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Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger (Read 388747 times)
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #30 - Feb 8th, 2005 at 10:09am

Maybe Dora remembers where he talks about this, referring to a hypothetical person as having two personalities (something like Antonio I and Antonio II, though that's not the name he used).

Nature of the personal reality, Chapter 8
Health, Good and Bad Thoughts, and the Birth of
the "Demon"

The hypotetical person is Augustus... I and II

"Demon of any kind are the result of your beliefs. They are born from a beliefs in "unnatural guilt. You may personify them. You may even meet them in your experience, but if so they are still the product of your immeasurable creativity, though formed by your guilt and your belief in it.
If you shed the distorted concept of unnatural quilt and accepted the wise aincient wisdom of natural guilt instead  there would be no wars. You would not kill each other mindlessly.

I believe that the "Nature of the personal reality" is a mandatory read to those who care to find out the core of the  beliefs, including our own.. But of course that is my choice and preference... Wink
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One Supra-consciousness, many channels
Reply #31 - Feb 8th, 2005 at 5:09pm
Hello all,

My first post here - heard about it from 'freebird' on another forum. Even as Moses(if I recall) said.....'O that all of Gods people would be prophets!' bout 'O that all people would be channels of God'? As long as we are tapped into the divine Spring......we shall give forth worthy issues.

Lets see.....some of my fave channelers/channellings - I havent read much of the Seth material. Some of Ramtha. Some of P'taah. Some of Immanuel. A bit of Hilarion. O I'm sure I'm forgetting some. We also note that they are different kinds of channeling data/transmissions. I have found some auto-writing very stimulating.

I never got much into ACIM....although a few precepts in the volume do ring true for me. Getting deeper into some of the chapters however was a bit complexitive with all its etherealism and versatilities, especially as it relates theological terms with its own twist. I have preferred the Urantia Book in the past over it,........perhaps my more cosmic-intellectual-philosophic leanings.  Wink

This is a wonderful field as it relates to higher consciousness and spirit-communications. Currently my studies have been in the spiritualist/spiritist traditions and their 'channeled' material. Their messages are born from a more antiquated mediumship style than our modern new-age genre mediums. The Allan Kardec material is interesting and offers wonderful spiritual priniciples/teachings that are in spiritual attunement with the Christ-ethic....yet this school holds strongly to reincarnation as standard protocol....and likewise a belief shared by its spirit-messengers. I know there is a thread on this particular will leave it as 'cosmetic' for the time being. Oh,...I like Bruces belief on 'optional reincarnation' for souls - sure extends our liberties! - some I would imagine would not want to come back to earth, if it wasnt necessary.

In summary,.....arent we all channeling something? Be it our delight and joy to channel the highest and best of spirit-energies.

Beserker - did u see my posts on the AtralPulse forum? Just curious. - about weejee boards (pardon the slang) - I would agree that its best not to play with such toys...but as you allude....there have been some communications thru this means that has been confirmed as real information transmissions and spirit-contact. In fact, I know of one medium who used a kind of weejee....and contacted a highly evolved teacher thru such means.....and later became a channel/medium/intermediary(whatever suits you)...for this spirit-teacher for decades. The teachings were always consistent of a pure and wise quality of spirituality/light. The guide goes by the name of Zodiac.

Other well known and consistently valid and sound teachers/teachings have come thru the likes of White Eagle and Silver Birch, some of our native american elder brethren. Its a wonderful universe we live in......of inter and transdimensional Beauty.

I continue to pioneer these fields with all souls, spirits, angels, etc.....availing what is given thru the Over-Soul...that is of course...only purest Love and Wisdom. If the fruit keeps coming up of good quality and taste.....we can keep our palates satisifed...and see that God is good.

I have recently been asking in be a greater channel.....a more pure tributary.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #32 - Feb 9th, 2005 at 3:52pm
To Beserk:
Enjoying this whole thread & replies, until the discussion of evil re M. Scott Beck. The 4 characteristics of evil (malignant narcisism) in the context of demons, has me reeling; specifically:
1) destructive scapegoating behaviour
2) Intolerance of criticism
3) self image of respectability & denial of hateful feelings & vengeful motives
4) Increased liklihood of schizophrenic-like disturbance of thinking in times of stress.
I have ordered Scott's book from Amazon, to get the whole context of this, but in the meantime!  Is this definition not too narrow, maybe extreme.  My mother fit those criteria:  the blaming of specific groups for her problems, the frenzy if questioned or mild hint of criticism, never letting go of a grudge, the insistance that she had never been angry in her life, the paranoia, hearing voices through the walls, the sheer out-of-control hysteria over unpredictable issues.  English was not her first language, & when stressed she used her native tongue, & once when we were visiting  & she was having a meltdown my husbnad later said it was like a scene from the exorcist (although he didn't understand a word she was saying):  the change in facial expression & body language & the voice became like a man's.  All of which I was unaware of until he mentioned.  I didn't teach my children my mother tongue because I didn't want them to understand the kinds of things that came out of her mouth & I & my brothers always coped, & I set off on my own at 16 (always in control I thought) but the infrequent exposures my children had to her must have impacted them.  My mother died last year, in horrible circumstances, nobody except immediate family at her funeral, feelings of relief rather than grief, & not even feeling guilty about that.  But I never thought of her as evil & hoped she finally found peace.  Was I oblivious to evil, & did my daughter pay a price?  She died last June, a beautiful, loving & much loved girl (age 19), hordes of grief stricken people  at her funeral, but her diary showed after the fact that she was  a tortured soul, plagued by a demon she couldn't shake.  I accessed this website because I'm drawn to this concept of an afterlife.  I can see her there, but not my mother.  What happens to demonic people?  Are these things passed from generation to generation?  Do your children pay the price if you're oblivious to evil (Sins of the fathers, etc).  What direction should I move in now?  I think I could handle Beck, but not the other guy (Malachi Martin?).  Any other suggestions? P.S.  I still don't experience my mother as evil or demonic,(just a really bad nightmare); is it necessary to define as evil?
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #33 - Feb 9th, 2005 at 5:27pm
Dear Ellen,

On something this importent I wouldn't presume to pass judgment on someone I've never known.  I think you're instincts are correct: read Peck's "People of the Lie," but not "Malachi Martin's "Hostage to the Devil."   Peck is clearly on to something important, but his analysis is the first of its kind by a psychiatrist and hence is surely in need of fine tuning and qualifications.  Let me know what you think after reading it and perhaps his related follow-up book, "Glimpses of the Devil" (which I have only browsed). 

Keep certain facts in mind. All of us have probably manifested one or more of (1)-(4) at one time or another.  For Peck these traits profile an evil person only if they mirror that person's core. 
Secondly, according to Peck, evil parents impact their children in a particular way.    Because of the scapegoating the kids consider themselves evil losers.  The troubled children were brought to Peck for counseling, but Peck soon realized that the parents were the real problem.  His confrontations with them are most intriguing and revelatory.  Third, Peck asks his 8-your son how he conceives evil.  His son wisely replied, "Evil is live spelled backwards. "  Peck was impressed because victims of evil seem absolutely lifeless.  All their zest for life has been drained out of them.   When you read Peck's book, trust your instincts more than you trust Peck or anything I have said in this thread!

Best wishes,
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #34 - Feb 10th, 2005 at 2:22pm
Hi Don:  I wasn't asking you pass judgment on my mother; I was wondering if the concept of "evil" was relevant to a spiritual understanding.  Those criteria struck me because they seemed to sum up my childhood.  I will read Peck to see what the purpose of the evil label is & how useful.  Ironically, now that you mentioned it, I grew up feeling I was evil & have always been a quiet & controlled person in an attempt not to impinge on people; that might have looked  like I had "the life sucked out of me".  If a psychiatrist back then had labelled my mother as evil, I don't know if would have made our lives better.  Those 2 deaths last year really shook me into re-evaluating everything.  I would prefer a world view that doesn't include evil, demons, etc.
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #35 - Feb 11th, 2005 at 10:47pm
Perhaps there is no powerful evil entity? Perhaps there are just entities with smaller or larger plans of their own (like us, humans) all of which are also in the knowledge and the good care of god.
There is no trick. They have their own plans according to their own way of perception of universe and god(like us, humans).

I tend to agree with this view.  If there are "demons" I believe they are just beings in the spirit world (some could be humans or extraterrestrials or angels or whatever category) who have an excessive level of wickedness in their character.  God will eventually purge them of this, save them from themselves, and put an end to their hurtful behavior.  Everyone has some degree of evil/sin/wickedness within their heart, just not as much as a "demon" might have.  By focusing on the powers of demons, we only encourage the inflated ego of these beings and their perverse fantasies.  Some people on earth are cruel and sadistic and enjoy it when they can scare the crap out of people and make their lives miserable, so why should it be any different among spirit beings?  Some very good, some very evil, most somewhere in-between on a spectrum.

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Re: One Supra-consciousness, many channels
Reply #36 - Feb 11th, 2005 at 10:52pm
Hello all,

My first post here - heard about it from 'freebird' on another forum. Even as Moses(if I recall) said.....'O that all of Gods people would be prophets!' bout 'O that all people would be channels of God'? As long as we are tapped into the divine Spring......we shall give forth worthy issues.

Hi Paul, good to see you here!  This is an interesting forum with plenty of interesting people.

I agree with the idea you expressed above.  I think all people have the potential to be prophets or spiritual teachers, as long as we do so in the spirit of prayer and humility, recognizing that we are fallible creatures and that we can always grow further in our journey towards God.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #37 - Feb 11th, 2005 at 11:25pm
To Beserk:
Enjoying this whole thread & replies, until the discussion of evil re M. Scott Beck. The 4 characteristics of evil (malignant narcisism) in the context of demons, has me reeling; specifically:
1) destructive scapegoating behaviour
2) Intolerance of criticism
3) self image of respectability & denial of hateful feelings & vengeful motives
4) Increased liklihood of schizophrenic-like disturbance of thinking in times of stress.
I have ordered Scott's book from Amazon, to get the whole context of this, but in the meantime!  Is this definition not too narrow, maybe extreme.  My mother fit those criteria:  the blaming of specific groups for her problems, the frenzy if questioned or mild hint of criticism, never letting go of a grudge, the insistance that she had never been angry in her life, the paranoia, hearing voices through the walls, the sheer out-of-control hysteria over unpredictable issues.


I'm sorry about your mother and your daughter.

I would like to offer the thought that most of your mother's problems could have been coming from her brain, not her soul or spiritual nature.  The way you describe her, it sounds like she might have been suffering from mental illness.  If that is the case, she may simply have been physically incapable of controlling her moods and behavior.

Many people wrongly assume that one's "character" comes entirely from the soul, when in reality there is a great influence from the condition of the brain.  If the brain isn't wired properly or doesn't have the right chemistry, it can produce a bad character that is largely beyond the person's voluntary control.

Did you know that Adolf Hitler was beaten so severely by his father when he was a child that he once went into a coma for two days?  This beating and coma probably resulted in brain damage, which could have caused Hitler to become a madman if particular parts of the brain were affected.  We might get to heaven and find out that most of what Hitler did was the result of a disturbed brain, and that he was little more evil in his soul than any of us.

King George III of England was an eccentric man who went crazy because of arsenic poisoning.  Tragically, he was "treated" for his outbursts with more and more arsenic, which was believed by doctors at the time to control insanity.  Eventually he ended up raving mad.  It is believed by historians that the American Revolutionary War occurred partly because of King George's mental illness.

Many violent criminals commit their crimes because of mental illness.  Are they "evil" or just victims of their own diseased brain?  We must remember that when the body dies, so does the brain -- and any negative character traits that were caused by that brain naturally should die with it.

Geneticists now know that the majority of human personality is passed on in the genes.  People are literally born with tendencies to be shy or extroverted, peaceful or forceful, confident or anxious, happy and optimistic or depressed and cynical.  The rest comes from childhood experiences which influence our mental and emotional development.  Only some of an individual's personality comes from the non-physical soul and free will.  (Of course materialistic scientists would argue that none of it does, but I think they go too far.)

The bottom line is, please don't worry about your mother being "evil."  Everyone is born with a propensity to sin -- everyone.  God knows this and He forgives us, and He is saving us and transforming us, either in this life or the next.  Some people get lucky and get genes and childhood experiences that promote a peaceful and pleasant personality, while others don't.  God is not judging us for things that are beyond our control.

Apostle Paul put it best when he said, "There is no one righteous, not even one." (Romans 3:10).  And "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (verses 23-24).  It doesn't matter whether we are Christians or not, God is saving us anyway through Jesus Christ.  All souls will eventually be saved, even the most "evil" among us.


Best wishes,
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #38 - Feb 12th, 2005 at 2:05pm
I have already explained the biblical case for the possibility of possession by evil discarnate humans.
But if you read "Hostage to the Devil," you will no doubt be open to the possibility of possession by powerful nonhuman demons that vary greatly in their power and authority. 

Based on many years of astral exploration, Robert Bruce is adamant about the reality of nonhuman demons with highly varying degrees of power.   In "Psychic Self-Defense,"  he shares his acquaintance with a priest who was called to perform an exorcism for a tormented family, but was unable to prevent the powerful entity from causing the parents' sudden deaths. 

Similarly, in "Hostage to the Devil,"  Malachi Martin reports the tragic demise of a young athletic priest.  This priest had already successfully performed an exorcism, and so, was called in to confront a particularly virulent possession case.  The evil entity took his life the moment he stood by the bed of the possessed person.  Apparently, he fell into the trap of taking credit for his initial success at exorcism and became less reliant on Christ's protection.   A more mature priest had to be summoned to complete the exorcism.

In the light of such demonic murders,  Seth's claim that demons are merely fear-based projections seems silly.  Or perhaps Seth is merely masking his complicity with demonic forces.

One can find some consolation in the pattern that the possessed generally have wittingly or unwittingly invited the entity in through Ouija boards or some form of mediumistic communication in which the entity initially masked its true identity
and came across as benign. 

But this pattern dees not apply to babies and young children.  But for his parents' fervent prayers in the car, my 2 or 3-year-old cousin E would have been possessed by the demon that my uncle had just expelled in the house.  Robert Bruce has learned from long astral experience that "babies and children are particularly vulnerable to negative atmosphere and energy transference." 

This is one of the many reasons why I am not convinced by reincarnation memories in young children.  In cases of possesssion by discarnate humans, the discarnate's memories merge with those of the child being possessed.
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Roger B
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #39 - Feb 12th, 2005 at 2:48pm
"One can find some consolation in the pattern that the possessed generally have wittingly or unwittingly invited the entity in through Ouija boards or some form of mediumistic communication in which the entity initially masked its true identity and came across as benign"

Don- is there any explanation or theory as to how these entities pick and choose their victims aside from the Ouija conduit?   When it comes to young children, who are especially vulnerable (one would think), why isn't there an abundance of cases of evil possession?

As for Seth, one of the posters seems to think that there is nothing evil in his material because Seth sounds so high sounding and uplifting.  Well duhhh.  I mean, would a demon be so stupid as to come across as a fire breathing serpent?  I'm not saying Seth or Elias is evil, but I again pose the question as to whether their devotees find that the material enhances or detracts from their own relationship with God.

The answer, if honestly given, might in itself provide a clue as to their agendas.
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #40 - Feb 12th, 2005 at 3:12pm
Based on many years of astral exploration, Robert Bruce is adamant about the reality of nonhuman demons with highly varying degrees of power.

One thing that doesn't make sense to me is why God would create beings to be this way, and allow them to continue in their morally/spiritually perverted state for (presumably) thousands of years, tormenting humans.

It is a known fact that human desires and proclivities have very little to do with free will.  An excellent example of this is homosexuals, who are attracted to the same gender but many of whom would prefer to be heterosexual and follow the normal pattern of human sexual relations.  They mostly find that no matter how hard they try, they cannot get rid of their homosexual desires.  They might be able to repress acting on the desire, but not the desire itself.  They did not choose to be gay.

Another good example is the way some people like or dislike certain foods from early childhood, while others have totally different tastes.  Even in the same family where they eat the same thing, one child might be repulsed by a food that his or her sibling craves and enjoys.  In my father's family, for example, he hates most vegetables, while his sister loves them.  He hates butter, while his sister puts globs of it on everything!

These things are God's work, not free will.  Therefore, demons also are that way because God made them that way -- to have evil inclinations.  Nobody voluntarily chooses to be inclined towards wickedness.  No good person wakes up one day and says, hmm, I guess I'll suddenly decide to start craving wickedness.  You don't decide on your own cravings; you can only decide whether to foster them or repress them.  Demons crave evil in the same way a person craves certain types of sex or food.  It is a God-determined character trait or inborn nature.  They might possibly have some degree of control over how much they indulge their desire to be evil, but the desire for evil follows them constantly.  In effect, demons themselves are demonized by character traits they did not choose.

I wonder, why would God have created some beings to have evil desires and inclinations, and therefore to be demons?  Why would God, after creating such beings, not reform them or transform them into good beings?  We know that God plans to do this with all humans in the afterlife.  Maybe God will eventually make the demons good, but why is He taking so long to do it?  It seems awfully unfair, both to humans who are persecuted by demons, and also to the demons themselves who have to be evil and loathsome creatures, the ultimate "vessels of dishonor."

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #41 - Feb 12th, 2005 at 4:59pm
Freebird, I can only point to my earlier arguments that our free choice of the good is most valuable as a function of the strength of our inclination to choose contrary to God's values and will.    What applies to us may also apply to the angelic realm and hence to angels that have become demons. 

Roger, I know of no such theory, except that channeling abilities often seem to have a hereditary dimension.  Johanna, the disillusioned medium I've discussed in this thread, is one such example.  So young children born in such families might be more vulnerable to intruding entities. 

Of course what matters most is not my speculation, but the empirical evidence for the demonic.  Darwin, Freud, and Einstein are arguably the 3 most influential thinkers of the past two centuries.  Sigmund Freud MAY have been exposed to the demonic by his top pupil, Carl Jung.  I will describe the relevant chain of events in my next post.
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #42 - Feb 12th, 2005 at 6:47pm
As for Seth, one of the posters seems to think that there is nothing evil in his material because Seth sounds so high sounding and uplifting.  Well duhhh.  I mean, would a demon be so stupid as to come across as a fire breathing serpent?  I'm not saying Seth or Elias is evil, but I again pose the question as to whether their devotees find that the material enhances or detracts from their own relationship with God.

While the following books dictated by the "evil" Seth ,Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul,The Nature of the Personal reality, The "Unknown" Reality, Volume 1 and 2, The Nature of the Psyche : It's Human Expression The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume 1 and 2,The Magical Approach, The Way toward Health,TheEarly Sessions, Book 1-9, translated  30 some language, and long years after Jane disengagement, still in demend and each one is 4-5 star review on literally read by millions,

Elias forum latest newsletter

Over 1 million webpages served!

Since opening our cyberdoors in February 2002, we have served over 1,151,000 webpages to more than 71,200 visitors in over 120 countries. We also served over 3,900 visitors last month.

There is not a single post, or reference, that any Seth or Elias reader ever encountered any kind of "demon'' or "evil' entity after reading and understood the material...

well Duhh... it might tell something about the beliefs... or at least should... Cheesy

Elias:, For evil as an entity, no, does not exist. This is not an expression within your reality nor within consciousness. As a condition, evil does not exist.

As a perception, as an expression, yes, for evil may be defined as the absence of compassion, and compassion is defined in understanding. Therefore, the absence of understanding is the expression of evil.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #43 - Feb 12th, 2005 at 8:14pm

I've shared the stories of how Raphael and Johanna initially believed in their mediumship as healing and beneficial, but eventually came to experience it as deceptive and demonic.  Carl Jung, one of the pioneers of the field of psychiatry, experienced a similar disillusionment with channeling.  But the paranormal phenomena that preceded his call to mediumship were witnessed by none other than the great atheist Sigmund Freud, one of the most infleuential thinkers of the past two centuries.

Jung recounts these paranormal experiences in his biography "Memories, Dreams, Reflections."  I'll share just 4 key incidents.  The first incident terrified Jung's mother who was sitting nearby:

(1) "Suddenly there sounded a pistol shot.  I jumped up and rushed into the room from which the noise of the explosion had come. . .The table top had split from the rim to beyond the center. . .The split ran through the solid wood.  I was thunderstruck.  How could such a thing happen?. . .If it had stood next to a heated stove..., then it might have been conceivable." 

(2) "Some two weeks later I came home at six o'clock in the evening and found the household--my
mother, my 14-year-old sister, and the maid--in a great state of agitation.  About an hour earlier there had been another deafening report...In the cupboard I found a loaf of bread, and beside it, the bread knife.  The greater part of the blade had snapped off in several places...One of the best cutlers in town examined the fractures with a magnifying glass, and shook his head, `...There is no fault in the steel.  Someone must have deliberately broken it piece by piece (105-106).'"
In fact, no one had touched it!

(3) Jung visited Freud in Vienna and listened as he ridiculed the occult and the paranormal.  Jung explains what happened next:  "While Freud was going on in this way, I had a curious sensation.  It was as if my diaphragm were made of iron and were becoming red-hot--a glowing vault.  And at that moment there was such a loud report in the bookcase, which stood right next to us, that we both started up in alarm, fearing that the thing was going to topple over on us.  I said to Freud, `There, that is an example of a so-called cataleptic exteriorization phenomenon.'  `O come,' he exclaimed, `That is sheer bosh.'  `It is not,' I replied.  `You are mistaken, Herr Professor.  And to prove my point I now predict that in a moment there will be another such loud report!'  Sure enough, no sooner had I said these words than the same detonation went off in the bookcase.  To this day I do not know what gave me this certainty
...Freud only stared, aghast, at me (155-56)."  At the end of Jung's biography is appended the letter that Freud wrote him in a sheepish attempt to explain away this paranormal manifestation.

(4) "Around five o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday the front doorbell began ringing frantically. . .  Everyone immediately looked to see who was there, but there was no one in sight.  I was sitting near the doorbell, and not only heard it, but saw it moving.  We all simply stared at one another.  The atmosphere was thick, believe me!. . .The whole house was filled as if there was a crowd present, crammed full of spirits...I was all aquiver with the question: `For God's sake, what in the world is this?'  Then THEY cried out in chorus, `We have come back from Jerusalem where we found not what we sought.'  Perhaps, the Jerusalem allusion implies that these entities are demons once exorcized by Jesus.  The upshot of this spirit infestation was Jung's willingness to become their mouthpiece and to channel a work entitled "Seven Sermons to the Dead (190-101)."  This channeled material is appended to Jung's biography (178-90).  Jung "later described it as a sin of his youth and regretted it (378)." 

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #44 - Feb 13th, 2005 at 9:36am
yuck this thread is getting too long I may start another with one thought I have about all this.

I do wonder what the autopsy reports say about the people who died "at the hands of those demons." DIED OF DEMONIC POSSESSION ??? I doubt it. This is purely speculative and not accepted in the general population.

I do wonder what would happen if we could examine someone in this so-called state of being possessed by a demon. Does anyone know if anyone at TMI has had an opportunity to investigate this sort of thing in person and draw some conclusion?

anyway to me the real issue is do you deal with the negativity when you encounter it?

I don't think evil exists in an absolute form but it is a condition here on earth (just as weather, report cards, taxes, eating, etc are). Maybe it can reside in a person and sometimes it seems to sit in a physical place or group.

And in those terms, I personally think the Roman Catholic Church is a force for evil in the world. So it is ironic that priests are the ones called to exorcise demons.

Donald, you get too focused on the details. What are your experiences? good bad indifferent. I don't want to hear your conjectures. I want to hear your experiences. I too have a PhD and I can get down with the BS. and the mental masturbation too. I want facts from your life. I don't mean your nephew's experiences, I mean your experiences. What do YOU experience when you pray? Do things happen? You get so tied up in speculation. The world is moving on from religion. Religion has served its purpose. (not that there aren't many growing pains to still experience...esp in Islamic world.) Religion doesn't explain all the things I experience. And that is why it is evil. It wants to control me and fit me into a box and limit me.
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