that 21st-century man is too primitive to explain... right?
Just what the heck does "non-physical" mean, anyhow?
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Re: Regarding a "non-physical body..."
Reply #1 - Mar 5th, 2005 at 11:25pm
The assumption that you are attached to a body is misleading. It may be true, but it is not the essential nature of your "inner self". You're a passenger. Hence a better question is how you got a body in the first place.

More to the point of what you asked, the "inner You" is simply a process moving through an entropic medium. That is, your ultimate nature is simply evolving information. (There is a well known mathematical formula that precisely describes this.) In general, this occurs in all places that will support it, since the places can't be discriminated at that level. Prior to embodiment, your nature is sort of holomorphically smeared all over the Cosmos. Because it increases out probability of survival, we automatically seek places that are maximally congruent with our "inner self" and identify with them. However, these places are also nothing but structures of entropy.  If you do "bad stuff" you establish contradictions in the probability fields called negative karmas that interfere with holding onto various attributes.

In terms of physics, entropy fields are the fields of potentialities that define the likelihood of a logical term being present or absent. For example, the probability of an electron is a collection of probabilities for the definitions of all the logic associated with electrons to be defined at some locus (usually expressed as a pitchfork shaped phase vector of attributive correlates in quantum mechanics), where the electron's probabilities are conjunct with the probabilities of everything else at the same time, so that "everything is part of everything else".

When patterns of information form systematic networks of interactions in which the information defining a big rock interacts with the information defining your big toe, then you probably say that you "have a physical body".  However, this embodiment is not always the case.

For example, if your various body parts were to be deleted, one at a time, the "inner You" wouldn't be affected. You could still believe in having long wavy hair after getting a crew cut. An amputee often "feels" phantom limbs and thinks about using them. In dreams we add new features and abilities and live in that world, and it is real until we wake. (A philosoher once asked if more could be said of life.)

When you get sufficiently stoned, for example after a swan dive off the Eiffel Tower, or a slightly milder trip such a DMT overdose, or a more reasonable method such as learning how to meditate,  then you will discover, among other things, that you have the ability to see into things in places that your physical body is not able to examine. (If you're real curious, I'll describe how, but it takes a lot of space.) Since you mention getting stoned, I recall one day I was feeling a bit off my gait and I drank a bottle of cough syrup (40 yrs ago - it's no longer on the market) and on regaining my senses I discovered that I had managed to exteriorize from the definitions of being in a body into inhabiting a rolled up window shade.  Much more commonly, people having operations often wander about the hospital, criticizing the surgeons' methods, looking at new admissions etc. They do this without a physical body. However, the processes by which they exist continue to operate, just as they do after the body falls off and Bruce goes out to retrieve you or your friends.

As for all the experiences that one can or can't have, earthbound souls generally hang out where they can vicariously suck up emotional sensations from others. They themselves can't get drunk, but they can attatch to drunks as entities. A very fast way to investigate all this is to get your local hypnotherapist to do a past life regression, and at the end of a previous life, remember how it felt to see your body lying dead, and then to experience the other things that go on afterwards.

Although I've more or less given an intellectually valid answer, this is not the way to get the real knowledge that your question asks. The way to gain that knowledge is to go there and DO it for yourself. Metaphysics is about 1% about thinking and theory, and 99% about DOING.

Just DO it - and enjoy!

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