Lowri's post:
I am really sorry if this post upsets some people, but I am at my whits ends looking for answers.
don't apologize dear, this forum is yours also i assure u!
For years, I have suffered with mental illnesses (depression and self-harm). It all comes down to the fact that i hate myself and feel unlovable (i put this down to my adoption)
well, if it helps any, I was rejected by my mother, then adopted, then rejected by my foster family, and well, here I am. it's not your fault, trust me.
For years i have been unable to cope with life, even the simplest things panic me. I often feel that I have been a mistake, because I have done nothing right since being alive. I have abused my body to extremes, and don't seem to get better.
yes I understand the ways we can hate ourselves also. mother said I forced myself through her womb, so you see it can become highly believable as a child. please do not believe it. you have a right to be here.
I recently went to see a hypnotherapist, who bought up my feelings of being unloved from my subconscious, and once i faced that, even though it was extremely painful (physically and mentally) i felt a whole lot better.
so u see it does help to talk things out. it's a process, so keep it up, keep talking like u are now. u are not alone here as it may seem.
I feel that i have learned to love myself, and regret every single day that i spent self-harming and hating myself. Everyone keeps saying that this is my second chance, but as i am covered in horiffic scars, i feel I am unable to.
you've started the healing process but the scars are still there. give yourself time. scars can fade. whenever I feel blue, I buy myself flowers or some little thing as if to say to myself, gee, you're swell!
Are there babies that haven't healed yet from past lives, and aren't ready to be released back into the human world?
well, I've heard of this situation of coming back in too soon, not spending enough time inbetween lives to plan more but I don't know about your plan. it does seem you've got a lot on your plate and some of us do feel overconfident about leaping into a body. I predict a very strong soul coming to the fore here in you because suffering itself seems to suggest there is a place on the other side of suffering which you approach near to.
I am very weak, physically and mentally. I have attempted sucide several times, but have survived. I feel that i am being punished for something I did in my past life. The biggest punishment i feel i have, is that my biggest wish is to die, yet I am terrified of dying! I am so scared I will be sent to Hell for abusing my body and not taking full advantage of what God has given me. My body and mind is so damaged, that i feel i can't go on.
you are not weak. you "think" you are weak. I don't believe in karma anymore so I think you are the one punishing yourself with this belief. no one will send you to hell. you are appearing to me as I was not so long ago. since I am an angel (well, most the time) you are looking beautiful in my sight. we will support u here, and remember there are such a thing as guardian angels.
All i can feel is pain, I have never been happy, although i am intelligent, quite pretty, with a lot of good things in my life. I have inflicted pain on myself, and others around me for years, and i can't seem to stop.
I know it's hard. one time when I was losing it, the will to live, I had a guide, a still small voice which said to go outside and pull a weed in the garden. as I pulled the weeds I forgot how sad I was for awhile. thank god for the mechanism of forgetting one's pain for the moment. I would return to the pain of being in a body often. I did not want to live here and experience life. I told my guides, rather the air, as I knew not if I was heard, that I needed assistance or I would leave soon. I would wait then. I told them I could not wait forever, so hurry up and deliver. I know I'm presumptious. but then it worked. I received a book which changed my life shortly. A Course in Miracles. this was my answer. it may not be yours. I would hope that you can place your call also as I did, and that your answer will come. keep hope in this direction, that you need not suffer once you understand that it is only a belief system that started from birth or further back.
Will I be forgiven for abusing the body that God gave me? Or did He intend for me to do all these things, because He created my mind so imperfect?
of course u are forgiven. you are confused for a time here; twas not God who created you imperfect; god makes no junk. we are the creators. what do u wish to see? feel? experience? give yourself permission to hope. it's one moment at a time here, then it becomes one day to get through at a time, then just when you're starting to enjoy yourself, it's all over. kinda funny when it works that way. You're only 22, you're going to see some marvelous world changes coming up soon.
Every time I try to commit suicide, something holds me back, even though i am at the end of my tether. It's like someone is trying to stop me from dying. Sometimes i feel that i am already dead, and that i'm in limbo. Wanting to die, but unable to because of my fear of death!
your higher self is trying to tell you to hang in there, it was no mistake that u were born. I feel u have some work you need to get done before leaving.
I am not looking for excuses to die, as I know that I will never take my own life. Because I will have to live my life as best I can, and wait until He decides my fate.
well, u could try talking to him. he does listen. sometimes it take a few days for him to provide feedback, but like I said, if u ask him to hurry up, it does work really well! he's bound to ask your opinion though what a fate is. personally, that's a real tricky question to spring on him. is why it may take him awhile to get his notes together. just my experience.
The question I have is: is suicide cheating? Because has He given me all these reasons to I can't live with myself, because he wants me to die? Or is it my choice to kill myself?
it's more like a partnership thing. higher self, or god, kinda hangs out a lot scratching his head, as he wonders now what is Lowri up to? what is she gonna do with the free will I passed out? is she gonna ask me for help? when will she know how much I love her?
I really hope this post makes sense! I have tried so many times, and been close to death, but have survived. I've given up now, because i realise that this isn't the right thing for me to do. I have to live.
it makes perfect sense to me since I lived it myself. I'm glad you're not so facinated with death anymore, so that you say u have to live. pretty soon you will want to live. I feel this is coming. there is great and tremendous joy in store for you because it takes courage to live here. the one who chooses death has no courage. i feel you are growing stronger each day and I'm glad u came here. please feel free to post what u feel as this is a most loving family!
laugh at the rain, the truth will set u free.