Super Member

Multidimensional Navigator
Posts: 505
Isle of Everywhere
The question of remote viewing came up for me via PM and I believe it best to bring it into this discussion.
As you (general you) are likely aware, remote viewing was developed as a military protocol for military use. The remote viewers were tasked with clear hits on identifiable targets such as Soviet submarines and nuclear silos.
Clear "hits" were integral to the success of the program(s). The military being the military, there is a great deal of "hurry up and wait." This is how the military remote viewers started remote viewing unverifiable targets such as the Ark of the Covenant. Understandably this did not go down well with top brass.
Here our "targets" are both verifiable and unverifiable, in a sense. And my disclaimer here: we are not doing remote viewing. Remote viewing has strict protocol. We are simply "exercising our muscles of discernment", as I put it back-channel.
While getting a "hit" on this individual's unique death circumstance might be considered a trophy hit, we may in fact pick up on information much more relevant to the soul in transition. What is truly important to an individual may have little relevance to the ways and means of their exit from these dimensions.
That said, I can add a personal dimension to this. One aspect of my Being once exited life in a hunting "accident". Was it an accident? It doesn't matter. First, as a freshly deceased Being, I knew where to go and what to do. I've done that enough LOL let's not count the times, thank you. The "vibration" to be cleared runs on much deeper levels of being, and this may account for any "non-hits" one may or may not believe received this week.