Ex Member
I was sitting on the floor in my living room wrapping christmas presents, my back was beginning to feel the time spent bending over, but I had my mother- in- law's gift yet to wrap. As I placed it into the box I thought just one parents gift to wrap for my husband, my father in law had passed on to the other side over a year ago. Just then I felt my left cheek and ear get hot , the usual sign for me that a spirit is around me. I asked who it was and heard J. John being my father in laws name. I said , hope your wife likes this and started chatting a bit to him. He flashed me scenes from previous happy christmases with all of us in this room where I was wrapping, he also put the thought into my head that he would be joining us this christmas as well. I Felt his spirit around me as I continued to wrap the gift, he sent me a warm cozy like most of them do. Spirits who have crossed to the other side are only a thought away from us and if we allow our senses to sense and allow ourselves to unblock mental barriers we are then able to continue to communicate with them. I wish you all well,,,love linn