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continuation of Sleeping Soldier story (Read 1319 times)
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continuation of Sleeping Soldier story
Feb 28th, 2004 at 4:00pm

     Hello All, I posted a story jan 18 th on here, ( you may want to scroll down and read ) about the sleeping soldier which Bruce helped me to awake in spirit. It seems this young man is very much active in spirit world as he revealed to me today in a reading with his young widow. Here is what happened today

      Apparently spirit world is not through with me connecting with Justin not just yet anyway,,. Justin ( Sleeping soldier) is very active on spirit side now  and nudged his very young ( they were practically newlyweds) wife to visit me today. Amanda had some reservations about all this and I could sense her fear when she sat down today in my office. I quickly told her I worked in a similar fashion in connecting as John Edward does and its nothing mystic or scary, she said she saw John's show  once on cable. First amanda's grandfather came through with a quick hello, then I felt a young man standing in the room, he gave me pictures, words etc in a  rapid like fashion and flashed me scenes of the home where amanda now lives along with their baby boy. Justin revealed to me that amanda was holding onto the disappointment that happened frequently in their short time together and I felt that this was the main reason for her coming today to get past that. He gave me lots and lots of details about things that gave her validation that it was from him, little silly things that only he and she shared. He gave me the words magic mountain, which she said was a trip that she and he had wanted to take this summer together, well I think he wants  you to still go,, She relayed that she recently had phoned a aunt who lived near disney world and they had chatted about her visiting this summer, but she was feeling guilty about doing it.  One little bit of information that seemed really important to her  was when he showed me large orange butterflies ,  and showed me a clip from a  old 70's Goldie Hawn Movie and I heard the words in my head,, Butterflies are free and so are We. She said that right after the funeral, large orange butterflies surrounded her. He mentioned that recently she found a pair of his shoes , and she said she had  found them yesterday.,  he wanted  her to start wearing a coat when outside as she never takes the time to put one on, yes there were lots and lots of little silly but significant details . But the main reason spirit sent her , was that I felt  she was holding onto this feeling that life is nothing but a disappointment, and that Justin especially had disappointed her in not being around while  they were married for birthdays and  special days etc. so  Justin brought up this past Valentine's day and mentioned something that had happened that day to her that drew her attention to him and the fact that she had never had a Valentine day with him, it was something she had found in the closet that day and this little tiny silly detail made her realize that he is still around her and still loves and cares and wants her to get on with life to experience new adventures that await her and his son. It was by no accident  either that Amanda got a house recently right behind Justin's mother's house, amanda had found a house earlier far away from her mother in laws home, but the week that she was to sign the closing papers, her mother in law ran into the neighbor who lived behind her and he asked her if she knew anyone who wanted to buy his house a better house for less money too than the one she found earlier. Justin had a hand in that, amanda's mother in law is a loving, caring woman who will help raise Justin's son and help amanda in many ways. Forgot to mention that Justin showed me a sandbox with his son playing in it, I relayed that to amanda and apparently Justin's mom wanted to give her grandson justin's old sandbox, but Amanda was afraid  the child  might eat the sand,, Justin is telling me that this child will adore the sandbox and it will be ok. I felt Amanda left today with closure and she felt lighter in a sense towards life in general. I wish you all well, love linn
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Bruce Moen Bruce Moen
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Service Here and Service There
Reply #1 - Mar 1st, 2004 at 7:28am

Your continued follow up with this deceased young man There, and his family members remaining Here, is perfect fulfillment of a retrieval teacher's dream.

Robert Monroe's Lifeline program, at the Monroe Institute, was developed as one of Service Here and Service There.  Monroe's program taught me the Art of Retrieval, and the system I teach is my attempt to spread it to a wider audience.

  Who knows how long this young man would have been stuck were not for your contact, communication with him, and retrieval.  Service There.  Relaying to his family members your communication with him since his retrieval in a way that helps them verify his continuing existence, Service Here.

Thank you for continuing to share your experiences with us.  Some who read them will be encouraged to begin learning the Art of Retrieval.  What better way to continue the spread of Afterlife Knowledge?


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