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Trapped spirits (Read 1940 times)
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Trapped spirits
Feb 21st, 2004 at 3:30am
How do you tell a spirit that they have died? Especially when they don't know that they have died because they didn't 'see' their death. For whatever reason... This spirit is able to manipulate the physical by sounds, smells, touching, turning electronics off and on... She responds well to people she is comfortable. You can FEEL her when she stands next to you, and you don't have to be psychic! So, how do you tell her? It didn't work when we tried to tell her point blank. She seemed to communicated confusion. Any hints? Thanks.
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Bruce Moen
Ex Member

Re: Trapped spirits
Reply #1 - Feb 21st, 2004 at 9:41am

>> It didn't work when we tried to tell her point blank. She seemed to communicated confusion. Any hints? <<

In my experience the critical factor in retrieving any "spirit" is that they become aware of the Helpers on their side.  In most cases this is the only thing that is required.  It can be done as simply as telling the "spirit" there is someone you would like them to meet.  And then introduce the Helper to this person.

In some cases the "spirit" is so tangled up with interacting within physical reality that their retrieval can be a little more complicated.  In these cases it is sometimes necessary for the retriever to gain a clear understanding of why the "spirit" is stuck, and their reasons for staying where they are.

That your "point blank" attempt resulted in "confusion" makes me feel that she does not understand she has died.  Since you are able to communicate with her you might be able to use her curiosity to help her come to this realization.

  For example you might ask her if she has noticed some unusual things happening, like that she is able to walk through walls.  Or that she can travel from place to place without walking or driving.  I feel it is important that if you use this approach, you tell her that if she does not understand how these things are possible, there is someone close by her who can explain it.  And, that you explain to her this person who is nearby might at first look like a light.  That she look around before that light.  That this person who can explain these things is within that light.  And that if she looks into that light she will see that person.

Keep us posted on what happens.

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Re: Trapped spirits
Reply #2 - Feb 21st, 2004 at 4:22pm
: Keep us posted on what happens.

: Bruce

>>>> I will thanks.
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