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My First Experiences!! - using what Bruce said in (Read 203656 times)
Paul Hughes
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My uncle died - I had a dream
Reply #75 - May 18th, 2003 at 1:19pm
My Uncle died a couple of days ago of cancer he was only 42, the next night i had a dream he came to me he diddnt look ill anymore, he gave me a cuddle and told me he loved me, he loved all of us and not to worry, i said "does it hurt where you are" he said "no its peaceful here im with brenda" thats his sister.  Ive been told that people who die sometimes say goodbye in your dreams, in your experiences is this true please i would like your opinion.
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Bruce Moen
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Re: My uncle died - I had a dream
Reply #76 - May 20th, 2003 at 7:28am

  In my opinion dreams are the most common form of real contact with the deceased.  They may do more than just say good-bye, they may continue contact as a way of helping us learn that they really continue to exist and help us learn to explore There.


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Lucid Dreams vs. OOBE vs. Focused Attention
Reply #77 - May 14th, 2003 at 12:03pm
Hi everyone!

I've been reading up and thinking about Lucid Dreaming, OBEs and Bruce's technique for exploring the Afterlife.  Although it seems that some authors seem to feel that Lucid Dreams and OOBEs are completely different experiences - it seems to me that they are all simply different ways of going to, or experiencing the SAME NON-PHYSICAL PLACES (i.e. Focus Levels).

For example, if I can be lucid while dreaming (which means that I'm somewhere in Focus 22/23), then I should be able to move from there and do retrievals just as I would using Bruce's method.  HAVE ANY OF YOU DONE THIS?

If I am NOT lucid while dreaming, then I am temporarily in a state similar to someone that needs to be retrieved.  In other words, I'm sitting in Focus Level 22/23, by myself, semi-conscious, and existing in a reality of my own creation (i.e. a dream).

Something similar would apply to OOBEs -  these are just Lucid Dreams that take place closer to C1 (say Focus 15).

And in all these cases, I am simply focusing my attention away from my body and towards other Focus levels (which is what we do when using Bruce's technique).  The difference with his technique being that I am not fully "immersing" myself in the Focus level I am going to.  That is, unless I get really good at using it (like Bruce and some of you obviously are).

Does this make sense to anybody?  I guess I'm trying to create a conceptual framework in my mind that can encapsulate all these different ways of experiencing the non-physical universe.

Thanks, Armando

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Pamela Burke
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TMI - Gateway Experience Program
Reply #78 - May 12th, 2003 at 6:48am
Would those of you who have been using the Hemi-sync Gateway Programs be so kind to share with me your preference of Audio Tapes vs. CDs?   

I've found some programs more practical to use on tape as there is lecture on side 1 and meditation on side 2; making both easier and quicker to access.   Whereas, Cds seem better quality, it's hard to locate a meditation if it starts in the middle of a Cd.  In fact on some of the ones I use, I have to listen to the whole Cd to get to the guided meditation in the middle, which is inconvenient.

After reading this board for over a year, I finally picked up Journey's Out of the Body, and had my 1st OBE while simply reading it.  Subsequently, I've experienced 4 other OBEs during meditation, each one as startling as the next.  I have yet to "see" anything but blackness, but the sense of speed and travel was phenomenal.  During one OBE I could hear a cacophony of voices, as though thousands of people were conversing simultaneously, and amidst it all was one voice clearly and repeatedly calling my name.  This has been the most profound event of my life.

It's such a relief to have a safe place to share these experiences...where one isn't instantly referred to the medical community for treatment or damned to a hell by religious dogma.

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Gender: female
Robin in F23
Reply #79 - May 11th, 2003 at 11:17am

Hi everyone,

After spending some time relaxing in the 3D blackness, enjoying being lazy about where I wanted to go, I then decided to help in a retrieval and perceived a female presence (a Helper) immediately approach from my far right and stop just to my left. I could feel that she was calm and ready to get down to business, so as I briefly tossed to her the 'okay' for us to get going I was then perceiving the two of us moving quite the left, down and then straight ahead. I never felt any motion, just understood we were zipping along as if on a rollercoaster.

We stopped in a dark place and for a second I saw the back of a short man standing several feet away. The Helper got my attention by moving her hands near her face, communicating something to me. At first I thought she was indicating the man was blind as she pointed her right index finger toward her eyes, but I then felt I was somehow not perceiving correctly, so I shut my nonphysical sight down, remained calm and placed the intent to open up to all perception of nonphysical origin.

It was as if someone turned a light on as I could then perceive the man standing on a sidewalk or some kind of walkway, in a state of agitation. I was still standing behind him as he continued hurriedly looking around and it felt he was waiting for someone. I then got the information that he was actually a child and I moved my attention to the Helper and said, huh? Two more words followed, "Downes Syndrome", and I then understood.

I moved closer to him and as I said 'hello there' I made sure the greeting was couched in a feeling of warm love. He spun around and was instantly experiencing a dual emotional situation: he wanted so much to have contact with someone, anyone, and yet he was afraid of strangers. He was quite short, heavy-set, with a head larger than usual and what I had initially assumed was baldness was a close-cropped haircut...blond-brown hair shaved close to his scalp. I told him my name and asked his and got back, "Robin". I knelt down in front of him and remarked what a neat name that was. He nodded, agreeing with me that it was a good name, it was his name. He seemed confused, lost and terribly lonely. He just stared at me as he kept nervously playing with his fingers. I asked if he was waiting for someone and he nodded again. I then got from the Helper that his father's name had been Ed. I could feel from Robin that although he was dying to hug me, he was determined to wait for Dad, so I casually said, "Oh I know your father. You can go with me now if you want. You don't want to be here anymore, Robin. It's too lonely here." I then just knew that he liked riding piggyback so I turned and encouraged him to leave with me. He climbed onto my back and the three of us were then moving away from F23.

We arrived at what felt like an outdoor scene with buildings nearby, in F27, and as Robin was carefully greeted by others I asked the Helper for more information on him. What I got was that he had been born to parents who had felt, due to their religious beliefs, that Robin's Downe's Syndrome had been some form of punishment on them. His mother had never been able to accept him for who and what he was and had felt a toxic kind of shame, embarrassment and had spoken often of God's punishment and hell. His father had been more understanding of Robin but had not dealt with the mother's anger and fears which dominated the family. Apparently Robin had heard a great deal about 'hell' and 'punishment' but had never been able to really conceptualize it all. I thought about the idea that Robin had been so utterly dependent on what his parents had believed about him and said it was good he had not ended up in that 'hell'. She said his father's benign nature had somehow cancelled out his mother's determined beliefs, leaving Robin in a confused no-man's-land when he left the physical. Robin also didn't have it in his nature to ever be attracted to any kind of hell. When I asked the Helper how Robin had died she communicated, 'a heart attack'. I then understood he had been a teenager when this happened and as I was about to say that seemed highly unusual I got that at birth a number of psychical problems had accompanied his syndrome, one being a heart problem. I then asked her if his father was in the area and she hesitated...finally saying not at this time. I had the feeling Ed was somewhere else in the afterlife dealing with his own issues and that Robin would be just fine with the people he was now with. I accepted this, thanked her twice for being with me in a retrieval, and headed for my treehouse in F27.

Much love,


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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Verified contacts # 6 & #7 !!
Reply #80 - May 9th, 2003 at 10:58pm
I got other 2 verified contacts this week, both were relatives of the same person, Mrs Carla.
She lost her Mom one year ago and, three months ago, also her Aunt Virginia.
I saw her mother in Dad's Clinic, he told me that this Spirit was in "High Places" and called her. She appeared into the surgery as a Spirit of pure golden light and didn't speak (non verbal communication) as well as my dad does. She only showed me a trembling hand (ther right one) and a glass of champaign, linked to a "joyful time". Carla phoned me saying I was right: her mother crossed over after a long fight against Parkinson's disease (right arm and leg) and the "nice memory" was linked to a short vacation they had together before she became ill, in a vacation village where they used to have parties every night!
Yesterday Carla asked for another contact with her Aunt Virginia, who crossed over 3 months ago.
This time I saw all of a sudden  a female face , instead of finding myself in Dad's Hospital (he told me its name, Villa del Sorriso), she was about 30 y.o., red-blonde-crop hair, dressing black sunglasses. She took away her sunglasses and told me:"Here  I don't need them anymore".
The scene enlarged on a hilly country place, grass and grapevines everywhere, it looked like Tuscany, where Chianti is yielded.  A tiny fog floated on the air, but it wasn't so dark, only a little foggy.
Carla phoned to tell me that I had met the right person: her Aunt used to wear sunglasses being her eyes unable to bear strong lights, she lived in a hilly country zone and, during her youth, her hair were exactly as I had seen them during the contact!
She didn't need a retrieval, but  looked a little sad, may be I must go back to check  again on her.
Much L,L&S

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spirit friends around us
Reply #81 - May 9th, 2003 at 1:22pm

       Looked at my calendar today, mammogram scheduled there, Yuk! I should of had this done two years ago and for a couple of minutes thought about canceling out.  For you males out there this is no picnic. Your breasts are sandwiched between two paddles of glass then squeezed in a vice like grip, till you scream "mommy"! I asked Sky my spirit helper, guide, friend whatever I want to refer to him as, to be with me while I got this done.It can be very nerve wracking till they give you the verdict. While sitting in the tiny room in my gown along with other females awaiting my turn I asked Sky to stand in front of me not in his usual position which is to stand behind me when I call for him.  I dont think this old Indian male friend of mine  ever sits, so far  I have never seen him sit, and as for being an Indian, well that is what I perceive him as along with being Old and weather beaten. ( wondering why they dont send younger ones).Long ago I asked him his name , I remember it being three parts but he said, just call me sky. Today I wanted to see his face when I asked him, will it be ok this exam?, his arms folded and me sensing he would rather be some place else than in this room of apprehensive females he shook his head yes, and I  heard, quit being such a scaredy cat.   I Had the exam and the its okay verdict, looked around for Sky to thank him for coming in there, but apparently he left, as I walked to the parking lot,  I heard in my head,, Your welcome. Its nice to know that none of us are ever alone , no matter what we do or where we go. xxlinn
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Reply #82 - May 9th, 2003 at 1:05am
Hi everyone!

After a long break from exploring.....LOL....I'm back...anyway yesterday I decided to explore again, with intent to meet Ajtosh and perhaps doing a retrieval.

After my preparatory 3x3x3 process, I was in the 3D, went to my place and sure there was Ajtosh as waiting for me....LOL, I told him how glad I was to see him again after such a long time, he said....'LOL...not for me, here we don't have the chronological time as you experience on Earth'....we laugh about that...then I said that I was eager for some perhaps a retrieval, he said OK lets go.

I felt the typical *fast inner* movement, and suddenly he your perceptions, oh boy...what I *felt* was dizziness....I told him that I was feeling like *vertigo*, then I realized that I was on the top of a bridge on water and a woman in her middle 20s was ready to jump, then I got the *imp* that she had committed suicide and was repeating the same scene over and over, every time after she jumped......she found herself again on the top of the bridge with no memory that she had already jumped. I asked Ajtosh if my *imp* was correct, he said yes...that her emotional state in the moment before she jumped was what prevailed in her, she wanted to end her life but at the same time she was scared of death, then she was unable of facing the moment of death.

I approached her and she said,...'who are you? go away', I said...'I just want to help you and talk to you', she said.....'no one can help me, no one cares about me, I just want to end all this, I have nothing to live for', then I told her.....'I care about you and you have yourself, whatever you do...jumping or not jumping, you never will loose yourself'.
She seemed to be listening, then I said...'how long have you been there on top of this bridge, thinking to jump?, she said.....'I'm not sure...I just know that I want to die but I'm scared', then I said.....'what if I tell you that you have already jumped, try to imagine that, just think that you already did it, just look at me, I'm here with you.....and you are still alive and I assure you that you have already jumped....there is nothing to be scared of'.
To her amaze, all the scene of the bridge disappeared, apparently our conversation diverted her focus from the emotional state in which she was 'stuck', and she said.....'oh my god, you are right'......she was so happy that she was still very much alive, then I saw people approaching us and she became very excited, as recognizing them, then she said....'oh, there is my father'.....and she run toward him.

After that, I knew she was going to be OK, after they faded away...I said to Ajtosh...'oh, I forgot to ask her name', then he told me that her name was Margaret Trent, she killed herself in one of the bridges in Seattle, Bellevy? (my understanding) and her death was in 1958. I said thanks to Ajtosh and came back to C1.

After the experience, as always I tried to verify the information, not being familiar with the area of Seattle. I found that there is an area in Seattle which name is Bellevue, and two bridges connects this area with the downtown of Seattle.

Thanks for listening.


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"Furry Visitor"
Reply #83 - May 6th, 2003 at 11:25am
       I am staying here in Az helping my husband  while he puts on his financial workshops. He is holding them at the hotel where we are staying. This morning sitting in the conference room during the workshop I was startled to see a large furry orange haired cat walking around the chair in front of me. For a second I thought a cat had gotten in from outside, then quickly realized it was a spirit cat, visiting the man who sat in the chair in front of me. The cat quickly left my vision. I was tempted to ask the man if his cat recently died, but held my tongue. I chuckle at how our pets also visit us , probably as much as our loved ones do, I imagine this man thought about his cat this morning and this encouraged the cat to visit him. Even to follow him to this workshop.  All of are connected to each other, and always will be so , love does that even with our pets. xxxlinn
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Bruce in Italy? To all Italians who post here
Reply #84 - May 6th, 2003 at 2:03am
Dr. Velardi and Dr. Cutolo invited Bruce to their Congresses (Dec.03 and March 04) so I'd like to know how many Italians know this Website, would you please reply to this post if you're from Italy?
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Touching Souls
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A Contact and a Verification
Reply #85 - May 4th, 2003 at 3:44pm
A few weeks ago Marilyn Baker posted on this board that her husband Virgil had passed over on March 16. I wrote that this was so synchronistic for me as my name is Marilyn, my husband was Virgil and he had passed over 16 years ago March 1 so I felt that he was nudging her to post here so that I'd read it and contact her Virgil.

After writing to her I tried contacting him but didn't get anywhere.  Two days ago I tried again and contacted him in the Park in focus 27. My husband was there also.
While my husband was holding me from behind, Marilyn's husband was holding my hands and telling me to tell her that he loves her very much, misses her and that she should remarry if the situation arises and that he will be waiting for her when she crosses over. He also said he was contacting her in her dreams.

I wrote to Marilyn and relayed all this but was hesitant about the remarrying part since it has been such a short time since he crossed over. I didn't need to worry.  Here is her reply to me:

what a joy to hear from you! what is the 'park' and focus 27? could I meet him there? I am so glad you talked with your virgil,what a blessing. I am glad virgil said it ok was to remarry. we never could discuss it when he was here. I am lonely very lonely. I met a man in canada that carries over messages also. it was 3 night ago when virgil came to him. He told him the very same thing so it must be important to virgil that I know. he promised no matter what he would be waiting  for me.That is just about my only reason to go on. my friend in canada said virgil was happy but sad he was without me. thank you so much marilyn.

Needless to say, this made my day as far as verification goes. Oh, by the way, both Virgil's died of congestive heart failure and yes, my husband did tell me that he set this up from the other side. Wink

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gordon phinn
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Turkish Earthquake Retrieval (May 1)
Reply #86 - May 1st, 2003 at 3:34pm
while at library this morning at about 10:45 read on Yahoo about turkish earthquake and collapsed school dorm.  Misread numbers somehow and thought 100 or so perished.  Thought I would get a retrieval chance that afternoon at swimming pool.  At about 1:30 in hot tub got focused and expressed intention to move to Turkey.  In collapsed building...dusty dark mess.  I seem to be poking through,like a tiny light beam, holes and cracks between large chunks of concrete.  (How I got to be that small is just one more mystery in the giant mystery of retrievals, and how "me there" can do things "me here" thinks are miraculous.)  Hear child's fearful voice, zoom in on it.  With spirit of whimpering child. 
Suddenly remember Bruce's "seeing it not there" technique, used first, I believe, way back in the Oklahoma City bombing retrieval (first book).  Suddenly the building was complete and whole, and children came running towards me(I think I called out).
Amazed that it worked so quickly and well, and of course my interpreter was more than a little leery.  Group of children around me of various sizes and age, me thinking 'that's not nearly everyone', and feeling a bit like the angel they obviously think I am, and wondering how the heck Turks can understand me (course you always think this with foreign retrievals).
Spread circle of energy around group (imagining a protective light) and move levels to some sort of, almost like a refugee camp, someone comes out to meet us and they all run off squealing and shouting, like kids at recess.  I wave goodbye to the couple that turn and look, and then back in my meditating body.
All very quick and easy, to be honest.  Sometimes I wish it would be more of a struggle so it would seem more real.
Tonight, about 6:30, reading on Yahoo that only about 15 children between 7 and 16 were killed, the 100 figure was the whole area.  About 15 was the number I sensed around me at the time, thinking that there should be about 100, so there's a tiny bit of confirmation...a rare thing for me let me tell you.

New posters should know that several of us have done disaster retrievals before; last one I recall was that Afganistan earthquake about a year ago.

cheers for now: gordon
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Spirit world at work
Reply #87 - Apr 30th, 2003 at 3:58pm
        Hello . I have been here in Arizona for a couple of days now, and spirit it seems has been busy setting up the stage and the events. Right before I left to come here to assist my husband in his business, Bob Mckelvey who frequents this board, said he felt it was a spirit intervention at work here. My husband was meeting two males who wanted to be shown how to properly put on financial workshops. One male was flying in from Chicago and the other named Jeff lives here. Jeff and his wife took us out to dinner, he brought up the fact that he heard I had psychic abilites, well I said, I do connect with loved ones in spirit from time to time. He said that in the last few weeks or so he felt his father in spirit around him , just as he said that his dad came through and let him know he has indeed been around him and is ok ( that was the big thing Jeff was worried about, that his dad made it safely to the afterlife)  Jeff's dad said that their baby sees him easily and that jeff's dad plays with him. Jeff and his wife said that is exactly what happens sometimes at home, the baby acts like someone is playing with him and will look in a particualr direction., laughing  loudly and waving his arms at something. He also mentioned he would be at this baby's first birthday coming up shortly and the baby would be receiving a toy truck. They went home made a phone call to the grandmother and found out she had indeed bought a toy truck to bring to the birthday.  The other male from Chicago who's name is Tony brought his lovely young college student daughter with him . I met her found her very sweet and always smiling, but sensed a deep sadness about her. I found out she had been in a car accident 8 wks ago, and a male college friend in the front seat with her was killed. Finding myself alone with her one evening I got her to talk a little about the accident, her parents being strict with her dating at all did not know she was in love with this young male, she was driving and there were four of them in the car, all three escaped real harm but the male she was in love with did not. She felt responsible for his death as well as losing the one she thought she would marry one day. Softly and gently he came around us, I heard tread lightly here, I repeated some of things that I heard mostly about the activites her friends and she are doing , like soccer ball etc. and about the cute little dog her girl friend ( who was in car at time of the accident)has. She started to smile at all of this, then he said, please let go of the saddness, I want you to let go of it for me. It was my time to leave. Then he said that he and she had been meeting in her dreams several times, her eyes really widened at that and she nodded her head yes that was true. I felt her agree to herself that yes, she was going to try to let go of the guilt and the great weight she had been carrying on her shoulders. Then an older lady appeared, very old and I described the woman to her, she did not recognise her, so I said ask your father if you get a chance and let me know. Later on that evening her father came to our suite to escort his daughter back to hers, and she described the female I saw to him. His eyes got a little wide and said that was my nanny that I had as a young boy. I  asked had he been thinking of her recently?  As a matter of fact I did today, she died a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, 
tony did not belive that we here can communicate with those in the afterlife, its not within his beliefs and he feels its Satan playing tricks . Then he went on to tell me how unhappy and frightened he is all the time, I responded with , perhaps you should stop giving so much power to Satan. With that he agreed that possibly is he doing just that. I do belive that all of these folks that I met here was not by accident. love linn
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(No subject)
Reply #88 - Dec 31st, 1969 at 8:00pm
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Pacific Island Retrievals with a New Guide
Reply #89 - Apr 26th, 2003 at 12:14pm
I got the sense I was to do a retrieval last Sunday.  After going through my morning routine, I finally settled down in the afternoon to do it.  I used Bruce's 3 x 3 x 3 preparation.  I wanted to try the 3-D blackness method but the room was too bright.  The afternoon sun shines directly into my bedroom where I was laying.  So I put a pillow over my eyes to see if I could recreate it.  I had some trouble filling up with PUL.

I heard what I thought was Jane Preston's voice coming through telling me to try Bruce's newer PUL method.  I was able to go out about 10 layers before I couldn't differentiate anymore.  The neighbor's child upstairs began running around.  I tried ending PUL.  Then I got the idea, probably planted, to use myself as a channel for Divine Will, a variation on an idea I got from a response Bruce had given recently to someone.  The noise either subsided or I was less bothered by it.

I heard and followed what I thought again to be Jane's voice until I reached a presence that was unfamiliar.  I "imp'd" either golden hair or a golden aura.  The entity was feminine and said her name was Sharrah (it took me a couple of tries to get her name).  She said -- or rather I got a feeling sense which translated into words -- that she'd be taking over as my main guide for retrievals.  Jane apparently would no longer be performing that function.

I felt my heart clench and almost lost the connection.  Jane and I have been working together since I did the Friday Harbor tapes last year.  She's worked with me on nearly every retrieval I've done.  To say I was sad was an understatement.  I've learned so much from her and have reached my current skill level because of her.

Sharrah's energy is very different.  As I'm typing this it occurs to me that she communicates more through "rotes" of information.  I can pick up most of what she's saying.  But the information comes in all at once and I feel like I can barely keep up with what she's saying.

Sharrah's next rote was that I'd see Jane from time to time, but wouldn't be working with her again in the same capacity.  But I will work more with the Professor, who Jane introduced to me last fall and with whom I've worked occasionally.  So I guess it's time to move up to my next level with the retrievals.

There was a part of me doubting this whole thing and I was tempted to break the connection and start over.  But another part of me knew that Sharrah's words were true.  I only wish I'd been able to say goodbye to Jane.  More than likely another part of me was aware of this change all along.  On what turned out to be our last outing together, Jane very carefully spoke to me about certain things I needed to do as far as my personal and spiritual growth.  She was very clear about it and also in relating how the things we talked about helped her in her previous life (as Jane Preston, by the way).

Thinking it all over after the retrieval, I came to the realization that Jane isn't really leaving me.  We're just making an adjustment in our relationship.

Before the retrieval, I'd gotten the imp that it would involve three elderly men.  Sharrah and I literally flew to an island in the Pacific.  The three men were Japanese soldiers who'd died on a Pacific Island during World War II.  They'd been fighting on this island and they apparently were killed by a surprise bombing at night.  In their minds they didn't realize they'd died.  I'm not sure about the details, but I got the impression they may have been asleep when the bomb that killed them went off.

I didn't really have much time to figure out what happened because I immediately appeared as a Japanese army officer in front of them.  I did know that in their minds the men thought the war was going on.  They were also aware to some degree of the passage of time because they'd aged.  Thinking the war was still going on after several decades, and that they were the sole survivors of their unit, they were still fighting hoping some day for reinforcements.

I came to announce that the war was over, they'd performed admirably in "holding the island" for their country and to bring them home with special honor (I kept using the word honor over and over again).  I even gave them medals for their bravely and how much honor they'd brought to their families and to their country.

Then I escorted them to a canoe (why not a small, engine-powered marine boat I don't know) which took them to a larger ship, the vehicle which would take them either to Focus 26 or 27.  I'm still not sure where they ended up.  As they were taken away in the canoe by helpers, I left that reality and spoke more with Sharrah.  Then the noise upstairs started again loudly and abruptly and it shocked me out of my trance.
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