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Odd OBE in a Hotel Room (Read 1955 times)
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Odd OBE in a Hotel Room
Mar 31st, 2004 at 12:41am
Hello all.  This weekend I attended a seminar in Ashland, Oregon.  I woke up Saturday morning in the wee hours of the morning and watched some television.  Then I tried to go back to sleep.  I intended to wake up around 7:30 a.m.  The seminar began at 9:00 a.m. and I was concerned about oversleeping.

I feel asleep almost immediately.  The next thing I jumped in with a start and turned over to look at the clock.  It read 8:48 a.m.  In a panic, I leapt from the bed and ran toward the bathroom.  I looked back at the clock just to make sure I’d seen it right.  It indeed said 8:48 a.m.  Then I noticed the room was still very dark.  I moved closer toward the clock for a better look just to make sure.  The next thing I knew everything went black and I was back in bed opening my eyes.  I turned over to look at the clock.  It read 6:20 a.m.

I immediately realized I’d been out of body.  But I wondered about the difference in the time on the clock.  My guess is that my concern about oversleeping had something to do with the non-physical clock reading the wrong time.  It probably also had something to do with the OBE itself.  Because I was worried about oversleeping, maybe I somehow held my consciousness in a way that kept me from going into a deep sleep, and I went astral instead.  I’m sure my chakras and energy were already fired up from the previous day’s meditations so that contributed as well.

What made me think it was an OBE rather than a lucid dream was that I felt wide awake when it happened, not the usual "gauze over the face" feeling I have from dreams.  Also the room looked exactly the same way, except for the difference in time readings.

It's not the first time I've had a local OBE where there was an element out of place in the room I was in, although it's the first conscious OBE I remember having in a place other than my own bedroom.

Anyway, thought I'd share.

P.S.:  Gordon, it was great hearing your voice on the radio and talking to you.  I don't know what possessed me to call you while you were on the air but I'm glad I did it.  Boy, I was nervous as hell!!  Btw, I had no problem downloading the software to listen to the radio station. 
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 236
Gender: male
Re: Odd OBE in a Hotel Room
Reply #1 - Mar 31st, 2004 at 7:30pm
You said that you read the clock, but also you said that the room
was dark. Did you turn on the light? Or could you see with whatever
light was there?

I can't seem to find out whether anyone can turn on the light while
they are OB. And if so, what light are they turning on. A real one,
or a replica light? One person said he got up in the night, OB, and
want to the bathroom. From there, he looked in the mirror and saw
his body lying on the bed. I asked on line about the light but he
did not seem to understand what I was asking. What I want to know,
is can you manipulate anything? The ordinary assumption would be
that you can't. Otherwise how could you move through a window or
door? Seemingly you would have to materialize a part of your body,
the way a ghost rarely materializes, to flip the switch.

I have had my light switches turned on or off by unseen forces, so
I know that such things are real. There was no mistake, I checked
very carefully.

Or maybe you are flipping a replica switch, to light a replica
room. This is confusing. I am trying to map that area.

One person on Astral Pulse said that he turned the monitor off,
leaving the computer on, something he sometimes does. Then he woke
up OB and used the computer. Then in the morning he found the
monitor on. But then, he could not remember for sure whether he had
turned the monitor off. Has anyone used the computer while OB?

Incidentally, when Gordon was to be on, I had made up my mind that
I would no longer get up at night to listen, after years of that
on coast to coast AM, and then not being able to sleep late the
next morning, even though I do not have to go to work until later.
But I woke up that morning at precisely 2 AM with a bang. So I guess
we get programmed somehow.

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Re: Odd OBE in a Hotel Room
Reply #2 - Mar 31st, 2004 at 8:51pm

I didn't turn on the light.  However, the clock was digital with a light so you could see it in the dark.

What got me was that the room looked exactly the same in the OBE as in the physical -- with that one difference of the time on the clock.

Re: manifesting body parts:  I've had a couple of OBEs where I looked down and realized I didn't have any feet.  I then materialized a pair even though I had no trouble moving around without them.  Guess I just felt uncomfortable not seeing that familiar body body part.  It's funny when I think of it now, but at the time it was like "Omigod, where are my feet!"  And now that I think about it, I didn't even bother to check and see if the rest of me was there or not.  Strange.

I've also had OBE's where the room was much brighter than in the physical, as if the lights were on.  These was one incidence where I remember this brightness being there as soon as I separated from my body.  Why the light was that way, I can't explain.  I also didn't check the ceiling to see if the light was really on or not.  At the time I was preoccupied with my physical body, which I could see and actually touch without getting pulled back in, something unusual for me during an OBE.

I'd like to hear more about your experiences with your lights being turned on and off.  I once had a friend whose appliances, particularly her CD player, would turn on and off by themselves.  She came to the conclusion that it was coming from her, that she'd changed her energy so much (she'd just graduated from the Barbara Brennan healing school) it was affecting everything electronic in her apartment.

Maybe for a cool experiment, next time I'm OBE I'll try and see if I can turn something on or off.

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gordon phinn
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Re: Odd OBE in a Hotel Room
Reply #3 - Apr 1st, 2004 at 10:01am
: Jeff, hi there!  don't know what I can add to this that you won't already know.  Many obe artists have pondered on why some room details are different when obe and some not, without ever coming up with a definitive answer. Obviously astral matter responds immediately to thought, but also to expectation.  Maybe it's subconscious expectation which changes details, and if that is the case, then why not subconscious humour and creativity?   For years I've had the feeling that "astral me" loves to play tricks on "physical me".  We're all tricksters at heart.

cheers, gordon

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