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Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger (Read 398345 times)
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #210 - Jun 5th, 2017 at 11:13pm
Morrighan wrote on Jun 5th, 2017 at 10:52pm:
“He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

  Sorry, but I don't consider Neitzsche a source of deeper, spiritual wisdom.  In his earlier days, he had some somewhat wise and deeper things to say, but it's very clear as he got older, he became very, very embittered, cynical, and nihilistic. What a grumpy old man he became. 

  In other words, a lack of positive fruits in the long term. 
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #211 - Jun 5th, 2017 at 11:26pm
I Am Dude wrote on Mar 20th, 2009 at 1:25pm:
Remember recoverer...  Focusing on negative, unfriendly influences tends to open one to them and attract them into one's consciousness.

   I like this quote by I Am Dude, there is a ring of relative truth to the above. 

  I modify it to say that more so fear, and over focus, tends to open one to them and attract them into one's consciousness. 

  Some focus, some awareness without fear, certainly is ok. 
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #212 - Jun 5th, 2017 at 11:36pm
Notice that neither Albert nor Justin are willing to watch Vince's video  which decisively refutes their perspectives on channeling.

Roger, your point about waiting for angels to intervene rather than consciously conjuring them up and waiting to be divinely initiated into afterlife territories rather than creating a method to do so is probably the wisest single caution in this thread. 
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2017 at 5:41pm by TheDonald »  
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #213 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 1:31am
Lights of Love wrote on Mar 20th, 2009 at 2:05pm:
...Albert, guides and helpers with a high quality of consciousness in the non-physical couldn’t care less about anyone’s ego needs and therefore wouldn’t bother to communicate whether or not a book or other source of material is good or bad, unless of course you’re communicating with a being that has a low quality of consciousness themselves. In that case they are either playing with you by feeding your fears and ego or you are getting this stuff from within your own consciousness. Probably the latter since speaking out against certain sources seems to be a constant past time of yours. I know you don’t see it, but doing that is all about fear and ego.

   Kathy, you wrote this after Albert shared on this thread, that he got some messages from guidance about the hindering and deceptive nature of ACIM. 

     I'm confused by what you wrote above.   

   Here's what's odd to me:  Strangely, the one thing that Albert, Don, Roger, Vince, and I all strongly agree on, is the hindering, limiting nature of that particular work. 

     Do you still think there is nothing to what many of us have said over the years about it?   Or the direct guidance that Albert and I received about it?

   This was my first clue to the true nature of that course: I had a dream where I saw myself climbing up a tall, straight tree, and I was making good progress getting to the top, until I decided that rather than going straight up, I came upon this one branch that looked strong and sturdy, and decided to climb out onto the branch rather than just pulling self up to the next limb, and the "strong looking' branch snapped, and I fell. 
     When I woke up, I intuitively knew the dream was talking about my involvement with ACIM, and that ACIM was the seemingly strong looking, but deceptively so, branch that I was taking a detour from my upwards paths onto.

   If what you said in the above quote is true, then why would my guidance give me this dream?  Also, not long ago, I shared with you that a former member here who is into that course, publicly called Don the "anti-Christ".  While obviously Don and I don't see eye to eye on a number of things, I essentially feel that Don is a good person who mostly means well.

  I believe that person's remarks to Don were really, really, really extreme and off base, and a good indication that this course did not have a good influence on them.   

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #214 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 1:42am

That video was quite important as first hand testimony about the dangers of drop in visitors.  It is well known that there are dangers of the use of a Ouija board with regard to problems with lower level entities, and I would bet that channeling is prone to the same problems.  Why?  To me, it is clear.  When we explore with hemisync or astral projection, we can be conscious, we can invoke intent and in general, our conscious astral forms are mostly immune from possession or harm (there are numerous discussion boards that back this up).  When a person channels or uses a ouija board, they are asking others to "take over," ceding control of their physical bodies to take over.  So a channeer is not so much an explorer as a puppet.  One channeler described it in Vince's video as the fact that there is a "door" which allows an entity entrance and for most incarnate people, this door is locked, bolted and shut, tightly closed.  But for a channeler, the door was, as if broken, off the hinges.

This is not to say that some channelers might have more control over the process.  But I don't think that it is ever wise to invite someone else, unknown to take control.  This is not exploration; just the opposite; it is ceding your own volition and will and opening a door.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #215 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 1:58am
TheDonald wrote on Jun 5th, 2017 at 11:36pm:
Notice that neither Albert nor Justin are willing to watch Vince's video  which decisively refutes their perspectives on channeling.

  Hmm, actually, I did watch some of that video.  I do think there is some relative truth to it. 

But here is where you and I strongly differ.  I don't over generalize and over demonize the whole thing.  I don't think all channeling is all demonic.  I don't think the entire "New Age" is all demonic. 

      I think negative, deceptive beings are "equal opportunity" misleaders who are involved with various different aspects and levels of human life and various different belief systems, not just "New Age", but also religion, business, politics/government, etc   You name it, they got their hands in it.  But the same is also true for God's Helpers too. They also are all involved in all those different areas as well. You name it, they also have their hands in it too. 

   I'll give you a good example of the latter above: I was friends with Bob Monroe's long time explorer Rosalind McKnight (we found out we even had the same birthdate). When she worked with Bob, she worked with two major ways of communicating with guidance. She would meet helpers on some in between level and relay information from them, but she would also partake in true, classic channeling where she would let one of her helpers (usually "Ah So", but sometimes the colorful Alfonso) speak directly through her. 

    Having met Rosie in person a couple of times, as well as a number of back and forth emails, I can say that it's very unlikely that Rosie was strongly influenced by negative, deceptive beings.  She struck me as a rather old Soul and loving person.  You ever meet one of those people where you just feel, "man, here is a loving, wise, old Soul"?  Well, very occasionally I meet people like this, and Rosie was one of them.

   Also, to me, the "New Age" is not a particular doctrine, creed, or sect.  It's an extremely broad umbrella and category that covers A LOT of very different beliefs, sources, methods, and expressions.  If Albert and i are "New Agers", well most other New Agers that we have met, don't particularly like us or most of our beliefs I've noticed. We've received A LOT of flack from fellow "New Agers" on this forum over the years. 

    Here is what confuses me Don.  Both Albert and I see major issues with some popular "New Age" sources/beliefs like that "course" and Seth, we both love God and Yeshua A LOT and talk about and recommend them a lot, and yet, for some reason, you seem to think we completely lack discrimination or clear sight in an overly generalized, and extremist way? 

  It doesn't make sense to me.  Do we have to have exactly all the same beliefs, perceptions, and opinions as you to be "ok" or accepted?  We seem to have a lot more in common than a lot of other members of the board in some ways. 

   Do you really believe that all "channelers" are in contact with only negative, deceptive beings and levels?  Do you really think that all so called "New Age" sources are all influenced only by negative, deceptive beings and levels?  Do you really think there is a codified "religion" that is called "New Age"?  To me, the term "New Age" doesn't have any real meaning other than being a common name of a section in bookstores.  Smiley 

     In any case, since Roger and I both live in VA, next time you're out here, why not all get a beer or have dinner together?  I'm willing to drive up to northern VA or whatever current area Roger lives at. 
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #216 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 9:18am
Morrighan wrote on Jun 5th, 2017 at 10:52pm:
“He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

  Sorry, but I don't consider Neitzsche a source of deeper, spiritual wisdom.  In his earlier days, he had some somewhat wise and deeper things to say, but it's very clear as he got older, he became very, very embittered, cynical, and nihilistic. What a grumpy old man he became. 

  In other words, a lack of positive fruits in the long term. 

Another responsibility that comes with growth is the responsibility of one's own words and deeds as clarity of one's own being comes into greater focus.
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #217 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 10:20am
Morrighan wrote on Jun 6th, 2017 at 9:18am:
Morrighan wrote on Jun 5th, 2017 at 10:52pm:
“He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

  Sorry, but I don't consider Neitzsche a source of deeper, spiritual wisdom.  In his earlier days, he had some somewhat wise and deeper things to say, but it's very clear as he got older, he became very, very embittered, cynical, and nihilistic. What a grumpy old man he became. 

  In other words, a lack of positive fruits in the long term. 

Another responsibility that comes with growth is the responsibility of one's own words and deeds as clarity of one's own being comes into greater focus.

   I agree Morrighan, and indeed the above is true, and sometimes that responsibility comes with the duty to at times speak critically of sources that are hindering and limiting in nature.

   Such as how Yeshua sometimes spoke to, for, and about the Pharisees, Sadducee's, and Scribes, and why and how he spoke to, for, and about them.  Love isn't always sweetly Feminine and soft.  Sometimes it's Yang, Fire attuned, and/or partakes in tough love. 

    I figure the Soul that once inhabited Nietzsche's body, is probably ok with what I said, and heck, since he is now probably a lot more wise and aware than he was when connected to a body, he might actually approve of my critical words.   Shocked   Cool  Smiley

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #218 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 10:55am

I guess you didn't pay attention to my response on this matter. I've spent many hours reading about unfriendly influences and possession cases. I've watched exorcism videos. How much time do I have to spend doing such things, before you'll understand that I'm not ignorant about unfriendly influences? I'm probably more knowledgeable than you, because I've experienced lower level entities as I retrieved them.

TheDonald wrote on Jun 5th, 2017 at 11:36pm:
Notice that neither Albert nor Justin are willing to watch Vince's video  which decisively refutes their perspectives on channeling.

Roger, your point about waiting for angels intervene rather than consciously conjuring them up and waiting to be divinely initiated into afterlife territories rather than creating a method to do so is probably the wisest single caution in this thread. 

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #219 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 2:49pm
Albert wrote, "..because I've experienced lower level entities as I retrieved them." 

    Both my spouse and I have had dreams of being in lacking in Light areas and clearly doing retrievals there. Some of the dreams have been pretty intense. 

     It seems like one of the possible differences between Don and us, is that while we very strongly disagree with negative, deceptive beings ways and methods, we seem to have a lot more compassion and Love for them, as we know they are erring Children of God, just as precious to God and Yeshua as we or any other Souls are. 

   We've both have experienced major attacks while meditating and praying, and when we do, we both have told these similar things like, "We hope you re-join the Light, so that you can become truly happy and fulfilled again.  We love you.  God loves and misses you and wants you to come back." 

  It seems that some are somewhat caught up in demonizing the demons so to speak. Other than briefly speaking about Yeshua's pre Resurrection retrievals in the lower hellish realms, I don't think I've ever heard folks personally speak about negative, deceptive beings in the ways that Albert and I have, with compassion, love, and empathy. 

  If anything, it appears from what folks have consistently written here over the years, that they're very focused on and enamored of their dark "power" to mislead, create problems, etc. 

    I was raised in a mostly non religious household. I say mostly to simplify what is otherwise a somewhat longer backstory.  I eventually found out that my bio dad really loves Yeshua and his teachings in both a somewhat religious and somewhat non traditionally religious way.  But my parents split when I was 5 because of my dad's drinking problems. 
    My mom told me that one day when I was 4 or 5, I came up to her in a very serious manner and told her very matter of factly, "Mom, we need to leave dad." 
     She apparently followed the advice and soon after we moved out.  He was somewhat absentee, though he made an effort to be in our lives some here and there, but my Mom was very cautious of same when he was in drinking heavy cycles.
      Despite all the heartache that my dad had caused my mom and us, I could tell that aside from his alcoholism, she loved and deeply respected him.  She once told me that he had explained Yeshua and his importance to her in a way that no one else had, and she was deeply moved by his love of him, his teachings, and his general conviction.  Through my dad, she came to a deeper appreciation of Yeshua herself.
     Anyways, I bring up the above to mention that for the most part when young, I wasn't exposed a whole lot to religion, but occasionally I did hear some things, including about this Satan character and I can remember distinctly around age 5 or so, feeling this overwhelming sense of empathy and compassion for "him" (or her, or it?), and wondered that maybe if someone showed him enough love and care, maybe he might change his ways and come back to God?

    Now that I know a lot more, I view things a bit differently, and yet, I've wondered perhaps if this head honcho negative/deceptive being like a Satan exists, then perhaps God, Yeshua, and the Co-Creators are still holding out hope for him to change his ways and come back? I believe that both God and Yeshua have the ability to re-write any Soul or Spirit's Consciousness patterns back to a blank slate, aka to start them over again. 

    Maybe God and Yeshua so love Satan, the lacking in Light Souls imbuing Reptilian ET bodies, etc that they constantly give them time and chances to reform, and attempt to retrieve them in various different ways?
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #220 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 4:05pm
Justin, yes, retrievals can happen in different ways.

John Lerma M.D. wrote a book called, "Learning From the Light (Pre-Death Experiences, Prophecies, and Angelic Messages of Hope). There is a chapter called "The Exorcism of John L. Masters." To make a long story short, he was a biker that allowed unfriendly beings to enter him during a gang initiation, and he became possessed. He developed physical problems, ended up in the  Psychological ward of a hospital, decided to change his ways,  and asked for the help of an Exorcist.

Dr. Lerma hooked him up with a Catholic priest named Father Doherty. On pages 91-92 the book says:

"I then heard John exclaim, "It's Archangel Michael. He is the  angel I described earlier. He is directing the band of evil spirits away from me and toward the light. Michael is telling the lost souls that God wants to help and not condemn them. All they have to do is trust, accept, and enter the Light of non-judgment, non-condemnation, and total love. Father Doherty, I wish you could see the souls you helped drive out of my mind and body.

With tears in his eyes, John Masters positioned his body on his bed and looked straight up at the ceiling, sighed, and closed his eyes. With his eyes still closed, he gently said that the lost souls were now slowly moving toward the light of God amongst an assembly of angels. This is what  it was all about. I now see clearly.  I see I had chosen to play a role as John L. Masters so that I could draw a group of God's lost souls into me and eventually out of me and  toward the light. Wow! I am awe-struck at the extent God goes to bring one or more sheep back to his flock."
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #221 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 5:49pm
Justin, what I said wash this: neither your Albert have watched Vince's video THROUGH, and you just confirmed this.  We could make a deal that we'll watch your videos if you watch ours.  But then you don't keep agreements like not posting on each other's threads, do you?

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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2017 at 8:54pm by TheDonald »  
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #222 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 6:49pm
Okay, I watched the video, no new information was obtained.

In past, on this forum, many times, I've have spoken as if some people channel deceptive beings. I have referred to the book "A Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts" more than one time. The author of this book, "Joey Fischer," investigated several channelers and found that they were channeling deceptive beings.

I get it, misleading beings exist. Some of them have tried to mess with me. However, many friendly beings also exist, and going by what I and some other people have found out, it is possible to connect with them.

Even though it isn't common for people to do so, it isn't unnatural. After all, we have a lot more in common with love-based beings than with beings that aren't loving. If one considers the big picture beyond a human life, it is kind of strange how we get alienated from our love-based spirit friends for a while.

If people who pray for help are able to make some sort of connection with love-based beings, this seems to show that contact is possible. If a person prays to God and Christ for spiritual healing, some sort of energetic connection will be made.

The John L. Masters I spoke of earlier, spoke of angels that helped him become depossessed. They were able to make contact with him, even though he wasn't a spiritually evolved person.

If a person works to grow spiritually, a person is more likely to be able to make contact with love-based beings energetically.

The love-based beings I've spoken of have never attacked me with knives. They have never suddenly started speaking through my body, as took place with the man in the video Dude provided.

"Ye shall know them through their fruits," if good fruits always result, perhaps things are more than fine.

If one thinks of this matter in a Disk kind of way, there might be occasions when it wouldn't be unnatural for a being to interact with a person's body. If God chose to make one of your toes wiggle, would you complain?

TheDonald wrote on Jun 6th, 2017 at 5:49pm:
Justin, What I said wash this: neither your Albert have watched Vince's video THROUGH, and you just confirmed this.  We could make a deal that we'll watch your videos if you watch ours.  But then you don't keep agreements like not posting on each other's threads, do you?

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Recoverer 2
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #223 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 6:55pm
I would like to add that it doesn't make sense to me that Jesus could neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever communicate with a person in this world, simply because some fakers exist. Why should he let the fakers determine what he does?
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I Am Dude
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #224 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 8:54pm
Recoverer 2 wrote on Jun 6th, 2017 at 6:55pm:
I would like to add that it doesn't make sense to me that Jesus could neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever communicate with a person in this world, simply because some fakers exist. Why should he let the fakers determine what he does?

It also doesn't make sense that because I have teeth, my wife could never sing the national anthem backwards. But no one has made this claim, so I don't bring it up. What's your excuse?
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