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Forgiveness - A key to spiritual advancement (Read 2660 times)
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Forgiveness - A key to spiritual advancement
Feb 1st, 2009 at 5:52pm
I was contemplating the cosmic stage, as I am wont to do, and the cycles of karma of action and reaction.  The notion of transgression or sin, often creates regret, and a desire to correct the situation.  Throughout history, purgatory, and various planes of consciousness including hells have been invented in order to deal with the knowledge within a soul that it has wronged another.  

Some have proposed the idea of reincarnation to pay off karmic debts.  This idea always appeared a bit too simplistic to me, as our lives are so much more spiritually complex than can be reduced to a simple equation - i.e. - "I wronged another, and so I will be reborn in a way that I can suffer the same fate, and learn that way."  

On probing deeper, it seems that the reason people get stuck with and in the concept of purgatory is that they have difficulty forgiving themselves and those who have wronged them.  Some who have committed atrocities believe that their souls are irrevocably marred or stained; thus their penance, and stays in hells or focus levels, reflects this profound misunderstanding of consciousness.

It seems that with forgiveness comes release from the mindset of an interminable punishment or penance.  With forgiveness, a soul may still decide to serve their fellow human beings in some way to make up for the past, but they are unchained from the shackles of karmic debt if they can learn to forgive themselves and others.  

The idea of carrying a wound forward from incarnation to incarnation, appears to me to be like a disease of the soul - not an end to aspire toward.  

Forgiveness is not immediate.  It does not absolve the person's spirit or karma immediately of the deed or wrongdoing.  Deeds and true contrition must accompany words.  But it appears to me that forgiveness is an essential part of spiritual growth in the afterlife, and a way out of the cycle of endless karmic debt.

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« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2009 at 7:14pm by DocM »  
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Re: Forgiveness - A key to spiritual advancement
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 6:45pm

Your astute reflections tie in nicely with these 3 observations:
(1) In ADCs and NDEs, we are sometimes told that we can "hold back" the progress of our recently deceased family members by grieving too long or not at all.  You may recall my post about a female doctor named Phyllis who was summoned in 2 NDEs to an encounter with her deceased mother in "a mall that was not really a mall; it was a mall of white light."  On both occasions, this Mom warned Phyllis that her unwllingness to actively grieve was inhibiting the Mom's "progress" in Paradise.  It struck me that Phyllis's inability to grieve was linked to interpersonal issues that required a level of forgiveness that was hard to achieve.  The very fact that my emotional state can affect the postmortem progress of spirits vitally connected to my life suggests that stages of forgiveness are a crucial factor in postmortem progress.

(2) Jesus expresses an afterlife principle this way: "Judge not, that you be not judged.  For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged and the measure you dish out to others will be dished out to you (Matthew 7:1-2)."  Judging here implies ongoing anger, comtempt, or resentment which must be released or forgiven for postmortem progress to be possible.  Refusal or reluctance to forgive activates the principle of like attracts like that traps us in realms with souls who share similar unresolved issues and the "energetic make-up" sustained by this life pattern.  Past life reviews and authentic retrievals would then depend on nurturing a process that leads a soul through enough stages of forgiveness to create real progress in PUL, progress sufficient to upgrade one's energetic make-up to a vibration suitable for a "higher" realm.  

(3) All of this underlines the importance of recognzing PUL as a way of being rather than as a cosmic ecstatic energy.  As a way of being, PUL embraces all the classic Judeo-Christian virtues such as patience, tolerance, repentance, and forgiivenss.  Progress in the PUL way of being is essential for the changes in energetic make-up that enable one to move up to higher planes.  One cannot simply be retrieved via a "jail break" or "a served sentence in Hell" simply because one chooses to leave one's current realm for a more pleasant one.  The principle of like attracts like governs the very possibility of shifting planes.  One must be "like" the spirits in the realm to which one relocates.

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Re: Forgiveness - A key to spiritual advancement
Reply #2 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 7:22pm
But the plane that is moved forward to does not necessarily have to be one that is occupied. Forgiving oneself from one hell doesn't nessassary bring you into the so called heaven state. Only movement. And this movement is the advancement in its self. To be unstuck. The total advancement its self may take many movements until finally an area is reached where there is common agreement of like/like. One must learn how to walk before learning how to run.    
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Re: Forgiveness - A key to spiritual advancement
Reply #3 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 9:24pm
Thanks for the comments.  I think I "get" Don's last comments, that merely wishing yourself out of a stuck focus level won't make it so.  Declarations of forgiveness or repenting are like smoke on the wind unless they are accompanied by true contrition and action. 

This concept also resonates against the concept of some in the Protestant Christian church who believe in the "faith alone" (sola fide) doctrine.  That concept (as best as I can interpret it), means that by passively accepting Christ and declaring it, one if forgiven of one's sins, without acts or deeds or contrition accompanying the declaration. 

The thing is, people can say or declare anything they wish, whether they are sincere or not.  It doesn't make it so.  This is why I don't believe in the faith alone doctrine or faith without action.  When a conscious person has felt guilt and repented, there is a deep inner need to make amends that accompanies the apology.  Deeds and acts come into play when an apology is sincere.

One can easily imagine a person stuck in a hell swearing by all that they can that they have repented, and yet not being sincere.  In that case, their "vibrational level" has not changed, and they are not truly ready to move to a heavenly plane.  When one's vibrational level is raised, the person who wishes to repent has had a fundamental change, separate from the simple wish of being out of the hell or focus level. 

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george stone
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Re: Forgiveness - A key to spiritual advancement
Reply #4 - Feb 7th, 2009 at 2:44pm
Hi doc.Yes Forgiveness is what every person should be aware off.I will add a little about it.I had a forman who was very meen to me.nobody like him.Than he died.When I heard about his passing,I gave him totol love and forgiveness.about a week after this,I lay on my bed for a was than that I felt the pressure of a hand on my shoulder,and saw a light in the corner of my eye.I looked over and saw his face.he was smiling as if to thank me for forgiving him.he even showed his teeth.Yes forgiveness is something that jesus told us we must do.George
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