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ALK Member
Posts: 17
Hi Vicky,
Thanks for keeping things going.
I only heard about Bruce a little over 2 years ago, so I never had the oportunity to take any of his seminars. After reading his books, I got as far as one retrieval, which was mostly in the pretend category, and then for some reason I dropped it. I am a retired PhD engineer and am definitely an atheistic skeptic (lower case 's') but am a seeker. (I can't abide Skeptics; they only belong to another religion: Scientism.) So far, to me, PUL, while a nice concept, is just another woowoo term. I also do not visualize. One thing I have kept up with is Core Shamanism. Michael Harner is another good teacher who died before I could experience him on the physical plane. For some reason shamanic drumming has more effect on me than hemi-sync. As far as I know, I have had no psychic experiences. The one exception is that I think I have had Protection, or I would not have survived into my late 80's. For example, I have known when an approaching car would pull into my lane, and I moved to the shoulder. I also have sensed scammers when others did not. Other than that, I don't read people. After beginning to re-read Bruce and Robert Peterson, I am beginning to realize that I need to exercise and develop my imagination. I can imagine engineering solutions to physical plane problems, but that's it. I noticed that there was a sub-thread about whether there are soul parts. According to the shamanic world view, traumas can get parts of the soul stuck. Shamans perform soul retrievals to rectify that. One can argue about whether what a shaman retrieves is part of the "soul," but shamanism has been around for millennia and is effective.