Morrighan, I know you're right. To add to my statement above, I also didn't perceive in a way in which I do that I know it's real. So, this week I'm going to dedicate time each day to meditate and clear the clutter in my mind. I don't do this often anymore and I
really need to. My mind is just way too occupied all the time.
One of my best hits was during a James Van Praagh seminar. We had to pair up and hold a piece of jewelry from a stranger and see what we could perceive. Instantly in my mind I saw African masks. Next I clearly saw a pair of cowboy boots as if they were hanging in the air. I described them in detail and even said, "I don't know why, but they are hanging up in the air." The guy's eyes couldn't have been any wider

He said his grandpa collected old west stuff and that I had described a painting that he had had. Made perfect sense as to why I saw them "hanging in the air". I didn't see that it was a painting, only saw the cowboy boots, but that's all the painting was, just the boots. The African masks were a collection his grandma had had. So I picked up on these two odd collections from this guy's grandparents. Definitely not a coincidence.
Now, if I could just get that clear of reception and perception that easily any time I wanted!!
Why it worked so easily at that seminar, I don't know. We didn't do any kind of meditation or preparation or anything. I think I had a case of "beginner's luck"...when you have no preconceived ideas or expectations and you just dive right in. That kind of state of mind always seems to work best for me. Trying too hard definitely just clogs up the process.