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Twin Souls, Rescues in Atlantis, Ancien Egypt etc. (Read 13358 times)
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Re: Twin Souls, Rescues in Atlantis, Ancien Egypt
Reply #15 - Feb 8th, 2005 at 1:13am
Hey Spitfire,

You and justin have an interesting conversation going, you guys are bringing up good points on both sides of the table.  I think I'm really a skeptic at heart, but as I read more and more and question my current understandings I have a better appreciation for whats being said on these message boards on both sides. 

I think you're right about love sometimes people claim to be acting out of love but when they are really acting out of their own egos.  I think the majority of the time we act out of fear which stems from the false human ego rather than love,.  Sometimes it can get confusing even if you're donating money to Tsunami victums, only you know why you donated the money, was it to look good in front of others or did you really care?  Did you expect anything in return?  Myabe we're all too hard on ourselves sometimes, even if it was out of ego at least if you gave you helped someone out, thats better than nothing. 

I think love originally started out as a force or energy, and we are here to understand it in a polar enviornment.  Like you said you need war to have peace.  Without fear we would couldnt experience love but only know it as a concept, and what good would that do?  Experiencing a kiss and reading about a kiss are very different.  Watching about a war on tv and fighting in a war are very different,.  so I guess some creator out there decided to create an environment so that we could experience the force that binds all things together.

There is more to existence than love in physical reality, and whether we want it or not it is included in our lives because of the world we live in.  This is such a stone cold world, I just saw Hotel Rwanda and it really showed me how cold this world can be.  A million men woman and children masscared by .10 cent chinese Machettes over race while the western world stood by and did nothing because they were africans.  80,000 people dying each day in the Sudan from Rebels, AIDS, and starvation gets no air time, in 2 days that suprasses all the deaths from the Tsunami.  In 1 week thats 3 times more dead than in the Tsunami,  wow what a cold world....thats why we talk about love,  this world is in dire need of it because were all so caught up in ourselves. 
By the way Neal Donald Walsch has a good childrens fable that really hits home about what love is.. I think called "the Little Soul in the Sun"

Also...I know you might have disregarded Cayce because of this readings that dealt with some sort of Armegeddon but don't discount it.  I'm not big on the whole end of the world thing either,..I mean when has there NOT been a time in history when man thought that this was it...the world was going to end in their lifetime!  Never!  Theres always people around trying to scare the mass into thinking its Armegeddon time., especially with the Nostradamus and the world suppsedly ending in November of 1998...or was it 2000?  Anyways,  in all instances these events can be changed they are merely warnings of where we are heading if we unless we alter our path.  Future is not set in stone, love is the force needed to make these changes.  Reality is that we live in a world that has more fear, hatred, anger, hurt than love...thats the physical reality we all co-created throughout history,  I say we try to change it and make this world easier to live in, at the same time we help others by giving we should monitor our true motives for giving and discover if we are motivated by fear of ego gratification or by love...  I think only when we personally acknowledge that we all have our darksides within us(our false ego) then we can begin to discard it and act from our authentic selves.

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Re: Twin Souls, Rescues in Atlantis, Ancien Egypt
Reply #16 - Feb 10th, 2005 at 2:29pm
  Hi Spitfire et all,

  Bluejasn said it pretty well, so i will not try to repeat it.   I would make a suggestion, since you "seem" to be of a predominant left brain focus, try an experiment.   Personal experience, in the end is probably the true yardstick for validity.  Even people like scientists, who are trained to think objectively, rationally, and analytically sometimes let emotions and attachments cloud their perceptions.   

  My premise for this experiment is that the huge majority of us have lived and grown up with some basic material and dualistic beliefs, like "survival of the fittest" or that to have things, status, control etc.. are what brings "pleasure" responses.   You know... the typical consenus attitudes and paradigms.  I know i have been firmly entrenched in this kind of attitude, lived it, thought it, and didn't think there was much more to life.   
   But, i have lived the side of the coin too as of late with the premise that there is some kind of "spirit" or pure energy source from which all was created and that this pure energy source can only be called "love", not in the affection, egotistical, personally attached, emotionally driven sense that a lot of people express, but rather love as an energy which is much more like a "Unified field theory" which says that all things, all consciousness, is connected at the most basic and intrinsic levels of creation--beyond that of which even Quantum Theorists, or String Theorists have been able to dwelve. 

   So i challenge you to live for awhile with this temporary hypothesis in mind.  That all things are connected, that what you do to the least of creation, you do to yourself and unless you are a masochist, then why would you want to hurt yourself?

  I think all humans are self-centered creatures, but it is only when we recognize ourselves in all aspects of creation do we become DIVINELY self centered  Wink  There is a difference though it is subtle.  This, i have found, is the only thing in my life that has brought me any lasting happiness, any peace, and harmony is to try and give this out as much as possible.    Everything else has failed miserably though i recognize it might not for others. 
  The great thing about this energy that Bruce labels PUL (pure unconditional love) is that it is not ever dependent on outside circumstances, but ever is only dependent on the inner attitude and choices of yourself.     So unlike getting that new job, that new car, more money, or recognition from one's peers, you can't get let down...your happiness will not diminish.

So try it out, why not, what do you have to lose except maybe some old paradigms?   Maybe you have, i don't know....

As far as Cayce and "armegeddon", doomsday, and changes like i have said repeatedly his readings have been misquoted or taken out of context to an unbelievable extent.   Mandevilles books, especially his third, points out some the most common mistakes people have made over the years since people have been writing books about Cayce, his readings and life (since 1944) or so. 

I might write a post outlining what i believe Cayce to have said about the changes.  He seemed to have indicated that a portion of the changes is somewhat dependant on humanities collective consciousness, but he also stated time and time again something like, "the changes that must happen with the Earth".
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Mary Eaglesong
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Re: Twin Souls, Rescues in Atlantis, Ancien Egypt
Reply #17 - Feb 11th, 2005 at 8:42am
Well said, Justin...that "there is some kind of 'spirit' or pure energy source from which all was created and that this pure energy source can only be called 'love', not in the affection, egotistical, personally attached, emotionally driven sense that a lot of people express, but rather love as an energy which is much more like a 'Unified field theory' which says that all things, all consciousness, is connected at the most basic and intrinsic levels of creation..." and that "The great thing about this that it is not ever dependent on outside circumstances, but ever is only dependent on the inner attitude and choices of yourself. " 

And that brings me back to the topic you started here, because when you have some basic notion of WE ARE ONE on a conscious level,  then you are that much closer to being ready to work with your Twin Flame.  I know that not all metaphysical positions support the TF "theory," but I have found it to be true in my experience.  Plato might have introduced his beliefs about Atlantis as a story, but there is much physical evidence on this earth of "pre"-civilzations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, and Pangea.  And Shirley MacLaine mentions the Atlantis twin flame experiements in her book The Camino. When I first read that it was very unbelievable and unsettling to me, but it caused me to face some emotions that perhaps originated during that time. And I've had some psychics confirm things as well~ different ones saying basically the same things.  The truth will beat the odds everytime.

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Re: Twin Souls, Rescues in Atlantis, Ancien Egypt
Reply #18 - Feb 11th, 2005 at 2:04pm
  Hi Mary,

Yes, i think so about conscious recognizing of Oneness, and being in the energy or "space" of one's Twin Soul.  My relationship with Becky seems to enhance those feelings of Oneness with Creation to a much greater degree.  It seems like my awareness of myself, of others, of creation and my psychic sensitivities have opened up much more since i've been with her.

  Either way, in any relationship, it helps to have similar ideals.  Becky and I don't always have the same ideas about things but we always have the same ideals spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and even physically. 

  As much as I love Becky on a personal level though, and do believe she is my Twin Soul, i also very much agree with the idea that Cayce's Source expressed in one of the Readings.  A person was asking about Twin Souls, and they seemed a little hung up or too attached to the concept, they got the reply that the soul or any soul should rather seek to be and is the Twin Soul of God/Creative Forces.

So with this in mind, i always try to check my "romantic dependencies" or tendencies to that, at the door.  So it works out that we have a very tolerant (usually  Wink ), open, and ever growing relationship.
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Re: Twin Souls, Rescues in Atlantis, Ancien Egypt
Reply #19 - Feb 12th, 2005 at 6:15pm
Hi I agree with Justin about us humans being self centered creatures, the majority of us including me have much difficulty acting out of non selfish means, I believe due purely to our false egos and the false ideas we have about ourself, like "Survival of the Fittest"  These are incorrect concepts that don't prove to be true when put to the test.  I think the greatest problem effecting humanity is a lack of love, but saying a lack of love seems so broad and generalized to the extent that it is difficult for any average Joe to know what to work on from within.  I think we have  to as a people begin to work with tangible concepts that inhibit our love to come through, mainly our ego and pride and our love for drama and sometimes sadness.  To that extent I have been inspired to write all my thoughts about ego and pride while addressing some issues about human personality and false beliefs that is keeping us from even reaching any type of love that we like to talk about.  I think we really need to work on character first and only once human ego is release can we really express pure unconditional love, I feel that until ego is released all acts of love are still tainted by selfishness and greed.

I wrote a lot but please take a look, I appreciate any feedback.

I really believe the route to achieving a character that is able to give consistently give out Pure unconditional love with no strings attached and no ulterior motives lies in overcoming our pride and human ego.  Until that is really dealt with we can only act out of PUL from time to time when we may have a spark of divine intervention or motivation from within.  Sadly this is good but not always enough in a harsh world that needs more love than can be offered by us from time to time.

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