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Why do we incarnate in this World (Read 3734 times)
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Why do we incarnate in this World
Dec 4th, 2022 at 1:41pm
Why do our Souls incarnate into places such as this World? Going by what I and other people have figured out, we choose to incarnate into this World for a very positive purpose. Out of Body explorer Robert Monroe wrote about this in his book “Far Journeys.” On page 248 he wrote (when speaking about why Souls incarnate in this World):

“By far the greatest motivation—surpassing the sum of all others—is the result. When you encounter and perceive a graduate, your goal is to be one yourself once you realize it is possible. And it is.

Thus we “go to physical” because of what it is—an intense learning process, a school of a very unusual sort. “

Christian Sundberg had a pre-birth experience where he remembered the process he went through before deciding to incarnate on the planet Earth.  As a Soul he chose to do so after he saw what an Earth graduate looks like. He met a being who had evolved in a very positive way, because it dealt with suffering in this World in a way that led to positive results.

In her book “The Burning Within” NDEr Ranelle Wallace wrote:

“The younger spirits, the ones who hadn’t been to earth, were then called away. They seemed younger only because they hadn’t gained the experiences of earth life yet. We all looked the same age, somewhere in our twenties. After they were gone, the rest of us spoke on a higher level, sharing things we could not share with the others. Life on earth does something to us. It strips away a naivete, an innocence, and infuses our eternal selves with maturity and wisdom.”

One night I went to bed feeling distressed about the problems that exist in this World. Suddenly I found myself in an expanse of space. I heard a voice say, “it’s a school, a way of learning, so don’t stress out.” Some people wonder, “what is there to learn?” They might also say that some sources say that all knowledge is already there.

It is true that some people including NDErs who have a really expansive experience connect to all knowledge, but that knowledge wasn’t there automatically. Source and we as extensions of Source (extensions that exist within Source) didn’t know everything automatically. We needed to go through some sort of learning process. Lifetimes in places such as the World we find ourselves in is just one of the ways in which we learn.

Everything that exists, both pleasant and not pleasant, comes from Source and us as extensions of Source. There is no other place manifestation could come from. In order to know what our creative and mind aspects of being are all about—the possibilities—we needed to go through various ways of learning.

Consider unconditional love. How could we fully understand and choose to embrace unconditional love as a way of being, if we didn’t understand what conditional love is about? The contrast a place such as this World includes, enables us to see what unconditional love is like, as opposed to conditional love. In order for unconditional love to become a part of our being, we have to choose it. Love can never be forced. Love and freedom go together. The contrast we experience while incarnated in a place such as this World provides us with the wisdom we need in order to choose unconditional love with open eyes and an open heart.

Consider compassion. If we want to obtain a way of being where we truly care for each other, then we need to understand about compassion. While incarnated in a place such as this World we can see what it is like when we are doing well and when we are not.  When we go through some sort of difficulty, we learn to have empathy for others. If we didn’t learn about having compassion, caring for each other, we would exist in a way where we are indifferent to how everyone is doing. The joy we experience in a love-based realm isn’t mindless joy, as if we are high on some drug. Rather, we feel joy partially because we obtained a state-of-being where we truly care for each other, and it is joyful to see that all of our fellow members of the Oneness are doing very well.

Consider respect for others. If we want to live according to a way of being where we fully and truly respect others, then we need to have a way where we can find out how important it is to respect others, and to be respected. By incarnating in this World and engaging in circumstances where we find out what it is like when respect prevails and when it doesn’t, we can clearly see that a respectful way is highly preferable, and choose such a way of being.

Consider humility. If we want to fully understand and choose to embrace humility as a way of being, then we need to understand about arrogance. Humility doesn’t mean abiding in a weak passive state as others walk all over us. Humility is about respecting others to an extent, where we couldn’t possibly consider ourselves to be more important than others. A way of being that includes humility would be absolutely essential, if the goal is to someday live according to a way of being where we are truly at one with each other and have mind-to-mind communication.

Consider gratitude. Gratitude has some relation to humility.  In order to have the ability to fully appreciate a wonderful way of being, we need to have some understanding of what it is like when we don’t experience a wonderful way of being. Our existence includes both the intellectual and emotional aspects of being. What we understand through thought, and what we feel. If we want to be able to fully appreciate a way of being that is quite preferable, then we need to have ability to understand that it is preferable. True fulfillment and wisdom go together.

Consider integrity and nobleness. These two attributes are related. They are wonderful qualities to live according to. They are embraced by a person, a being, after they are chosen. They are chosen after one has the wisdom to do so. Such qualities have a nature that is too positive to be forced upon a Soul. Life in this World provides us with opportunities to be noble and have integrity.  We get involved with situations that show us how important, valuable and beautiful integrity and nobleness are. Sometimes we understand this through our own experiences, and sometimes by the examples that other people provide. On some occasions we observe when either ourselves or someone else “doesn’t” act in a way that reflects integrity and nobleness, and we learn how not be through such an example.

We can also learn that selflessness is preferable over selfishness. We can see that beautiful results come into being when people are selfless, and unpleasant results when people are selfish. Related to this are occasions when people act in ways that are greedy and power hungry.

Similar things can be said about other positive attributes such as honesty, loyalty, fairness, harmony and peace. By experiencing what it is like to not have these attributes, and then experience their plentitude, we can clearly see that it is best to live according to them. On some occasions Souls need to go through a number of ordeals before they get the point.

The possibility of manifesting in either a positive or negative way exists within our being. If we want to develop the ability to use our mind and creative aspects of being in a positive way, to become masters of ourselves, we need a way to develop such ability. It is important to remember that we are just pretending to be body-based beings.  Compared to the eternal nature of our Souls, this game of pretend happens for only a short period of time. After we complete such a way of learning, we are able to exist according to goodness, rather than negative attributes. We will be able to do so with certainty, consistency and permanence, because we clearly understand the importance, value and beauty of doing so. Otherwise, we would never take control of the negative possibilities.

Another thing we learn while incarnated in places such as this World, is how to use our mind aspect of being with wisdom. We learn to use our discrimination. In the 1980s, for about seven years, I was involved with a Guru-based group that emphasized nondual teachings. Eventually I learned that the Guru I saw (and some other gurus I knew about), wasn’t as wise and beyond being wrong about spiritual matters as I believed. So, I left his group. I do not mind that I was with this group for several reasons 1) I meditated a lot while I was with his group and got used to tuning into my spirit self, 2) some of my fellow group members were good-hearted people with sincere spiritual aspirations, and it was good to hang out with them for a while,  and 3) going through the process of being involved with the group and eventually seeing its shortcomings, helped me develop my discrimination. Regarding this later point, if I could have been provided with the option of somebody setting me straight about the Guru and his group at say around year three of being with his group, I would say “No,” because I believe my discrimination received a better learning opportunity when I figured things out for myself.

There are many belief systems within this World. They represent what is true and what is false to varying degrees.  Nevertheless, we choose to get involved with such belief systems, because doing so provides us with an opportunity to develop our discrimination. For example, many people have become involved with some form of fundamentalist religion, eventually found their way out of such a belief system, and developed some spiritual muscle and discrimination. If they chose to not challenge themselves at all, they would’ve gained nothing.  Instead, they would’ve remained in a state of ignorance where they didn’t become master of their mind aspect of being.

It is true that some people cling to a false belief system their entire life, but this doesn’t mean that other Souls should be prevented from going through the learning opportunities life in this World provides. If the process of life in this World is going to have enough free will so the possibilities can be explored, then it has to be allowed that some failures take place. This is okay, because we also learn through our failures and mistakes. We often learn by observing the mistakes of others.  In a sense, mistake-makers are like teachers. Eventually their Souls will have an opportunity to get it right.  Perhaps, after they die, and during their life review, they will learn about the mistakes they made. They will explore their mistakes with great depth and honesty and become wiser. It is also possible, that a future self, which actually exists concurrently with their current lifetime, will be the time when their Soul has a focus of attention that gets it right and learns the desired lesson.

Consider a person who has the goal of becoming a concert pianist. If such a person quit the first time he played a note wrong, he wouldn’t accomplish much. If he stays devoted to the challenging task of becoming a concert pianist, he might accomplish his goal and be able to create beautiful music.
Don’t underestimate what our Souls are willing to go through as they try to become wiser. We are going to exist for all of eternity. If we want to eventually have the most wonderful, beautiful and fulfilling way of being possible, then we need to be willing to go through some growing pains. People get to enjoy the view from the top of Mount Everest, because they are willing to make the climb. Others can only theorize about the matter. Experience matters.

Remember, each of us isn’t going to have incarnate numerous times. Rather, a Soul’s focuses of attention share their knowledge and experience with each other. And Souls share their knowledge and experience with other Souls. The fruits of our labor are enjoyed for a wondrous eternity.
At Soul level, we are motivated by love when we choose to take on the challenge of a body-based life. I had a pre-birth memory where I remembered what it was like before I incarnated into this World. I had some trepidation about the experiences I would have to go through. I chose to incarnate because I understood that overall, it would be beneficial to do so. I am now 64 years old, and despite the challenges I have gone through I don’t regret my decision. The challenges have helped me learn and grow. The person I used to be and who I am now, is quite different. I am joyful of the fact that I will be able to share what I learned with my other Soul parts and others. I consider what I have to offer a gift that is motivated by love. I understand that I have benefited from what my previous Soul parts have gone through, and I thank them for the path they put in place for me.

How Reincarnation takes place

Going by what I and some other people have figured out, a Soul is made up of various portions, and each portion of a Soul incarnates just one time. Below are examples of people who have found that a Soul incarnates portions of itself.

From Ron Krueger’s NDE account:

“Directly in front of me, but slightly below, stood a group of spirits: less than 100, but more than 50. Each spirit had an identity of sorts, but they were part of each other-a single entity, a single awareness, all part of a single force. In the center of the front row were three oriental women. I realized that all of the spirits comprising the entity were my past lives, and the oriental women were my most recent lives.

Their faces were clearly humanoid, but from their shoulders down, their forms blurred gradually. Their arms and legs dissolved near their ends. Hovering on the same level, in rows, they seemed loosely joined at the shoulders. Their identities were of both sexes and all nationalities. None were deceased relatives, and I recognized none of them from my recent life.

Each of the spirits had lived once, but the truth and experience and wisdom of each lifetime was integral to the entire group. When each soul returned, their lives were absorbed by all, so there were no distinctions between thoughts and attitudes within the group. Each of them shared completely every experience and every knowledge of every lifetime into a single conscience. Like spices and other ingredients added to a Mulligan stew, each added to the mix, but the resulting flavor was one. I was them, and they were me. They were all of my past, and they were of my present.

They communicated with me as one, not with words, but by a kind of telepathy. Every thought, whether it was one simple emotion or volumes of information, came packaged with instant and complete understanding. No message could suffer misinterpretation, the problems of syntax, or variance of intelligence.”

Near death experiencer Thomas Sawyer wrote the below:

“Reincarnation is not a linear thing. One of the problems in defining it is that there is no analogy to it. It is outside of time, yet we can’t help but think of it in terms of the past and the future, and this incarnation. The whole story is so big and so involved.

Reincarnation is an opportunity to reach a goal. The goal is true self-realization. Self-realization is to know that you are a soul, a part of God, yet also the Whole. Perhaps no one has a very good image at all of his or her soul – the whole self. And they have no idea of what proportion their personality is in relationship to their soul.

As an example, a characteristic of your personality is one percent of all of your personality characteristics put together, and all of your personality characteristics make up your personality, and your personality is only about five percent of your soul, then we are blinding ourselves to 95 percent of the rest of our soul in order to reincarnate.

Reincarnation is an opportunity to evolve through many personalities. The definition of reincarnation is that your personality is who you are in your current lifetime, and that it can be reincarnated as an entirely different personality with the characteristics of the previous personality and previous personalities including even characteristics of another soul altogether. That is, characteristics of your present personality may be the reincarnation of other characteristics of personalities from your previous lifetimes as well as characteristics from personalities from other souls.” ... awyer.html

Near death experiencer P.M.H. Atwater wrote in her book We Live Forever, page 37:

“I saw that what resides within our earthly frame, what we think defines us as human beings, is but a finger of what we are, a projection from our soul’s mass.”

Near death experience Christian Andreason wrote:

“What I observed in the realm went way beyond what I would have originally thought reincarnation would be….

Reincarnation (I learned) is about birthing new energy from our original energy. When we take on a new lifetime, this happens by us merging new energy (gifted to us by God) with bits and pieces of our older energy mixed all together.

Heaven then helps us to fit into a new space (in this case a physical body) so that we might explore new ideas or feelings that require additional Soul searching and/or experience.

If there is any part of our core Self that causes us to hold serious questions about ourselves and our abilities, you can bet your bottom dollar that we will re-incarnate again and again until we are satisfied with the answers we eventually find.”

Robert Monroe’s (a well know out of body explorer) book Ultimate Journey (page 166) also provides an example of a soul projecting additional parts of itself according to need:

Robert: “How far back does this [his soul’s history] go?”
Robert’s I-there: “Before you were born.”
Robert: “You had better tell me. I don’t remember.”
Robert’s I-there: “You wouldn’t. You didn’t exist. We made the decision to become human again. We selected the time and place and organized the DNA mix—elements from the physical and elements from us. We took those parts of us that seemed most appropriate, rolled them up into one, and sent them in. There you—and we—were!”
Robert: “What exactly did you send in?”
Robert’s I-there: “Personalities, memories. What else?”

Such way of evolving spiritually extends to Soul Groups. Paul Elder’s book Eyes of an Angel (pages 157-158) provides an example of souls sharing their lessons to a significant degree:

“As you know,” Meldor [Paul’s spirit guide] explained, “the main goal of a soul’s journey is to attain the perfection of unlimited love through the accumulation of knowledge by experience. Most soul groups accomplish this through a cycle of incarnations, challenging themselves, and working to overcome the obstacles. Every entity in the cluster adds to the experience, knowledge, and energy of the group. Although each soul has its own plan and life blueprint, it is loved, encouraged, and supported unconditionally by the entire group.

“The life experience of every member of the group contributes immeasurably to the strength of the whole. This is a very important aspect of the soul group. As the entire cluster of souls vibrates as one, the individual life experience of any single member becomes an experience shared by the rest of the group. This is of tremendous benefit to the advancement of the entire group. With several members of the group incarnated at the same time, the process of learning and accumulating experience is significantly improved. As the combined experience of the cluster grows, so does the power of its overall spiritual vibration. This acceleration of the developmental process allows the group to move more quickly to higher levels of understanding and vibration.”

Meldor’s statements intrigued me. “So are you saying that other members of my soul group are able to share the experience of the life I am now living?”
“Yes, precisely,” he replied. “If you could have the experience of several lives simultaneously, would it not accelerate your understanding and accumulation of knowledge?”

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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #1 - Dec 10th, 2022 at 5:35pm
Thank you for sharing.

Now, as you learned all these, what do you plan to accomplish more, before dying? What do you intend to concretely do now?
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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #2 - Dec 10th, 2022 at 5:42pm
You are welcome.

I am accomplishing the main thing I want to accomplish. I have been doing so for years.

If there is something else, at this point I don't know what it is.

inavalan wrote on Dec 10th, 2022 at 5:35pm:
Thank you for sharing.

Now, as you learned all these, what do you plan to accomplish more, before dying? What do you intend to concretely do now?

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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #3 - Jan 29th, 2023 at 1:57pm
Hi Albert

Been a long time! Glad to see your post. Like you, I've read many NDEs.  A common theme that intrigues me is that the person is so blown away by the PUL that he wants to stay, even begs not to be returned to the physical.

But he's told he has to return. Why? Because "it's not your time."

Think about that! What does it really mean? Could it mean that we all have a predetermined time  to die?

On the other hand some people are given a choice. So if their choice is to stay does that mean they are allowed to physically die before their time?

It's my analytical nature coming out. That's not to say I don't believe. I do. But the nature of God, life, the afterlife etc is so incredibly profound and mysterious that I figure if I can just live my life keeping in mind that love is what creates and drives creation that's about all that matters.

Btw Jim Woodford's nde made a tremendous impact on me.

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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #4 - Jan 29th, 2023 at 11:24pm
Hello Roger:

Regarding some NDERs not wanting to return, sometimes we have mixed motives. Say you are laying in bed in the morning and it is time to get up. You feel warm and peaceful and don't want to get out of bed. Nevertheless, you do so, because you have things to take care of things.

It could be that some NDERs are so happy with what they are experiencing, that they have a hard time connecting to the part of themselves that understands that it is best to return. Therefore, they get nudged by beings that understand the big picture and the need to return. Going by what I have read and heard, most NDErs eventually find that it was good that they returned.

If you consider what I say about reincarnation above, each of us gets to experience just one lifetime in this World. Then for the rest of eternity we exist as spirit beings. Therefore, it is best to make the best out of the one opportunity we get to experience life as a body-based being. It is a unique opportunity.

I can't check out the NDE you referred to now. I'll try to do so tomorrow.
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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #5 - Jan 30th, 2023 at 2:04am
Hey Roger,

I think why we’re told it’s not our time is kind of in a sense predetermined, but I think it’s our higher self who plans it.  It’s like a contract we make for ourselves.  Our frame of mind here is too limited to make such decisions compared to that of our higher self who knows what’s best for us.  And I do think there are certain things we need to accomplish in this life.  There probably are some things planned that may or may not matter if they happen or not, but there are definitely things that are important. 

I remember that in my NDE I was determined to stay, thought it was my own decision to make.  But I was told to go back to the physical, and then I was pushed back against my will.  Felt like indignity to me.  It’s like buying a new car and then being told it’s not yours to drive.  Didn’t make any sense to me.  But I eventually realized that of course I would want to come back and finish my life.  I was grateful that my impetuous reaction wasn’t the decision maker.   
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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #6 - Jan 30th, 2023 at 12:01pm

The number one reason you returned, is so you could write a post that supports what I wrote above.

Just kidding. Cheesy

Here is another way to consider the matter. There are a lot of people who come close to death, without having an NDE. Those people and the people who love them are happy that their lives are spared.

Geez Louise, if non-NDERs can be happy about their lives being saved, then why can't NDERs be happy about their lives being saved?

Vicky wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 2:04am:
Hey Roger,

I think why we’re told it’s not our time is kind of in a sense predetermined, but I think it’s our higher self who plans it.  It’s like a contract we make for ourselves.  Our frame of mind here is too limited to make such decisions compared to that of our higher self who knows what’s best for us.  And I do think there are certain things we need to accomplish in this life.  There probably are some things planned that may or may not matter if they happen or not, but there are definitely things that are important. 

I remember that in my NDE I was determined to stay, thought it was my own decision to make.  But I was told to go back to the physical, and then I was pushed back against my will.  Felt like indignity to me.  It’s like buying a new car and then being told it’s not yours to drive.  Didn’t make any sense to me.  But I eventually realized that of course I would want to come back and finish my life.  I was grateful that my impetuous reaction wasn’t the decision maker.   

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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #7 - Jan 30th, 2023 at 12:46pm
I listened to Jim Woodford's NDE account.

NDE Researcher P.M.H. has found that all NDErs experience what they need to experience in order to grow spiritually.

I believe there is also the matter of what NDErs share with others. People vary, so different kinds of messages are needed. Some sources say that the some of the people who believe in a firey hell, create such a hell after they die, because they believe that they deserve to go to such a hell. Jim's experience might serve the purpose of letting people who believe in a firey hell know that if they ask for help, they will receive it.  That on fire being that ate Souls was probably symbolic.
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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #8 - Jan 30th, 2023 at 5:47pm
Recoverer 2 wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 12:01pm:

The number one reason you returned, is so you could write a post that supports what I wrote above.

Just kidding. Cheesy

Ha ha yep, I got your back  Wink
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Re: Why do we incarnate in this World
Reply #9 - Jan 30th, 2023 at 11:25pm
Thank you.

Vicky wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 5:47pm:
Recoverer 2 wrote on Jan 30th, 2023 at 12:01pm:

The number one reason you returned, is so you could write a post that supports what I wrote above.

Just kidding. Cheesy

Ha ha yep, I got your back  Wink

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