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Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger (Read 388760 times)
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Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Feb 1st, 2005 at 9:34pm
In reply to my "Lilac Cologne" post, Roger asked, among other things, that I  address the subject of the hidden agendas of channeling.  I will reserve my answers to his OBE questions for another post and merely address the channeling issue here.

Channeling is a diverse and contradictory phenomenon.  For example, mediums clash over issues like whether or not reincarnation occurs.  Channeling is often nothing more than a projection from the medium's subconscious.  But it can also present genuine spirit communication, though the true source of this communication can be called into question.  My analysis of hidden agendas cannot speak for all mediums.  So I will limit myself to the  channeling often discussed  on this site: ACIM and the entities, Seth, Elias, and Ramtha. 

In the interests of greater variety, I make one exception.  I will also discuss the Koran, though I recall no discussion of this book on this site.  Initially, Muhammad receives his revelation from an apparition identifying itself as the angel Gabriel.  But most of the Koran's revelations are received in 3 phases over 22 years through an audible voice in a manner analogous to the revelation of ACIM. So the Koran also qualifies as  channeled material.   

My analysis begins with this question: if the agendas of this channeling are deceptively evil, how might this fact be discovered?  This question will be addressed in 3 phases: (1) First, I will analyze two themes that thread their way through the materials channeled by the aforementioned sources--themes that, from a Christian perspective, have an evil impact.  (2) Then the link between these themes and the channeling manifested in cases of demonic possession will be briefly surveyed.  (3) Finally, the antagonistic nature of this link will be esplored through a discussion of the fate of mediums who embrace their gift as a loving and helpful blessing, but who nevertheless shift their focus to a conventional Christian faith.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2005 at 11:22pm

(a) The first theme that pervades the channeling sources in question can be summed up thus: There is no good and evil polarity.  4 quotes will suffice:  

(i) "Sin does not exist (ACIM 3:81)."
(ii) "Ultimately, there is no difference between right and wrong. . .There is no such thing as evil (Ramtha--quoted from Mahr's book, pp. 60, 241)."
(iii) "Engage widening your belief systems; for there is no right and wrong, and there is no good and evil (Elias, Session 94)."
(iv) "All existence was blessed and...evil did not exist in it. . .The devil idea is merely the mass projection of certain fears. . .Good and evil effects are basically illusions.  In your terms, all acts, regardless of their seeming nature, are part of the greater good (from "Seth Speaks"  13, 139, 342).

The second agenda theme that pervades these sources can be expressed thus: the claim that Jesus suffered and died for us on a cross is a lying travesty.  I will offer 7 quotes and provide commentary where it is needed.

(i) "{Divine] forgiveness is an illusion (ACIM 3:79),"
(ii) [Jesus:] "Do not make the pathetic error of clinging to the old rugged cross. . .This is not the Gospel...I intended to offer you (ACIM 1:47)."

Contrast this with just 2 of the many examples of Jesus' mission statements in our Gospels:

"The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many
(Mark 10:45)."  

"Then he [Jesus] took a loaf of bread...He broke it and gave it to them, saying,`This is my body, which is given for you.  Do this in remembrance of me.'  And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying, `This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood (Luke 22:20).'"

The Jesus of ACIM not only contradicts the Jesus of history; he also once confuses what Paul did with what the earthly Jesus did! Notice too how the Jesus of ACIM contradicts Jesus' claims to a unique messianic identity:

(iii) "Christ waits for your acceptance of Him AS YOURSELF (ACIM 1:187)."  "Is [Jesus] the Christ?  O yes, ALONG WITH YOU (1:83)."

Then compare this with the Ramtha entity's claims:

(iv) "The Christian God is "an idiotic deity. . .You are God...We are equal with God and Christ."

The Koran's portait of Jesus is allegedly the product of dictation from Allah, but it is in fact largely the product of allusions drawn from several apocryphal infancy Gospels written between the late 2nd and 5th centuries.  These Gospels are obviously legendary in character and far too late to contain any historically valuable material.  The Koran, Elias, and Seth even deny that Jesus died by crucifixion.

(v) "I [Allah] will cause you [Jesus] to die a natural death. . . They did not slay Him, nor did they compass his death upon the cross, but he was made to appear to them like one crucified to death
(Koran 3:55f.; 1;158)."

(vi) In Elias Session 282 Vivien observes, "I understand that he [Jesus] did not die in the crucifixion, but did he go to India after that?"  In reply, Elias claims that Jesus moved to Macedonia and died there at age 51, apparently of natural causes.  On this point, Elias agrees with the Koran.

In Seth's claims to prior incarnations, he can be proven wrong whereever he can be checked.  Seth echoes the claims of the Koran and Elias that Jesus never died by crucifixion.  But Seth's account is closer to that of 2nd century Gnostic tradition:

(vii) "He [Jesus] had no intention of dying in this manner...There was a conspiracy in which Judas played a role. . .The man chosen was drugged--hence the necessity of helping him carry the cross (see Luke 23)--and he was told that he was the Christ.  his physical presence was no longer necessary, and was even an embarrassment under the circumstances.  He simply willed himself out of it ("Seth Speaks"  266, 368)."  

In the Gospels, of course, crucifixion is a self-conscious part of Jesus' mission.  Jesus is subject to savage torture that weakens Him to the point where he needs Simon of Cyrene's help in carrying His cross (Mark 15).  Seth's account is merely an implausible variation of a universally discredited 2nd century Gnostic legend.  Irenaeus express the legend thus in Against Heresies 1.24.4:  

"Simon of Cyrene was compelled to carry His cross for Him.   and this Simon was transformed through ignorance and error.  Jesus, however, took the form of Simon, and stood by laughing at them since He could not be held and was invisible to all."

This absurd legend was created to allow Gnostics to reconcile their Middle  Platonic belief that God transcended human emotions and could not suffer.  On this view, Jesus, a divine being, could not have been crucified.  

Our earliest Gospel, Mark, identifies "Alexander and Rufus" as Simon's two sons because these men were prominent figures in the early church and could verify Mark's account.  In fact, one of these sons, Rufus, shows up in Rome and is celebrated by Paul (Romans 15:13).  Mark wrote his Gospel at Rome where he could verify his account by talking to this son of Simon of Cyrene.  Paul even says that Rufus's mother, Simon's wife, had been like a mother to him as well.
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« Last Edit: Dec 30th, 2005 at 8:21pm by Berserk »  
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #2 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 12:45am

Jane Roberts's relationship with Seth began in 1963 while she was playing with a Ouija board.  Ouija boards can easily lead to demonic possession.
For example, in his diary-based book "Possessed" Tom Allen explains how a Ouija board was the vehicle for the possession of Robbie, the young boy whose dramatic exorcism was the basis of the horror movie, "The Exorcist."  As a spiritualist, Robbie's Aunt Harriet was well acquainted with channeling.   She taught Robbie how to use the Ouija board.  When Aunt Harriet died, Robbie tried to contact her through the board.   Finally, he and his mother received apparent verification that Harriet was in contact with them.   But this contact was deceptive and led to Robbie's violent possession.  Most Ouija board stories I've heard are similar.  An initially friendly entity ultimately  claims to be a demon or identifies Hell as its abode.  As Scott Peck puts it in "People of the Lie,"

"Possession appears to be a gradual process in which the possessed person repeatedly sells out for one reason or another.  Each was terribly lonely, and each, early in the process, adopted the demonic as a kind of imaginary friend (190)."

In this book, Peck offers a very general and often vague description of two genuine possession and exorcism cases.  This psychiatrist has just written a new book ("Glimpses of the Devil") in which he analyzes both cases in great detail.  One of the possessed women is Jersey Babcock, a mother of 2 daughters, who was heavily into spiritualism.  Like the channeling under discussion, her demon espoused its belief in moral relativism and insisted that Jesus never suffered on the cross!  Jesus used astral projection to avoid the pain (p. 40).

These thematic parallels between channeling and possession bring us back to the question of why this channeling agenda seems evil from a Christian perspective.  Elmira, NY is the base for both the Seth and the Elias mediums.  In key ways, both entities revive a reincarnational ideology that initially surfaces in 2nd century Gnosticism in which channeling thrives (so Irenaeus 1.25.3).  Seth and Elias share the Gnostic disdain for both the the reality of Christ's crucifixion and the polarity of good vs. evil with its supposed essential role in reincarnational karma.  In fact, 2nd century Gnosticism even acknowledges the role of Seth and Elias as cosmic entities governing the 3rd and 5th heavens respectively (so Epiphanius, Panarion 26.1.1-2)!  In fact, many Gnostics are even called "Sethians" by early church fathers.   These early Sethians brushed aside Christian claims about Jesus' uniqueness and insisted that Jesus is just another incarnation of Seth (3.1.5)!

If Elias, Seth, and the Gnostics are right, then tolerance cannot be a moral absolute.  So why be tolerant if it doesn't suit you?  To what such a philosophy can lead to, consider what happens at Gnostic love feasts.  Gnostics transform Holy Communion into wife-swapping sex orgies.  For Communion bread and wine, they substitute semen an menstual fluid and ritually consume them (Panarion 26.4.3-8).  Absent a belief in good and evil, society easily descends into moral chaos.   

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #3 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 1:20am
The Koran, Elias, and Seth even deny that Jesus died by crucifixion.

That is enough right there to know that these writings are definitely not coming from God or sources of spiritual truth.  There is overwhelming historical evidence for the death-by-crucifixion of Jesus.  Absolutely overwhelming and undeniable.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #4 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 1:45am
These thematic parallels between channeling and possession bring us back to the question of why this channeling agenda seems evil from a Christian perspective.  Elmira, NY is the base for both the Seth and the Elias mediums.  In key ways, both entities revive a reincarnational ideology that initially surfaces in 2nd century Gnosticism in which channeling thrives (so Irenaeus 1.25.3).

Belief in reincarnation is not evidence that a spiritual message or messenger is evil.  Reincarnation was a common belief among many ancient Jews, and arguably Jesus affirms its truth with his statement that John the Baptist is Elijah (Matthew 11:14).

On a different topic, I wonder why it is that some of these channeled entities spread falsehoods, such as denial of the cross of Christ, etc.  Fundamentalists would argue that their goal is to lead a person into the eternal torments of hell by believing incorrect doctrines.  I think it might be something different.  I think they seek to reduce a person's love for God by promoting a works-based model of salvation.  The idea of absolute free will and salvation through individual effort is poison to the soul, inherently tending to make us question God's unconditional love and exaling the self and its devices -- until we are consumed by distrust of God and a combination of arrogance and hopelessness (since we soon learn that our own efforts are never good enough, yet this often makes us become even more stubborn in trying to "earn" spiritual advancement through techniques and methods).  The result is a state of despair, which is exactly what "demonic" entities wish for us.  Despair, in and of itself, is hell.  There doesn't need to be any burning inferno where we are roasted in the flames.

That's just an idea that I have; I could be wrong.  I have not studied channeled stuff very much, but I've heard a lot about it from people who believe in it, so I have a general sense of what kind of teachings are promoted by these messengers.

One concern of mine is that if entities can pretend to be good when in fact they are evil, then how can we be sure that anything supposedly revealed by God was really coming from the Holy Spirit?  One might ask whether the Bible could have been coming from another spirit, and we really have no way of knowing.  It's all a matter of what you believe.

For example, if you specifically pray to Jesus and you hear a voice answering you, is there a chance it is not really Jesus, but a demon?  If so, then how are we to trust any spiritual experiences we ever have?

I think at some point we just have to stop worrying about Satan deceiving us, and start trusting God.  Would a good God really create a universe in which humans are constantly exposed to spiritual trickery from powerful evil entities, as if this life is some sick and twisted game to see how many of us are lucky enough to escape being deceived by the devil and avoid going to hell?  No, I think that's a very bleak vision of the universe.  It is a vision I refuse to accept, because it sucks the life right out of my heart.

My own policy is that I don't pay much attention to purported channelings, because we just don't know where this stuff is coming from, and I don't think it's really necessary.  Living in the Spirit is supposed to be simple and pure, not complicated and requiring lots of new texts and traditions and messengers constantly giving us some new doctrines to follow.  Doctrines usually lead nowhere except into the self, IMHO.  God is not a doctrine.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #5 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 2:41am
Mild doubt soon mushroomed into full-fledged disillusionment after he decided to become a conventional Christian.  Raphael fully expected that his conversion would only enhance his channeling.  Quite the opposite proved to be true:


the controlling spirits attempted to take my life (10)."  Some time later, "several times they succeeded in using my own hands to attempt to strangle me (12)."  But Raphael's new faith ultimately freed him from this menace.

Does Raphael's new "conventional Christian" faith include the idea that God tortures people forever in a burning hell?  That's what most conventional Christians believe, contrary to the original Greek New Testament.

If Raphael adheres to this doctrine of conventional Christianity, is it possible that he has simply traded non-Christian demons for "Christian" ones?  I do not know, but I simply raise the question for consideration.  There is much within normal standard Christianity that is blasphemous against God, making God seem like a monster.

Not that I am promoting mediumship or channeling either.  I am not.

Johanna Michaelsen documents her journey from medium to Christian in her riveting book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil."  Her career as a medium included a 15 month stint as a medium assistant to Hermanito, the spirit guide who healed the sick through Pachita, a Mexican trance medium:  "I had washed the blood of over 200 operations from my hands.  I had seen everything from the removal of brain tumors to the replacement of vertebrae and lung transplants (131)."  In trance, Pachita, or rather her spirit guide, Hermanito, performed this surgery with no anesthetic and generally with a rusty hunting knife!  The patients rarely felt any pain!   Like Raphael, Johanna believed she was doing God's work in bringing healing to many.

Does anybody have an explanation for why evil spirits would want to help people and do good deeds like this?  Just wondering, because it doesn't make sense to me.  Jesus said we are supposed to "know them by their fruits."  He said, "every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit." (Matthew 7:17).  Healing people of sickness certainly sounds like good fruit to me.  We have to trust Jesus's method of discernment, or else who can we trust?

We also must remember that the ONLY sin mentioned in the Bible that cannot be forgiven "either in this age or the age to come" is the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which Jesus defined in his discussion with the Pharisees as accusing someone of doing good works with the power of Satan.  So, if we erroneously decide that a particular being is doing good works through satanic powers, when in fact it is coming from God, then we are unforgiven even in the next age, which the Bible says is 1000 years (the millennial reign of Christ on earth).

I don't want to take that risk; does anyone else?  Therefore, I have decided not to be too quick about attributing good works to the work of the devil -- because what if I'm wrong in such attribution?  They said the same thing about Jesus too, remember?

When she fully dedicated her life to Christ, she still thought she could work with Hermanito and Pachita.  That all changed during an evening walk:

"A dense black fog was forming all around me, blotting out the path.  Within seconds I could see nothing.  The dark mist was swirling, alive, filled with the presence of something more monstrous than anything I had ever encountered.  Voices began whispering, hissing incoherent words and laughter in my right ear.  An ice-cold breath touched the back of my neck under my hair.  `Hermanito, help me!'  I gasped.  The voices shrieked in hideous laughter: `We're going to kill you!'  I panicked and broke into a run.  Something lie a giant fist slammed into my back...I pitched forward in the thick darkness and instinctively reached out to break my fall...I tried to scream out, `Jesus, Jesus, help me!'  `He can't help you!' the voices shrieked...I could see the faces of countless demons, contorted, twisted in indescribable rage (pp. 146-47)."  

Johanna raced to her Christian friend Birdie who took command of the demons in Jesus' name and the torment permanently ended.  But so did her lifelong mediumistic talents.  Johanna is now a radiant Christian.

So here we have the purported case of demons from hell who came to earth to miraculously heal 200+ people of sicknesses including brain tumors, replacement of vertebrae, and lung transplants.  Plenty of good fruits there.  I ask again, can we trust Jesus when he said we will know them by their fruits?  If not, then can we trust any spiritual statements in the Bible at all? -- or are we to live our lives in constant terror, wondering whether anything in the Bible or any response we get to prayer or any vision we or our pastor has or whatever else, could in fact be incorrect or even, God forbid, a trick of the devil?

It is stuff like this that drives people away from spirituality and into atheism.  Make no mistake about it.  It is when a person decides there is no way to know what the truth is, because anything could be a trick of the devil, even something that seems good such as miraculous healing of brain tumors, that they are prone to reject God and the afterlife entirely and embrace the philosophy of materialism and scientism.

There are plenty of Christians out there who believe all near-death experiences are coming from Satan too, even the ones where people encounter God and Jesus.  They argue that Satan implanted false memories in the person's brain that they met Jesus when in fact they met Satan disguised as an angel of light.  They argue that NDEs are a trick designed specifically to lead people into eternal damnation, because they will start believing some incorrect religious doctrines due to the NDE, and this will send their soul to hell.

You see where this all leads?  It leads towards a total inability to trust anything of a spiritual nature, which I don't think is a good thing.

I guess I'm just venting some of my frustrations with all this business about "tricks of the devil disguised as Light."  We hear about this so often.  Yes, maybe it really happens, but when you start to think about its implications, it basically nullifies any ability to trust in God.  At least that's what it does to me.

I am in a discussion group where we were discussing NDEs and somebody recently posted that any NDE in which a person sees Jesus with long hair means it's actually Satan, because Jesus (supposedly) did not wear his hair long.  This was a real argument somebody made.  But the fact is, nobody knows how Jesus wore his hair!  And even if he appears to somebody with the "wrong" hairstyle, does that really prove anything about his authenticity?

Well, enough of my rambling.  But you see where speculation about tricks of the devil can lead?  It's a never ending slippery slope towards cynicism, atheism and despair, IMHO.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #6 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 3:16pm
Hi to all....

Let's see the other side of the coin..... regarding Seth, then Elias, and let the readers decide what reasonate with their own awareness, they own understanding.... it's about time to give people credit that they don't need anyone tell them what, why and how to think....and let them work with their own beliefs....

Elmira, NY is the base for both the Seth and the Elias mediums.

Incorrect Mary Ennis does not and never lived in Elmira, matter of fact the time for her first connecting with Elias she lived in California....

"All existence was blessed and...evil did not exist in it. . .The devil idea is merely the mass projection of certain fears. . .Good and evil effects are basically illusions.  In your terms, all acts, regardless of their seeming nature, are part of the greater good (from "Seth Speaks"  13, 139, 342).

Would be useful to use reference as session, or chapter, since in many book edition  13, 139, 342 have no meaning so  cannot be  find if someone would like to read the proper quote.  But related to the above "quote"

"Instead, the soul stand at the center of itself, exploring, extending its capacities in all directions at once, involved in issues of creativity, each one highly legitimate. The probable system of reality opens up the nature of the soul to you. It should change current religious ideas considerably. For this reason, the nature of good and evil is a highly important point.

On the other hand, quite simpy and in a way that you cannot presently understand, evil does not exist. However, you are obviously confronted with what seems to be quite evil effect Now it has been said often that there is a god, so there must be a devil- or if there is a good, there must be evil. This is like saying that because an apple has a top, it must have a bottoms - but without understanding of the fact that both are portion of the apple....
We go back to our fundamentals: you create reality through your feelings, thoughts and mental  actions
You must understand that each mental act is a reality which you are responsible. That is what you are in this particular system of reality for.,
As long as you believe in a devil for example you will create one that is real enough fro you, and for others who continue create him.
Because of the energy he is given by others, he will have a certain consciousness of his own, but such a mok devil has no power or reality to those who do not believe in his existence, and who do not give him energy through their beliefs. He is in other words, a superlative hallucination.,
Seth speak, chapter 17. session 568

Seth "agenda"

I'm primarly a teacher, but I have not been a man of letters per se. I am primarily a personality with a message: you create the world as you know You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form.,

The gift bring a responsibility, and many of you are tempted to congratulate yourselves on the successes of your lives, and blame God, fate, and society for your failures, In like manner, mankind has a tendency to project his own guilt and his own errors upon a father god image,
who it seems must grow weary of so many complaint.
The fact is that each of you create your own physical reality: and en masse, you create both the glories and the terrors that exist within your earthly experience. Until you realize that you are the creators you will refuse to accept this responsibility Nor you can blame a devil fro the world's misfortunes. You have grown sophisticated enough to realize that the Devil is a projection of your own psyche, but you have not
grown wise enough how to use your creativity constructively...

Again would be useful to quote, not just what fit in a particular beliefs, but correctly what was expressed....

Elias Session 94
"Within your history collectively, you chose to be creating an expression which manifest as what you now view to be your Second World War. Your collective and individual views on this time period are in agreement, that this was a negative expression. Atrocities were committed. Individuals were seen as being evil. The times were seen as being “bad.”

Be remembering: Engage widening your belief systems; for there is no right and wrong, and there is no good or evil. You may view, within your perception, that one element may be righteous, and another may be base. In actuality, they are all expressions of experiences.

Within the manifestation of the mass event of which we now speak, the desire to be creating an expression of such magnitude was too great for you to efficiently create within a balance and harmony of physical focus. Therefore, you polarized. You created one side, the scientific, intellectual side; and the opposing side, the religious, emotional side. In this, you each, within consciousness, aligned yourselves either emotionally or intellectually. You aligned with the new scientific age, or the traditional religious beliefs. You may view the opposing elements of the forces of Hitler as the scientific intellect. You may view the forces of the Jewish community to be the religious, emotional element. Each side, so to speak, polarized; aligning individuals, who then also aligned collectively together to be expressing both elements equally; therefore allowing the totality of an expression, but not synchronized and within balance.

You view elements to be “right” or “not right.” If you are manifest as one of the individuals aligning with the scientific intellect, what is your right? (Pause) It is not the same as the right of the religious emotional expression! (Grinning) But, if you are viewing within the idea of right and wrong, both are right. Both are correct expressions.

I have expressed to you previously, hurtfulness to another essence is never acceptable; but I have also expressed that it may be beneficial. Within physical focus, you do not always follow essence, for you separate. Therefore, you do follow beneficial

On responsibility

“... I am not expressing to you that you hold responsibility for the choices of other individuals, for you do not. You DO hold responsibility for the choices that YOU create, knowing their affectingness in conjunction with other individuals. This is not to be expressing to you that you should be moving into assuming personal responsibility for other individuals, but merely to allow yourself the awareness of what you are creating, and in this, also hold the awareness that certain choices that you may be creating may be affecting of other individuals, and if you are choosing to move into certain areas, the efficient expression of essence is also to hold the awareness of no expectation with respect to other individuals.

“In quite blunt terminology, I express to you, the directions that you choose for yourself are your choices and shall be beneficial to you, but within the expression of essence, the expectation of pulling or dragging with you other individuals that become confused and are not necessarily in agreement with your choices IS your responsibility

On agenda

“You shall not betray you! You know within you which direction you wish to proceed within. You allow yourselves, as you do not trust yourselves, to be swayed by other individuals and circumstances and belief systems. It is quite difficult within physical focus to be trusting of self, and knowing that you shall not betray you. Individuals express, ‘Trust within the universe, and it shall provide for you.’ I shall express to you, this is not quite so far off. Trust self, and you shall provide for you"

“I do not preach to you to be believing Elias’ message, for I offer you information that you already know. I am not expressing to you to be building a temple, to be recruiting a new congregation, or to be establishing new belief systems that will be changing the world. I am explaining to you to believe yourself. Do not take me for face value and be believing within a new belief system, on what you term blind faith, Elias’ word. Believe Guin’s word. Believe yourself! This is why I speak to you, not to bring you conflict and not to establish anything. I speak to you to reincorporate and reconnect you with you, for your truth is what is important. This is the truth.”

If this quotes, material the representation of the "evil" then let be it...  Grin

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #7 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 7:43pm
Hi Dora,

Thanks for the breath of fresh air here.  Cheesy
So good to see you here.  Wink

Much Love,
Mairlyn   Grin
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #8 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 8:06pm
I've been working for a long time on a response to Freebird and just noticed Dora's reply.  So I'll reply to that later. 

On a lighter note, while posting about the demonic, I heard several loud crashes that made the house shake violently for several seconds.  It sounded like several lightning strikes.  I was tired, so the thought of demonic attack immediately came to mind!  I just found out that several unliftably large blocks of ice dislodged from the roof, crashed down on a lower roof, and then crashed against a ladder and trash can before reaching the ground.  Phew!  The ice severed my TV cable.  Sad
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #9 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 10:28pm
Freebird, you raise 8 profound issues for which I am grateful.  Your issues take my post in a direction it needs to go.   Here are my responses:

(1) Belief in reincarnation is no evidence that a spiritual message or messenger is evil.

I reject reincarnation for many evidential reasons, but I remain open to the possibility of being wrong on this point.  I agree; belief in reincarnation is not in itself evil and is not part of the hidden agenda of channeling under discussion.  My post only discusses reincarnation to flesh out the connection between modern channeling by the Seth and Elias entities and 2nd century Gnostic channeling which presumes that Seth and Elias are exalted entities in control of specific astral planes.

(2) Reincarnation is a common belief among many ancient Jews, and arguably Jesus affirms its truth with his statement that John the Baptist is Elijah.

Would you be willing to consult relevant posts on Robert Bruce's website "" under the topical section "Judaism and Early Christianity?"  A moderator (Beth) created a post that defends your viewpoint in detail ("Reincarnation in Judaism and Christianity").  I rebut all her historical claims in a post (by "Berserk") entitled "Reincarnation in the Bible and the Early Church?"  I argue that reincarnation cannot be found in the Bible, the Palestinian Judaism of late antiquity, or the early church (aoart from 2nd century Gnosticism). 
After several months,  neither Beth nor her supporters have challenged any of my points.  So I'd appreciate your feedback.

(3) Does Raphael's new "conventional Christian" faith include the idea that God tortures people forever in a burning hell?  That's what most conventional Christians believe, contrary to the original Greek New Testament.

I'm not sure about the theological details of Raphael's Christian commitment.  But you will not find anyone more passionate in his agreement with your last point.  Jesus, Paul, Revelation, and 2nd century Christian apocalyptic literature all teach  that God's love never permanently abandons anyone after death.  If you remain in a hellish plane, that's because you refuse to recognize that your confinement is based on the principle like attracts like.  Even in hellish planes, anyone who resolves to change their core values can be "retrieved" and rehabilitated in preparation for a more satisfying existence in the higher heavens.  I lay out the basics of my case in a post entitled "A Fresh Look at Heaven" in the same section of the "Astralpulse" site as my post on reincarnation.   I'd love to get your reaction.

(4) If entities can pretend to do good when in fact they are evil, then how can we be sure that anything supposedly revealed was really coming from the Holy Spirit?

The New Testament answer?  Through the gift of spiritual discernment exercised in the context of the corporate body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:10; 14:29).   And how is this gift developed?  Two basic forms of divine inspiration are distinguished in Scripture--prophetic and wisdom inspiration.   Prophetic inspiration is activated by meditation on the question: do outward appearances reflect inner beauty and transformation in this case?  Inspired wisdom (not to be simply reduced to common sense) is prayerfully acquired by learning in the school of hard knocks.

But now let me stress the obvious: for a Christian the ultimate test of the gift of discernment is the question of whether an alleged revelation contradicts the central message of Jesus and the Gospel.   This question is is not always easy to answer.  The Bible is not an inerrant book and the message of Jesus and the Gospel can be perverted or misunderstood.  Discernment presumes that one has applied the biblical principles of prayer and meditation and that one has humbly allowed the corporate body of Christ to test one's insights.  But first one must find a compatible church where the atmosphere is electric with the presence of God and an overpowering spirit of love.  Sadly, of the 5 churches I've pastored, only one qualifies under this criterion.  I witnessed spectular miracles while pastoring that United Methodist church. 

(5) For example, if you pray to Jesus and you hear a voice answering you, is there a chance it is not really Jesus, but a demon?

As a medium, Johanna Michaelsen conjured Jesus as her spirit guide through Silva Mind Control techniques.  Negative psychic experiences soon taught her that this conjured Jesus was not what he seemed.  She soon realized that her attempt to manipulate Jesus created the problem.   Ancient magic can be distinguished from true spirituality in this way: magic assumes that if its rituals are properly performed, the divine contact sought must ordinarily manifest itself.  But neither Jesus nor God jump merely because we crack our whip!

Jesus is allegedly Helen Schucman's channeling source for ACIM.  The materials conflict with the historical jesus' teachings, but I'm not sure their source is actually demonic.  Nor am I prepared to claim that the Seth and Elias entities are demonic.  But their lurking agendas and historical errors demonstrate to my satisfaction that their materials conflict with truly divine revelation.

(6) Would a good God really create a universe in which humans are constantly exposed to spiritual trickery from powerful evil entities?

Great question!  My answer must be philosophical and hence speculative.  God doesn't want robots.  To God the value of our free will is a function of the strength of our inclination to make choices that alienate us from Him.  This insight is the basis of the mystery of spiritual warfare.  Only God knows how strong this contrary inclination needs to be to maximize the value of our freely offered love.

Why didn't God create a world without pain, suffering, and hardship?  Because without these, there would be no pain-dependent virtues.   Courage requires danger and risk.  Compassion requires suffering.  Generosity requires want.  Patience requires frustration and nerve-wracking delays.  And who are we to say that a moral order would be better off without courage, compassion, generosity, and patience in God's eyes?

But, you say, why is pain so unfairly distributed?  Well, suppose pain were fairly distributed on the basis of merit.  No one would have any incentive to make selfish or evil choices because they would then pay the penalty.  Suppose instead that pain was evenly distributed.  Then no one would have a strong incentive to choose evil since it would make no difference in terms of pain avoidance.  In our world, choosing the good often involves great sacrifice (e.g. our troops in Iraq) and hence unfairly high amounts of risk and pain.  When pain is unfairly distributed, the inclination to make self-
serving choices is greater and so the value of freely offered love greatly increases.  Besides, if pain were fairly or evenly distributed, then God's existence would be most strongly confirmed.  We would worship and serve God more out of a sense fear and self-serving duty than out of love groping after God in the darkness of spiritual ambiguity. 

A Russian parable eloquently illustates this point.
An eccentric king wanted to get married.  So he disguised himself as a peasant and wandered the countryside searching for the right girl.  His troubles began when he thought he'd found her.
Her father wanted his daughter to live a good life with a financially secure husband.  He saw little in this peasant to command his respect.  But the peasant king was determined.  He worked as a farm hand for minimal wages and continued to woo both father and daughter.  Finally, his charms won both over and Dad agreed to the marriage. 

In making the marriage arrangements, the king was then forced to disclose his true identity.   Dad was incensed: "Why didn't you make your true majesty immediately apparent?  I would have deemed it a privilege to grant you my dauhter's hand."  The king replied, "Yes, and you would have been too intimidated to make a free decision.  You would have approved out of being overwhelmed by my rank and resources.  I wanted a family to love me for my character masked by poverty to make its core stand out in sharp relief.  So it is with the hiddenness of the courting God in this world.   

(7) Does anybody have an explanation for why evil spirits would want to help people and do good deeds like this (miraculous healiings)?
Jesus concedes the ability of evil people apparently to perform a variety of miracles: "Many will say to me on that day,  `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in our name cast out demons, and in your name perform many miracles?  And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you.  Away from me, you evildoers (Matthew 7:22-23)!"

Why evil spirits help people can partly be explained in terms of the psychodynamics of evil analyzed by psychiatrist Scott Peck.  In "People of the Lie," Peck associates evil with "malignant narcissism."  He identifies several characteristics of this personality disorder from his analysis of the common denominators of individual evil, group evil (e.g the MyLai massacre), and the evil manfested by the  demonic in possession cases.  All the identified characteristics of evil are biblically sound, though Peck fails to demonstrate this fact.  One of these characteristics is "a pronounced concern with a public image and self-image of respectability,"  a trait that might explain why evil might at times seem helpful and altruistic--not out of love, but as part of the seduction process.  The long-range goal of evil is to compete with divine blessings in an effort to seduce people away from loving and serving God the right way.  This seduction might bond souls to lower spiritual planes or hells on the basis of affinities subtly developed between the evil entity and its human victims.  This insight is confirmed by Swedenborg's astral travels. 

Another psychodynamic is an intellectual deviousness that cleverly blends truth with error.  This implies that channeling, even when evil, would nevertheless include valuable information about the afterlife, information that might engender deceptive "resonance" with the victim.  Evil only employs the truth to set up a spiritually harmful lie.  This fact injects urgency into Roger's question about the hidden agendas of channeling.

(8) Can we trust Jesus when he said we will know them by their fruits?
Yes, but to grasp His point, one must understand the whole verse: "You will know them by their fruits.  Grapes are not gathered from thorns, nor figs from thistles, are they (Matthew 7:16)?"  Native to Palestine is a certain thorn (a buckthorn) with small black berries that closely resemble little grapes.  There is also a thistle with a flower which, at least from a distance, might easily be mistaken for a fig.  The point is that, apart from close scrutiny, the genuine and the spurious are hard to distinguish in the spiritual realm.  Jesus makes the same point more clearly  in a widely circulated saying from early oral tradition: "Be wise money-
changers.  Keep the good (coins) and get rid of the bad (the counterfeit)."  Ancient money-changers had to examine each coin closely to detect subtle variations that might betray a counterfeit status.
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #10 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 10:37pm
The ice severed my TV cable.  Sad  

Was that the work of the devil?  Or God?  How can we know?

If it was my house and I believed in God, I'd think it was a message from Him for me to quit watching TV.  Smiley

Also, speaking of channeled messages, I reject the messages delived by the TV chanels.  Because of this, my TV is off.  (I'm not saying that TV is the work of the devil, but people shouldn't believe everything they're told on the TVs as if it were the word of God.)

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Roger B
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #11 - Feb 3rd, 2005 at 10:54am

Thank you so much for your insights on this subject.  It is greatly refreshing to be intellectually challenged, and you do so in a loving way that makes it even more valuable.

A couple of questions/comments.  Could you elaborate on the miracles you mention at the UMC?  Also your explanation of the consequences of a world without pain is beautiful.

The use of the truth in order to mislead by sources that may be nefarious in nature is right on target.  Yes, the writings of ACIM and Elias/Seth can sound spiritually profound and uplifiting.  Heck, what do we expect, that they will come across sounding like Satan?  Deceit is a tremendously strong trait among those who wish to mislead.

I'm not saying these sources are evil, I have no idea, but they DO seem to have a common theme (call it agenda) which is to promote a lack of acountability for our actions.  This is especially true with ACIM.  And when you think it through, that kind of message is very enticing and seductive.  It can easily convince at least some folks that the narrow path Jesus speaks of is really as wide as an 8 lane interstate with no violations no matter how irresponsible we might drive.

Those who seem to think that evil is an old fashioned concept would do well to read Scott Peck and Malachi Martin.

Thanks so much for your post!
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Debbie Meehan
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #12 - Feb 3rd, 2005 at 11:09am
Oh my gosh, Donald! Shocked

You wrote, " Absent a belief in good and evil, society easily descends into moral chaos." Uh, I'm pretty sure we're already there. Look around, could it get any worse? The expression, there's nowhere else to look but up, comes to mind, and I mean that literally, but in a metaphoric, spiritual sense.

I think that it is precisely the very belief in good and evil that is being mirrored and projected here in this world, by whomever accepts that idea as their reality. That will indeed bring moral chaos on the stage of life, and each one who holds to the belief in duality, good and evil, will have their own set of standards of just what that means to them,  in which to measure and judge everyone and everything on the planet. Now, what did Jesus mention quite often about judging? And judge we all do when in that belief, and we war, fight, bicker, and hate, from over the tiniest little thing that annoys us, bothers us, that we don't personally like or agree with, and on and on. Where's the peace, the brotherhood, the unconditional love in the belief in duality? It's impossible!

Donald, there is more, so much more! Many of us have sought long and hard for many years to find truth, wisdom, knowledge, peace, love, and happiness. I wish you'd give others more credit, and more respect, and really, more importantly, you need to give the Creator more credit than you do too.

Peace to you,
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Touching Souls
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Posts: 1966
Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #13 - Feb 3rd, 2005 at 12:05pm
If only everyone lived by The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz:

Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #14 - Feb 3rd, 2005 at 3:38pm
I'm not saying these sources are evil, I have no idea, but they DO seem to have a common theme (call it agenda) which is to promote a lack of acountability for our actions.  This is especially true with ACIM.

Hi Roger,

I can appreciate your criticism of ACIM if what you say about it is true ~ I have no idea if it is, since I've not read it ~ but I can assure you you're mistaken if you believe that either Seth or Elias teaches "lack of acountability."  Quite the contrary, actually, which I'm sure you'll find out for yourself if you take some time to read what they say.  Seth, for example, said repeatedly, "You create your own reality," and never encouraged people to feel that they're the victims of circumstances or of other people's actions.

I'm not telling you you ought to read Seth's or Elias's teachings; just that I'd prefer you not criticize them for things they've not done.

Best wishes,
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