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Retrieval of a hanging man (Read 2218 times)
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Retrieval of a hanging man
Jul 26th, 2019 at 1:03pm
From this morning i tried to do a retrieval. Seen a picture of a tall building and a man hanging by a foot downside from a rope. My decision to go to him lead to a flying experience and from there i just asked if he needs help (in situations like this i joke and i wanted to say "hey dude, can we be friends. We can hang together sometimes..hehehe get it?). But i just got normal and did what needs to be done. Used much imagination so not sure about any details and i did not ask information for later confirmation. Just help and let it go.

Hope he is now 'hanging' around with his soul friends with a nice cold beer to drink.  Grin
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Re: Retrieval of a hanging man
Reply #1 - Jul 26th, 2019 at 5:56pm
Did the guy look like he was scared, or was he dead, or what?  Maybe if you had used your sense of humor on him it would have awakened him to what was going on.  Maybe try it next time!

Even without details or verification it’s good practice.  Sometimes I think when we have experiences where it feels like too much imagination and not much feels real it could be that your Interpreter was getting in the way and maybe causing interpreter overlay.  But even so, if you follow through with the retrieval process like you did then everything still works out.  Helpers are always there even when we aren’t aware of them, and they take care of the rest.  You did good in just following through with it. 

Here’s something from Bruce’s Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook that talks about Interpreter Overlay:  “In our afterlife explorations we are always getting the translation (the Interpreter Overlay), never the actual experience (the Perceiver’s observations). It is this nearest similar thing that comes into our conscious awareness.”

In the book, Bruce’s advice to one of his workshop participants was: 

“As Tagashi described his experience after the first retrieval exercise of the workshop, it was apparent to me that he was having difficulty with Interpreter Overlay. I explained that sometimes the first nearest similar thing the Interpreter brings to conscious awareness isn’t close enough to what the Perceiver is actually observing, and in such cases the information gathered could appear to be garbage. I suggested that, if what he perceived didn’t make sense, or seemed too much like fantasy, he actively let go of whatever it was, and then place his intent to be open to reconnecting with the experience with more clarity, and begin again. If what he perceived next also didn’t make sense or seemed too much like fantasy, he should repeat the process. If he let go of the image or experience and the same one came back, I suggested he should assume that was as close as his Interpreter’s translation was going to get and to just continue the exercise from there.

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Re: Retrieval of a hanging man
Reply #2 - Jul 26th, 2019 at 11:27pm
It seems he appeared calm, not screaming or struggling. I am aware that the rope and building can be just some symbolic stuff to point out his current situation.

Done one retrieval in the evening and there was one man walking down the streat and suddenly two birds flew from him. Maybe it was him saying that he is ok, birds could symbolize freedom.   Then the scene ended and only static black noise was observed. Can't tell if it was the same man though.

Sometimes humor can be damaging if you overdo it. It can piss of people if used wrong.
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