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Lilac Cologne (Read 9279 times)
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Lilac Cologne
Jan 25th, 2005 at 5:26pm
I've just returned from 15 days in Kelowna, British Columbia, where, among other things, I had coffee with Gord, an old friend I had not seen since I was a teenager.  Gord is now a Christian chaplain.  You might be interested in an experience Gord shared with me.  Other experiences may surpass Gord's story in evidential value, but few experiences of ADC surpass the beauty of this experience.

Gord was visiting an elderly lady, Annie, in a nursing home.  He noticed a bottle of lilac perfume by her bedside.  No one knew who placed it there!  After a few minutes, Gord asked Annie if she'd like an application of the cologne.  She said, "Oh yes, I'd be delighted."  So Gord had a female attendant put on the cologne for her.  Annie smiled brightly and reveled in the marvelous odor.  But then she peacefully closed her eyes and slipped into the next life.  It was 3:00 PM on Tuesday. 

Annie's daughter helped her husband on their farm.  At the time of Annie's death, the daughter and her husband were working in the barn.  At 3 PM, something odd caught their attention.  The strong odor of manure was suddenly overwhelmed by a more potent odor.  Both Annie's daughter and her husband independently recognized the smell as that of lilacs.  They were baffled. 

When Annie's daughter came to the nursing home to complete arrangements and pick up her mom's things, she gasped when she saw the bottle which was still beside Annie's bed.  After talking to Gord, she realized that the lilac odor in the barn signified her mom's presence at the precise moment of death to say goodbye.  For some reason our deceased loved ones find the use of signature odors one of the best ways to reassure us that they are alive and OK in the hereafter. 

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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #1 - Jan 25th, 2005 at 5:42pm
That's a really wonderful story!  Thank you for sharing it.  Smiley

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Roger B
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #2 - Jan 27th, 2005 at 10:04am
Hi D.

The thing is, somehow we have to accept that Annie, at the moment of her death, was able to transmit the message that she was still "alive" by way of the lilac cologne.

One would think that there is a period of orientation to the afterlife environment, after which maybe such a thing could be accomplished, but to do it at the same time makes me wonder whether it was really Annie as opposed, for example, to a Helper.

In any case odors are powerful reminders, they say just a faint fragrance can remind us of things or people that have been long since buried in our subconscious.


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Touching Souls
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #3 - Jan 27th, 2005 at 1:54pm
Wonderful experience Donald. Thanks for relating it.  Wink

Mairlyn  Cheesy
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #4 - Jan 27th, 2005 at 3:37pm
Dear Roger,

I agree that Annie's experience implies a wonderful hidden choreography orchestrated on the other side.  I told Gord that, as an actor in this drama, he was probably assigned a role by angels, helpers, or Annie's deceased loved ones that he instinctively embraced with no initial awareness of its significance.   

One of the most neglected and poorly understood biblical teachings is the preexistence of the soul (r.g. John 9:2; Jeremiah 1:5; cp. Wisdom of Solomon 8:19-20).  The Jewish background of this teaching (e.g. 2 Enoch 23:5) suggests that human souls can trace their origin to the creation of the universe.   This teaching is the closest that the Bible comes to implying reincarnation.  I doubt that Annie suddenly decided that a fragrant passing would be the ideal exit strategy.  I  suspect that Annie, Gord, and the invisible helpers made arrangements for this timely and beautiful exit prior to Annie's birth.  Whoever placed the bottle of lilac cologne by Annie's bedside also played a vital role in the drama.  I am haunted by the mystery that no one knows who placed the bottle there.

The choreography of Annie's passing reminds me of three other deaths that I have described on this site within the past two years.  I will briefly reiterate these experiences for newcomers and to further address the issue raised by Roger.

(1) This mind-blowing experience was witnessed by Albert Baldeo, a minister friend of my father's.   Immediiately prior to his father's passing, Albert heard his Dad exclaim, "Hurry up, brother, hurry up!"   Unknown to Albert, his Dad's brother was simultaneously dying in a nursing home about 10 miles away.  It was later verified by witnesses that both brothers died at 12 noon on the same day.  Immediately prior to his passing, the brother shouted in front of witnesses, "Wait for me, brother, wait for me!"  In my view, these two synchronized deaths are too coincidental not to  have beem prearranged on the other side by angels, helpers, deceased loved ones, or even by the two brothers prior to their births.   

(2) My Dad's friend Helmut told him that his own father always said he would die on his 91st birthday.  Helmut's Dad was very healthy for an elderly man when that date finally arrived.  He had a good breakfast, told his wife he was going to take a nap, and died quietly just as he had always predicted.  I find it hard to believe that he was killed by a latent death wish!  To me, it seems more plausible to suppose that Helmut's Dad died at the exact time ordained prior to his birth.   

In a recent post, I shared my lamentable anger at God for allowing a saintly woman named Eleanor to die in a fiery car crash just a few months after her son Nick, distraught over a failed marriage, hung hiimself.  But two facts later convinced me that, unlikely as it seems, her death too was part of a divinely choreographed exit strategy.

(a) Eleanor's sister later told me that, a week prior to her death, Eleanor had a dream in which her house was filled with deceased  relatives.  Her deceased husband, Nick, Sr. came down the stairs and asked, "Honey, why don't we dance?"  Eleanor loved to dance and would ordinarily never have declined such an invitation.  But she instinctively sensed that dancing was a symbol of the celebration attached to passing over.  So she declined, saying, "Oh no, I don't think I'm ready yet."  But what really convinces me that her brutal accident was preordained is this: the clock in her living stopped uncharacteristically at the time of her husband's death many years prior, at the time of her son Nick, Jr's death, and at the time of her own death.  In my view, these three clock stoppages tip us off that all three deaths were somehow the product of coordination from the other side. 

Of course, I doubt that Nick Jr's suicide was preordained.  But if there are astral perspectives and realms that transcend time,  then perhaps Nick's mistake, though freely chosen, was incorporated into a loving divine plan designed to redeem and rehabilitate him from his dreadful error.  The three synchronized clock stoppages MAY have been orchestrated by convey that assurance.  I admit to being highly speculative here.   In any case, I particularly love mysterious experiences, which, if fully understood, would solve some of our most vexing questions about life and death.

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Roger B
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #5 - Jan 28th, 2005 at 9:53am

Your latest post raises so many questions it's hard to know where to begin.

*  Is our life really the result of a carefully written script that we ourselves write prior to incarnating?  If so that would explain the so called cases of synchronicity.  There are really no such things as accidents, because what happens is the result of a grand Plan....but perhaps it's our plan, not God's.

*  Where does God fit in?  Maybe He has no role to play in the plan, maybe it's ours and ours alone.  Maybe His only role is (was) in creating us to begin with.

*  But whether it's God's plan or ours, difficult questions are raised.  If God, why would He allow such awful tragedies like the tsunami that take such a huge toll in lives and suffering?  But if we are the authors, why would we do it either?  Surely we must realize the agony and heartache that such a script would cause the survivors.

* Or we might have to shed our belief that God is necessarily "loving" at least in terms of how we understand that word.  I suppose he can love our souls while at the same time not caring too much about our physical lives.  I know the bible says God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten Son to die on the cross.....but he really didn't give up his Son other than for a few days, after which the Son rejoined the Father for all eternity.  Not that much of a sacrifice if you ask me.

*  Ever read the books by Michael Newton?  If we can believe what his clients report, a lot of answers can be found there.  But that's a big IF.

*  I agree with what I think are your own misgivings about channelled material.  And someday I'd love for you to address that subject esp what the hidden agendas might be.

(Having said that, ACIM does make one point that I have a tough time disagreeing with.  Namely, that we ourselves created the earth and our bodies, not God, because God is totally incapable of creating anything that is not eternal.  Our bodies die and decay, and even the planet will someday cease to exist.  God created our souls, which are eternal and which exist apart from our bodies in a perpetual state of purity and love.

ACIM however also says that originally we were One with God and at some point, for a reason never explained, we chose to separate.  But it also trips itself up by on the one hand saying God cannot create anything less than Perfect, and on the other hand saying that we made a very imperfect decision to separate from Him.  How could a perfect creation of a perfect God make such a huge mistake which ACIM constantly reminds us was "insane"?  Doesn't compute.)

*  I sometimes think that the fear of death is so powerful among so many people that we cannot grasp and accept the possibility that we will cease to exist.  Or at least our egos can't.  So we devise all sorts of things to make ourselves believe the opposite.  What is astounding to me is that no one, thruout the entire course of human history, has ever established proof that we do in fact survive.  Not even proof beyond a reasonable doubt.  Even the intriguing NDE accounts can be replicated in some respects by ketamine, including seeing dead relatives and hearing celestial music.

*  Do you think OBEs are real?  And if so, does that mean, ergo, that we survive death?  And if the answers are yes, why can't an adept like Buhlman participate in experiments that can absolutely demonstrate the reality of OBEs?  His books unequivocally state that this is something he can do easily and at will.  If so you have to wonder why it still remains as a sort of occult subject in the 21st century.

* Maybe Seth is right, we do create our own reality.  But that sword has two edges.  Maybe we also create our own reality when we think that there is an afterlife.  I mean, if we really are convinced that the afterlife exists, maybe we have experiences that reinforce that conviction even if those experiences do not reflect an objective reality.

* Maybe we can't really know any of this.  God might be so ineffable that no one can grasp what He or It really is.  If so why even try?  One day we will all die, and then we will either know we survive death or we won't. 

* And the big question seems to always be, how does any of this impact how we live on a day to day basis?  Sure, it helps us share in our hopes and fears, but does it help in terms of how we treat others as per the Golden Rule?


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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #6 - Jan 28th, 2005 at 2:37pm
*  But whether it's God's plan or ours, difficult questions are raised.  If God, why would He allow such awful tragedies like the tsunami that take such a huge toll in lives and suffering?  But if we are the authors, why would we do it either?  Surely we must realize the agony and heartache that such a script would cause the survivors.

My thought is that only through material suffering and deprivation can there be spiritual progress.  I know it sounds cliche, but I really believe it's true.  Jesus, Buddha, and most other spiritual masters taught versions of this basic principle.

* Or we might have to shed our belief that God is necessarily "loving" at least in terms of how we understand that word.  I suppose he can love our souls while at the same time not caring too much about our physical lives.  I know the bible says God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten Son to die on the cross.....but he really didn't give up his Son other than for a few days, after which the Son rejoined the Father for all eternity.  Not that much of a sacrifice if you ask me.

I think a lot of Christians misunderstand the meaning of the cross.  I think it has to do more with God showing how much He loves us -- even the people society perceives as totally worthless and rejected.  That is how the Jews and Romans perceived a crucified man.  In Judaism, one who "hangs on a tree" (interpreted as crucifixion) is regarded as "accursed" of God.  In the Roman mindset, crucifixion was the punishment of only the most heinous criminals of the lower class.  By putting Jesus on the cross and then resurrecting him from the dead, God was proving to the world that His love extends even to the rejects of society, and that there is in fact an afterlife where the downtrodden will find justice and peace.  I don't think the point was to inflict maximum possible suffering on Jesus; it is obvious that there are some people who have suffered more severely even than Jesus, although certainly being crucified ranks up there as one of the worst forms of torture ever devised by man.

*  I sometimes think that the fear of death is so powerful among so many people that we cannot grasp and accept the possibility that we will cease to exist.  Or at least our egos can't.  So we devise all sorts of things to make ourselves believe the opposite.  What is astounding to me is that no one, thruout the entire course of human history, has ever established proof that we do in fact survive.  Not even proof beyond a reasonable doubt.  Even the intriguing NDE accounts can be replicated in some respects by ketamine, including seeing dead relatives and hearing celestial music.

Just because a drug can produce an OBE/NDE doesn't necessarily invalidate the phenomenon.  It could be that ketamine shuts down the part of the brain that is responsible for maintaining connection with the soul or astral body.

I have found the NDE of Pam Reynolds to be scientific evidence of an afterlife.  She had an NDE during brain surgery in which her brain had been drained of blood and there was no electrical activity recorded in any part of her brain.  Unless she is lying, it seems to me her experience is pretty close to proof that human consciousness transcends the brain.

Another reason I believe in an afterlife is because of the resurrection of Jesus.  The Bible contains eyewitness testimony of various people who claimed to see Jesus after he died on the cross.  Many of these people died for their belief, so strongly did they believe Jesus really was still alive.  Also, the Shroud of Turin seems to provide scientific evidence that Jesus really did rise from the grave.  Scientists have not been able to explain this image of a man on an ancient cloth except by the hypothesis that it was the historical Jesus whose body dematerialized into light energy, imprinting the image on the burial cloth -- in other words, some form of resurrection or transition from physical matter into an astral body.  There is all kinds of hard scientific evidence linking the Shroud to Jesus.  The latest finding is that the carbon dating test that supposedly showed the Shroud to be medieval was bogus, because the sample of cloth taken was a medieval repair patch, not the original cloth.  This study has been reported in the news recently.  For more information on the Shroud of Turin, see the excellent website of Barrie Schwortz, a Jewish scientist who has examined the Shroud himself and believes it is really the cloth used to wrap the body of Jesus!

* And the big question seems to always be, how does any of this impact how we live on a day to day basis?  Sure, it helps us share in our hopes and fears, but does it help in terms of how we treat others as per the Golden Rule?

Believing in an afterlife definitely helps me to see more purpose in my life and the lives of others, and to be a better person.  It also helps me psychologically.  There is so much suffering and injustice in this world, that if there is no life after death, life is terribly unfair to many people.  That is a proposition I do not wish to accept.  Nor do I feel I have to.  There seems to be plenty of evidence for an afterlife -- although admittedly, all evidence can be disputed.  Perhaps with time, more and better evidence for life after death will become available.

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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #7 - Jan 28th, 2005 at 6:54pm
Dear Roger B,

I note with amusement that you've finally decided to add the "B" to distinguish yourself from "roger" and "rog."  I'm disappointed.  To my delight so many posters have mixed you guys up in their responses.  Oh well. . .

I will create a new post to respond to most of your questions.  It will take time; so please be patient.  I don't want to repeat prior posts.  I want my answers to be as concise as I can make them.  Besides, I haven't made up my mind on some of the issues you raise (e.g. what I think of ACIM). 

I now go by "Berserk" for 2 reasons:
(1) "Berserkers" were wild Norse warriors in the Viking era, and I, being Swedish, am the reincarnation of a pillaging Viking invader.
(2) I like consistency.  "Berserk" is the handle I've often used on internet game sites. It seems appropriate for my bizarre chess style.  It is also my current handle on Robert Bruce's website. 
(3) I hate "Donald."  On Bruce's original site, I originally thought I was filling out my real names and didn't expect it be my handle. 

OK, so reasons #1 is a lie.  Wow, you've given my quite an assignment! 

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roger prettyman
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #8 - Jan 29th, 2005 at 6:06am
A note re. Berserk`s last posting. I`m not sure how many Rogers there are now but my postings are still made under roger (always in lower case) with no additions. The sidebar also shows that I live in the U.K.

On this particular topic, when my wife passed over about eighteen months ago, a few weeks after her passing as I was going to bed one night I was half way up the stairs, where they do a dog-leg, when I walked through a very strong smell of her favourite perfume as if it had just been sprayed in the air. That was one of the many ADCs I had from her - very comforting and heartening to know she was alright and happy in the Afterlife.

roger    Smiley
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The past is history, the future is a mystery.&&Today is a gift, that`s why it`s called the present.&&Let yourself enjoy today. It will never come again.&&&&&&Butterfly.
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Roger B
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #9 - Jan 29th, 2005 at 10:39am
Hi Don-

Well I tried to register as Roger but the website told me that name was already taken....maybe by me if it imported from the old board. 

Can't wait to hear your take on ACIM and other channelled stuff like Seth and Elias.  In fact I had no idea there are so many other "Jesus" channellers out there!  Makes you wonder even more what's really going on.

Regarding reincarnation, you had me startled at first by your #1!  I'm reminded of someone who said that being born more than once is really no more surprising than being born the first time, when you think it through.  As you probably know, ACIM sidesteps this issue by saying it really doesn't matter whether the student believes in reincarnation or not.  Well, maybe that's so.  Either that or the author has no more of a clue than we do.

I'm looking forward to your forthcoming post.  I can't think of anyone from whom I'd rather hear than you. 

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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #10 - Jan 30th, 2005 at 3:31pm
Dear "roger" the Brit:

What you and Herb shared illustrates how commonly our loved ones use signature odors to reassure us from beyond the grave.  We need to learn as much as possible about their preferred modus operandi in communicating with us.  No doubt, they must confront strategic problems that we know little about.  In my experience, sharing such stories helps enhance a psychic atmosphere that makes it easier for our loved ones to manifest.  Other common manifestations are: apparitions, clock-stopping at the time of death, touches on the shoulder from an invisible hand, and an unexplicably compressed bed as if it is bearing the weight of our loved one.   One study found that 60% of Americans and 48% of Brits report some convincing manifestation from their deceased loved ones WITHIN THE FIRST YEAR of their passing.  I note with interest, that your wife's manifestation through a characteristic perfume odor fits this pattern, occurring just a few weeks after her passing.  Thanks for sharing your story.


Now back to my research on "Roger's" questions.  Grrr!  I feel like his grad teaching assistant.
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #11 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 7:44pm
Here in northeast Washington state, I shared this paranormal lilac experience with a guy who then told me he had recently had a very similar experience with a paranormal lilac odor.
A few years ago, I felt prompted to share this lilac experience at a funeral I performed back in the Finger Lakes region of New York for a woman I barely knew. In retrospect, I suspect I was guided to do so.  When I arrived at the church after a 3-hour drive, the church was full of the smell of lilacs.  Unknown to me, lilacs were almost an obsession with the deceased lady I was celebrating and lilac bouquets were all placed all over the church.


P.S. OK, I seldom post here any more and was rereading some of my old posts from a few years ago.  I have decided to shamelessly recycle and update some of them, starting from the rear of the archive!

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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #12 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 8:06pm
that's a great lilac scent story Don. I have also been aware of scents from "over there". I see your posts rarely anymore and although there have been instances in the past we may not have agreed, your posts always cause considerable amount of positive responses, many that make me feel a closer connection to my God. Keep up your good work.
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #13 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 11:26am
I think I may have posted this here before, not sure.

About six months after John died, which would have been February, I was hit with a sudden blast of lilac smell as I sat at the computer. Now, I don't care for the scent of artificial lilac (they never get it right), so it wasn't likely that it was an old scent stirred up somehow, and obviously, nothing was blooming at that time of year.  So, having recently read that lilac was "the odor of sanctity", I made (as John would have expected) a smart remark on the subject.

So now I get the smell of cigarettes and chain saw exhaust.  Which, yes, is much more "John", but still...some day I'll remember when to keep my mouth shut...  Smiley
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Re: Lilac Cologne
Reply #14 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 9:33am
Don says:

"What you and Herb shared illustrates how commonly our loved ones use signature odors to reassure us from beyond the grave"

Well, maybe so, but a recent special on History Channel about the human brain provides a different possible explanation.

In an experiment, with instrumentation attached to various parts of the brain, the subject was shown pictures of a flower (a rose as I recall) while at the same time a certain part of the brain was stimulated via an electrical impulse.

The subject immediately reported detecting a strong fragrance of roses.  

So it isn't really a big stretch to suppose that if a person suddenly, for no apparent reason, notices a strong fragrance of one sort or another, it might not indicate a signal from a deceased loved one.

For instance, my dad (now deceased) used a certain brand of after-shave lotion for many years. For a period after his death, now and then I would notice that same fragrance and I chalked it up to his presence, or at least his signal to me that he was still alive.

But maybe not.  My own association with him and his lotion might have triggered my own brain into providing that fragrance.

There is much about our brains that we don't know.  For example, how can we be sure that what we think of as OBEs might really represent an ability of the brain yet to be discovered?

ps- Don, welcome back, hope you don't disappear again for the next 3 years!
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