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Seth/Channelled entities (Read 10778 times)
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Seth/Channelled entities
Dec 31st, 2004 at 10:32am
Hi everyone,
I've been reading the site, which has been really interesting...but part of the way through, Seth and some of what he has said comes up in one of the books there.  I was a bit wary of that, but kept reading until I saw a sketch someone had done of him after having been given a description during one of the channelling sessions.  The image really freaked me out, as it looked identical to one of the Greys, (think Communion) and I have had a LOT of nightmares about them when I was younger...they were actually my proverbial "bogey men" as a child.

What I'm wondering is...have there been any of the sessions where Seth has specifically talked much about his intentions?  I guess this actually comes back to a problem that I've had with channelling in general for a long time, actually...Namely that I find myself wondering how it's possible to trust *any* of the material, since to me it's basically just a completely open conduit...and we also from what I've seen have no way really of independently corroborating what is said. I remember David Willcock, the guy who owns, actually spoke about Edgar Cayce channelling a being that claimed to be an angel by the name of Hallaliel, who they later found out was a negative spirit...although not before Cayce had used that particular being as a source for quite some time, apparently.

I understand that from the fundamentalist Christian perspective, channelling is basically placing a direct call to the infernal regions.  I don't believe that...but I don't really know what to think about it.

I've also tried to look at the idea that just as there are definitely going to be negative/lower/evil beings out there (I'm not talking about human spirits here)
it presumably makes sense that there would also be some with benevolent intentions.  To that end, I've tried even internally to refrain from possibly thinking of Seth as a demon...but I guess if I'm totally honest, what I'm trying to work out here he?
I've tried mentally asking myself/the air that about him, and have basically got back two replies:-

"If I was, do you think I would tell you?" and
"If you *do* think I'm a demon, and you're still interested in communicating with/learning about me, then I think that makes a far more negative/revealing statement about you than it does me, don't you think?"

I'm wondering actually though if this is a question that has come up when dealing with channelled entities the sense that with channelling in a general sense, and not just where Seth is can we really be sure of who/what is on the other end?

This actually is something I'm going to have to deal with I think if I want to do any retrieval based stuff in general myself in future...Namely that although I'm getting over the belief in Hell as an actual place as such, I'm still having trouble avoiding the concept that pretty much everyone I'm likely to run into while OB has the proverbial horns, glowing red eyes and a tail.  Wink  Obviously not everyone who I will run into is likely going to be like that...but I think what I'm more worried about is those negative beings who are possibly more subtle, and who don't actually advertise their negativity in such visible ways.  So in other words...does anyone have any advice for ascertaining the intentions of a given spirit?  I'm not meaning to troll or be antagonistic, but this is something I've been having problems with for a long time, I could use some feedback on it.
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #1 - Dec 31st, 2004 at 11:13am
Hi Petrus,

I think the "truth" of everything lies within each of us.  I haven't read the Seth material and very little of other channeled writtings, but when I do read these or any other written works, I always go by my own inner knowing as to the truth of it or not.  Yet at the same time I'm open minded enough to consider the possibilities even if it may be something I'm not totally in agreement with.

As far as this goes "...advice for ascertaining the intentions of a given spirit?" 

I would say that you can make it your intention to not meet negative influences in your spiritual travels and also ask your guides and helpers to protect you from these as well. 

Love, Kathy Smiley

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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #2 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 12:14am
Hi Petrus,

I can well appreciate your questioning, and think that's a very healthy thing. I won't repeat what Kathy said, but just say that I agree with her.

You mention two messages you got from your "inner Seth" (so to speak), which I think were also helpful.  The first, being something of a truism, also reflects his sense of humor, imo. while the second offers a little worthwhile teaching, namely that what you're bound to encounter in terms of positive or negative messengers will more likely reflect your own expectations than their true nature, whatever that might be.

I'm pretty familiar with the Seth material and have also seen the drawing of which you speak.  It was done by a man during session #68, and represents the image he got (an apparition) when he wanted to see what Seth might look like. Here's something Seth said about the drawing:
The picture represents an outward transformation as Mark attempted to construct an accurate replica of material that he sensed with the inner senses, and as such it is the reconstruction of what I am.  It represents the appearance that these abilities of mine take when at all closely connected with the physical plane.  This does not necessarily mean that in all planes I have the same image.

I should mention that in a painting done by Jane's husband Rob, Seth looks like a rather ordinary man, and explain that according to Seth we each create our own images of what other people (as well as ghosts) look like.

The point I would make is that each of us conjures up our own impressions of beings we come across while on our life paths, and if we expect to get messages from entities we deem as being negative in nature, then that's what we're likely to find.

You said, "I'm still having trouble avoiding the concept that pretty much everyone I'm likely to run into while OB has the proverbial horns, glowing red eyes and a tail."  Once you realize that that's just a concept which you can believe is either true or not, you can then decide whether or not to give it any credibility.  As Seth says, "You create your own reality."

You also ask, "So in other words...does anyone have any advice for ascertaining the intentions of a given spirit?"  The only advice I can offer here is for you to assert each time before going OB that you will only encounter positive spirits.

The other thing I want to throw in here is a little piece of advice which Seth often gave: Don't listen to him or any other teacher just because someone claims they have a lot of wisdom to share; always trust your intuition in deciding what ideas ring true for you, and discard or ignore anything that doesn't.

Best wishes,
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #3 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 2:02am
Thanks, Glen Smiley

Kathy's response was good, but I'd been wondering if anyone else was going to reply as well...I was hoping what I had said hadn't upset people too much...from the point of view that I guess I was fairly blatant in what I was thinking.

>You mention two messages you got from your "inner
>Seth" (so to speak), which I think were also helpful. 
>The first, being something of a truism, also reflects
>his sense of humor, imo.

It was strange...when I asked that, I actually also got a sense of a certain degree of that I don't think that was something he'd been asked before...along with a certain amount of amused surprise at the idea that if I assumed he was a negative entity, that I was still sufficiently daring to attempt my own contact with him.  If as you say what I got was consistent with the other published stuff, he does seem to have a fairly dry, almost vaguely cynical sense of humour.

In terms of talking about an inner Seth...I actually did have a particular being of my own in my teens...for a while I simply considered her an imaginary friend, but then I thought about there being a somewhat different mental voice to my own accompanying her replies to things...although I was never really sure what category she belonged in.  Initially though I thought she was a demon as well, and I remember that she would react to that by unfortunately being deeply hurt and equally adamant that she wasn't.  This is something I am thinking that I am going to have to continue to work on...since I do see some wisdom in the concept that what I expect is what I'll get.
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #4 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 12:41pm
Hi Glen, and all....

The other thing I want to throw in here is a little piece of advice which Seth often gave: Don't listen to him or any other teacher just because someone claims they have a lot of wisdom to share; always trust your intuition in deciding what ideas ring true for you, and discard or ignore anything that doesn't.

I'm in aligment with you 100%... Wink

If Seth were or Elias is a *demonic* entity I certainly align with their materials, instead of  the living guru wannabe's who try to convence others that they know the ultimate truth then again it is really matter of individual awareness, what we resonate with and what beliefs we align with...

Seth: I am primaly a personality with a message: You create the world that you know You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outward into phsychical form.

The gift bring a responsibility and many of you temped to congratulate yourselves on the successes of your lives, and blame God, fate, the society for your faliures. In like manner, mankind has a tendency to project his own guilt, and his own errors upon a father-god image, who it seems must grow weary of so many complaints.

The fact is that each of you create your own physical reality: you create both the glories and the terrors that exist withing your earthly experience. Until you realize that you are the creators, your will refuse to accept this responsibility Nor can you blame a devil for the world's misfortunes. You have grown sophisticated enough to relize that the Devils is a projection of your own psyche but you have not grown wise enough to learn how to use your creativity constructively

Furthermore to those who want to understand themselves...

Nature of the Personal Reality...

You will accept a suggestion given by another only if it fits in with your own ideas about the nature of the reality in general, and your concepts about yourself in particular.
If you use your conscious mind properly, then, you examine those beliefs that comes to you. You do NOT accept them willy-nilly. If you use your conscious mind properly, you are also aware of intuitive ideas that comes to you from withinYou are only half conscious when you do not examine the information what comes to you from without, and when you ignore the data that comes to you from within.
Many false beliefs therefore are indiscriminately accepted because you have not examined them.

And last but not least.... word from who is Elias...

ELIAS: ‘‘I am what you are. I am the same as you. I am an energy personality essence, in like manner to yourself. You also are an energy personality essence, but you choose to be focusing your attention within the exploration of physical dimensions. I choose not, presently. I hold a remembrance and you have forgotten, and this is the difference, and beyond this, what I am is the same as what you are.

‘‘The only difference between me and you is that I remember who I am.’’ [session 50, October 30, 1995]

ELIAS: ‘‘There is no ‘method’ to be presented to other individuals. I have expressed many times within this forum, the point of these sessions, this interaction, is not to be creating a new religion, a new discipleship, new methods to be converting individuals to new belief systems. The point of this interaction is to be helpful to you to understand that you hold belief systems, that you may accept these belief systems and widen them, and widen your awareness. Also, that you may know your self, and trust your self, and listen to self; and in this, you shall be very instructional to all of those around you, and you shall be quite influencing within consciousness.’’

I don't know about you, but does't sound demonic intention to me....  Grin

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Harrry Hoose
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #5 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 3:01pm
This is in reply to Petrus on the subject of Seth.
For several years I was a member of a Seth Study Class In Ithaca N.Y.  This was not the ESP Class Sessions given weekly by Jane Roberts in Elmira, N.Y.
We used Cassette tapes of the Sessions, then discussed the material. Some members were from  Cornell Univ., and there were many questions about the accuracy of the material.  But we concluded the only way the data was not exactly as given by Seth was that Jane Roberts occasionally questioned in her own mind what she was receiving. However, even this lingering doubt only occurred at the beginning, the early sessions of her contact with Seth.
There are still a few Seth sites on the internet, one
is by Dale Main but I don't have the address available. 
As a group hearing the original Seth Material we never felt that it originated from any evil  spirit, but represented a true source of information by the entity Seth who was  a fragment of the same Higher Self as both Jane Roberts and her husband.
Seth often referred to past lives where they had a
close relationship.  I personally regard the Seth material as  one of the very best, if not the best source of metaphysical knowledge. I've been interested in this subject since the 1950s when I became a  member of the A. R. E.,  Edgar Cayces 
organization at Virginia Beach. I mentiion this to show that when I became a member of the Seth Study Group I already had a reasonably good background to judge the Seth Material. And, oh yes, Happy New Year.   Harry
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #6 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 3:21pm
Harry, WOW.... I can say that I'm not envious person, but I sure do envy those who had opporturnity to meet, that remarkable individual Jane and Seth....   Smiley

Fortunately now Seth "student" Elias  is available to those who drawn themselves to self-knowledge and understanding......

The most extensive Seth site in my pov is

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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #7 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 4:13pm
Hey Harry and Dora,
First of all I wasn't necessarily drawing a concrete conclusion in my own mind that this material *was* demonic...I didn't know enough to do that anywayz.  It was more along the lines of "Could this be?" not that it definitely was.  Channelling is something I've tended to avoid in the past, but some of the material I've been reading on in particular demanded that I take another look at it.  It also seems that I've been reading rather a large amount of channelled material in general lately, as well...and it's something I want to get to the point of feeling comfortable about if it's going to be a source of at least some information about things...which means looking at how I've seen it in the past and working through existing beliefs/analysing various possibilities, even when occasionally they aren't all that pleasant, admittedly.

I will also admit that from my own past metaphysical/theological perspective I have enormous difficulty with the concept of acorporeal beings that aren't aligned morally one way or the other, strictly speaking.  I know we've seen (certainly more recently) that strict dualism isn't always the most precise model of determining *human*'s just what I've been taught I guess.  The other thing that is enormously frustrating right now is a lack of certainty...I'm basically caught between two extremely disparate theological/metaphysical/cosmological models right now. (fundamentalist Christianity on the one hand, and Bruce's model, with some deviations of my own, on the other, essentially)

I am at the point of leaving a lot of extraneous elements of Christianity behind, because I was able to see over an extended period that they weren't helping me or a lot of other people around me...I know that once I can get rid of the idea that my *self-preservation* depends on what it is that I believe...and that I'm not going to be destroyed either way, that it will then become a lot easier for me.

If Bruce is reading this, I also don't want him to be afraid of the idea that someone's swallowed his philosophy hook, line, and sinker and now see him as a guru either.  I haven't...I keep in mind what he talks about on the front page of the site in terms of not wanting that.  But I will admit that *certain* elements of the model of astral space that he/Bob Monroe espouse *have* filled in certain gaps in my own...things that were mildly bothering me for years actually, because I couldn't figure out how they fit in relation to everything else.

I also certainly don't have any issue with any philosophy that advocates self-responsibility...Lack of that was probably the single core problem I experienced among the Christians I used to associate with.  Everything in their minds was caused by a force external to themselves...they didn't take responsibility for anything...and so because they didn't take responsibility for the causes of their problems, they weren't able to take responsiblity for the solutions either.

I'm also aware that at times I've probably sounded like the stereotypical cult terms of the sort of person who just "wants to believe" in something.  It's not actually that at all though...for about six months before I found this site, I went through a period of at least wanting to be a reasonably hard core atheist, although it didn't really work out because I've always known about more than that...and think I've experienced more than that.  One of the things Christianity has a tendency to drill into a person though is the concept that literally the continuation of your existence in any sense depends directly upon that person's theological/metaphysical model, and so a very strong desire develops to make as certain as possible that you have reliable information.  It's also just my own personality...I've been reading about parapsychology/UFOlogy in particular from a fairly young age, because for as long as I can remember (before I got into Pentecostal Christianity, at least) I have had a fundamental desire to discover the truth about the nature of reality.  Given the sorts of comments I made in the parent post of this thread, that probably sounds highly inconsistent...but Christian fundamentalism instilled a very large amount of fear in me, and basically also indoctrinated/reinforced the concept that discarnate beings in particular only fall into two groups.  I know that once I have worked through that idea, and a few others, accepting information from a much more varied range of sources will become much easier for me than it has been in the past.
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Harrry Hoose
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #8 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 4:30pm
Hello Dora,
Thanks for the Seth internet site info. Many of the original Seth sites were aventually abandoned and
I only knew of two that were still operating.
I want to clear up a possible miss-interpretation of
my knowledge of Jane and Rob,
Our leader in Ithaca, N.Y. was  Steve Blumenthal, a member with his wife, Tracy, of Jane Robert's ESP Class in Elmira. That is how he was able to obtain all the Seth tape recordings that we used for the Ithaca class.
Steve and Tracy had moved to Ithaca just to be able to join Jane's classes. So, most of our info about Jane and Rob and what was happening in Elmira was from Steve. It was very difficult for any non-member to attend the Seth class in Elmira, that is once it was established.  Steve tried to have all of us visit the Elmira group but never had much luck.  However, because of the close association of Steve and Tracy with Jane, we had an almost weekly review of the class activities. Thanks Dora for your interest and reply.  Happy New Year, Harry
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #9 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 4:57pm
Thanks for clarify it, of course that doesn't make the informations less.... Cheesy

There is nothing to thank for ..... as I  experessed before - all beliefs are valid and true to us - but we resonate material according to our awareness....

For me, Seth/Elias is the closest...
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #10 - Jan 23rd, 2005 at 5:43pm
Harry, WOW.... I can say that I'm not envious person, but I sure do envy those who had opporturnity to meet, that remarkable individual Jane and Seth....   Smiley

Fortunately now Seth "student" Elias  is available to those who drawn themselves to self-knowledge and understanding......

The most extensive Seth site in my pov is

Isn't it really unfair and inaccurate to Seth, Jane and Rob to call Seth a teacher of Elias??
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Re: Seth/Channelled entities
Reply #11 - Jan 23rd, 2005 at 10:46pm
Isn't it really unfair and inaccurate to Seth, Jane and Rob to call Seth a teacher of Elias??

Obviously you're not familiar with Elias material,
that is why you  asking the question....So I would say that the question is unfair....

The information is availabe from Elias himself or for free @

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