Dispute to the board police and the skeptic camp
I post one of the most useful suggestion from "evil" Elias to those who might want to try it, who will read it, probably will find similiarity with another known "methods"
"This evening we shall begin with a very popular subject matter within this time framework, that of projection. Many individuals in this time period are fascinated with consciousness and the manipulation of themselves within consciousness and the experiential aspect of different areas of consciousness.
Now; let me express to you that within projection, or that which you term to be out-of-body experiences, (chuckling) these occupy the same Regional Area 1 as you occupy within your waking state of awareness, that which we term to be your objective awareness. A projection within consciousness is also within this same area of consciousness. You are not moving into Regional Area 2, which would be the subjective area of consciousness. Therefore, there is a difference between your dream state and a projection or out-of-body state.
In this, many individuals express questioning and inquiries as to how they may be accomplishing this situation and holding the experience of an out-of-body experience.
Therefore, I shall offer you an exercise that you may practice, and this may be helpful to you in your engagement of this activity, if you are so choosing. Let me express to you what the advantage is of engaging in this type of action. In engaging the allowance of an out-of-body experience that you hold an objective recall of ... for you DO engage in out-of-body experiences quite often. You merely do not allow yourselves the remembrance of this action objectively. This does not mean that you do not engage the action, for you do, but the advantage to yourselves in engaging this action is that this allows you the opportunity to manipulate within consciousness. It allows you the opportunity to move into other areas of creativity within your objective state or awareness. It also allows you an opening within your awareness that prepares you in the action of this shift, for within this shift in consciousness you shall be moving into more of an awareness of your reality, of yourselves, of your own subjectivity, and of essence, and in this allowing yourselves the opportunity to engage other dimensions, other realities, other areas of consciousness.
In engaging out-of-body experiences, you also may manipulate THROUGH space and THROUGH the thickness of your time framework. You allow yourselves a window to move through time frameworks. You are not bound to this one particular time element. Therefore, you loose the hold of your belief systems and your perception of linear time. This allows you more of a mobility within consciousness, and it allows you an objective awareness of your mobility and your creativity.
Therefore, it is not merely a fun activity -- although it may be considered fun -- but it is also useful to you within your movement in this dimension in accessing information more efficiently and allowing yourselves more of a mobility. Therefore, I offer to you this exercise. Allow yourselves a quiet time frame; not a sleep state, but merely quietness and relaxation. As you move into a quiet relaxation, allow yourselves a pleasant visualization. I shall offer you an example which you may choose to engage, or you may create your own if you are so choosing. I shall offer to you:
Envision yourselves upon the top of a mountain. Quietly sit upon the top of this mountain, recognizing and visualizing all of the aspects that you may view within your actual physical reality, noticing the rocks, the plants, the sky, the breeze. Feel the air upon your physical skin. Allow yourselves to move fully into the experience of the visualization; not merely the visualization, but the EXPERIENCE of the visualization. Spend some of your time within this visualizing state, allowing yourself sense data in this state. Allow yourself to smell the vegetation around you, the earth, the rocks. Allow yourself to engage all of your senses -- your outer senses -- within this state of visualization. As you move into the total experience of this visualization in this relaxed state, create a moment to SNAP yourselves.
Before you enter this visualization, create a direction that you are choosing to move into and engage with. "I wish to visit an acquaintance within another location. I wish to visit another physical location upon my planet. I wish to engage and visit another dimension." But choose specifically. Be directed in your choice, for this is your practicing. Later, as you accomplish more easily, you need not be so directed in where you choose to be projecting to, for it shall become automatic and you may move freely, but initially it is helpful if you are focused and you hold an idea, a thought of a destination. This offers you more directedness, which is familiar to you. One of the reasons that individuals find difficulty in this action of projection is that it is unfamiliar to them. Therefore, they enter the area of fearfulness and they hold to their energy and they do not accomplish objectively projecting. Therefore, if you offer yourselves some elements of familiarity within your behavior, this shall be quelling of some aspects of your fearfulness.
If you are choosing to be creating or inventing of a cord that tethers you to your physical body, you may, although this is very unnecessary and is merely a projection that you create or invent to offer yourselves a feeling of safety in an unfamiliar action. In actuality, there is no thread that tethers you to your physical body, for you are not removing entirely from your physical body. An element of your subjective awareness continues to be maintaining your physical form for a period of time. Therefore, your physical form continues to function as if within a sleep state.
Now; I shall deviate briefly and express to you that this is not to say that you may not entirely remove your consciousness from your physical body in this state and that your physical body consciousness may not continue to be functioning for a number of hours, but ONLY for a number of hours without the direction of your consciousness. But we are not speaking of advanced class in projection! We are speaking of remedial projection presently, and the beginner's course! (Chuckling, and laughter)
Therefore, as you choose your direction, repeat this to yourself several times before entering into your visualization. Offer yourself a trigger. You may incorporate a physical aspect -- an alarm, a bell -- to be signaling you as to your SNAP point if you are so choosing, but this is unnecessary. If you ARE choosing to be incorporating outside physical interruption of your visualization, you may set your tone, your bell, to be interrupting you subsequent to approximately ten minutes of your visualization. You may, if choosing, set this for slightly longer, but it is unnecessary. In actuality, you may move quite quickly into a visualization and hold yourself within the experience of the visualization. It is not requiring of extended time periods of tremendous "meditation" as you view it, (humorously) that you must be incorporating hours of your time frame to be connecting with yourself! You automatically move into this direction, and therefore, if you are offering yourself a visualization you shall be engaging this, and it is unnecessary to be incorporating inner chattering.
As you have incorporated the experience of involving all of your outer senses in your visualization and you have moved entirely into the visualization, at that point pull to yourself your direction immediately, quickly. Offer yourself the thought of your direction. This shall be your SNAP. You are interrupting your quietness, your relaxation of your visualization, and thrusting yourself into your direction.
Once you have created your SNAP, wait ... and within this waiting you may be experiencing within very few minutes, within less than five of your minutes, the sensation and the movement of yourself into the recognition of the projection, and a new visual shall appear to you.
You shall also hold an awareness of yourself in what YOU term to be an astral body. There is no astral body. It is merely a difference in consciousness, and your manifestation of what is familiar to you. Therefore, you manifest what you think of as an astral body, for you may recognize yourself in this. You may look at yourself and see the familiar body form, and this shall not be surprising to you or fearful to you. You may move freely about, and you may also allow yourself the reassurance, once you have entered into this state, that no harmfulness shall befall you within this state.
Although you may create certain situations even within a projecting state that shall be physically affecting of your physical form, within the state of projecting you shall not hold an awareness of the physical affectingness. Example: You may choose to be moving through a field. You may create stubbing your foot upon a rock in this field, and you may return to your physical body and you may view a physical bruise upon your physical foot, for your body is affected, for it is an aspect of you. It is not separated from you.
Once again, it is not a vessel! It is a manifestation, a projection of essence, and is your creation of your physical mirror image of you. Therefore, it is continuously connected to your consciousness and is affected, but I shall also express to you that for the most part individuals do not engage situations that shall be physically affecting of their physical body form while they are participating within a projection state. Once in this state, you may freely manipulate.
You may move into the area of playfulness and you may emulate your belief systems of ghosts. You may move through walls. You may project to any area upon your physical planet that you are so choosing. You may pierce veils of dimensions. You may enter other areas of consciousness. You may play with time. You may project forward, so to speak -- although there is no forward -- in time and visit futurely, or you may project backward in time -- although there is no backward -- and you may visit what you view to be past elements of your history. It is entirely your choice in your playfulness, of that which you choose to be investigating.
You may also encounter and engage other focuses of your own essence within this state of projection. This is another manner in which you may engage your other focuses beside your new game of hypnosis or meditation or dream state. This offers you merely another avenue to be investigating of different elements of yourself and your reality and all that you create.
Do not allow yourselves to move into the area of discouragement if you are not accomplishing initially upon your first attempt at this exercise, for many individuals already hold an extreme fearfulness in this area. Therefore, this is quite holding to your energy, but I shall express to you that within your SNAP, you also move into the position of not allowing yourself the thought process of fearfulness. You interrupt your fearfulness, for you are surprising yourself quickly. Therefore, you allow yourselves to plunge into the unfamiliar before you allow yourself your element of fear. This offers you the opportunity to be slightly more successful initially than you may be in attempting other "methods," so to speak, which you are all so very, very fond of and are continuously inquiring of, that I be offering you "methods" to be moving through consciousness! There you have it! A method! (Laughing) Many other individuals connecting with this information of this evening shall be quite pleased at the engagement that Elias has offered a method, and we shall all cheer! (Still laughing, and the group cracks up) Appreciate this well, for I offer this very seldom! (Still laughing)