Hi Spitfire et all,
Bluejasn said it pretty well, so i will not try to repeat it. I would make a suggestion, since you "seem" to be of a predominant left brain focus, try an experiment. Personal experience, in the end is probably the true yardstick for validity. Even people like scientists, who are trained to think objectively, rationally, and analytically sometimes let emotions and attachments cloud their perceptions.
My premise for this experiment is that the huge majority of us have lived and grown up with some basic material and dualistic beliefs, like "survival of the fittest" or that to have things, status, control etc.. are what brings "pleasure" responses. You know... the typical consenus attitudes and paradigms. I know i have been firmly entrenched in this kind of attitude, lived it, thought it, and didn't think there was much more to life.
But, i have lived the side of the coin too as of late with the premise that there is some kind of "spirit" or pure energy source from which all was created and that this pure energy source can only be called "love", not in the affection, egotistical, personally attached, emotionally driven sense that a lot of people express, but rather love as an energy which is much more like a "Unified field theory" which says that all things, all consciousness, is connected at the most basic and intrinsic levels of creation--beyond that of which even Quantum Theorists, or String Theorists have been able to dwelve.
So i challenge you to live for awhile with this temporary hypothesis in mind. That all things are connected, that what you do to the least of creation, you do to yourself and unless you are a masochist, then why would you want to hurt yourself?
I think all humans are self-centered creatures, but it is only when we recognize ourselves in all aspects of creation do we become DIVINELY self centered
There is a difference though it is subtle. This, i have found, is the only thing in my life that has brought me any lasting happiness, any peace, and harmony is to try and give this out as much as possible. Everything else has failed miserably though i recognize it might not for others.
The great thing about this energy that Bruce labels PUL (pure unconditional love) is that it is not ever dependent on outside circumstances, but ever is only dependent on the inner attitude and choices of yourself. So unlike getting that new job, that new car, more money, or recognition from one's peers, you can't get let down...your happiness will not diminish.
So try it out, why not, what do you have to lose except maybe some old paradigms? Maybe you have, i don't know....
As far as Cayce and "armegeddon", doomsday, and changes like i have said repeatedly his readings have been misquoted or taken out of context to an unbelievable extent. Mandevilles books, especially his third, points out some the most common mistakes people have made over the years since people have been writing books about Cayce, his readings and life (since 1944) or so.
I might write a post outlining what i believe Cayce to have said about the changes. He seemed to have indicated that a portion of the changes is somewhat dependant on humanities collective consciousness, but he also stated time and time again something like, "the changes that must happen with the Earth".